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Capsule Corp / Custom Item Shop


10:36 pm
September 19, 2013


posts 17

Post edited 3:24 am – September 26, 2013 by tigertheory

EDIT: Pulled link and replaced with doc content for easier discussion

I just want to start a discussion on the development of custom items. There's a custom item section in that document; apparently uploading PDFs to Google docs breaks TOC links, so you'll have to go to the page by using the page explorer on the left or the scroll bar. Sorry about that.

Custom Item System
The custom item system is very similar to the technique system. Players start with a base item type (armor, melee, range) and then add upgrades to the armor or weapon to customize it. Originally I thought this would take place on a “blacksmith” page, but it makes more sense to have it on a “Capsule Corp” page, since they’re the inventors of the series.

Technical implementation
Technical implementation involves associating each upgrade with two lists: Compatible tags and Incompatible tags. Whenever a player brings up the item builder, he chooses a type of item. All upgrades that have that type listed as a compatible tag are selected and presented as possible upgrades to use in the creation of that type. As
upgrades are added to the upgrades slots, a check is made against the selected upgrades , and all other upgrades that are in the selected upgrades ’ incompatible tag list are greyed/faded out indicating that they cannot be used in the item with the currently loaded upgrades.

9:18 pm
September 25, 2013


posts 51

I'm keen on customs, however I think this is one area where DM involvement is needed and I don't think it should be handled via an interactive system.

10:15 pm
September 25, 2013


posts 17

There's a danger in not standardizing them, though. You're going to need some sort of baseline currency system in creating them. Costs can't be arbitrary.

I know that my proposed system might seem to limit creativity, but players could suggest new modifiers.

4:29 pm
September 27, 2013


posts 51

We can certainly work though a system for cost and giving players a bunch of base choices, however in the end you know as well as I do they're all going to want something that's not there and we'll just have to work it in anyway. I've had good experiences with helping people custom items/techs in the past so I see no reason we can't do it.

12:25 pm
July 15, 2017


posts 102

Instead of using the term “Custom Items” it would be more accurate to use “upgrading items” and would work very similar to upgrading techniques. Obviously instead of TP though, they would need to use Zeni to purchase upgrade. To make things simple, upgrades will be dependent on item type (defense, attack, transportation, etc).

Because we are not perfect, players could suggest possible upgrades that we may have missed. Suggestions will be looked at and discussed and approved/disapproved by majority vote. Then a cost will be assigned that makes sense and will be added to the upgrades page for use by all members.

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