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Dragon Balls


4:59 pm
September 4, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 3:47 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

Refer [here] for details.

Make any suggestions/complaints here so that the page can be finalized.

10:51 pm
September 4, 2013


posts 51

The royal rumble is something that players can take care of themselves lol, no need to involve a DM there. Once a player has the ball and has wrapped up the event to get it, it's up to them to keep another player from taking it.

10:55 am
September 5, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 2:49 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

That's true, but we have to figure out how to prevent players from using information that their characters wouldn't know. I can already see someone who is the strongest character sitting out of the DM event and just waiting until the Dragon Ball is held by one person then attacking them and taking it. However, they wouldn't know who has it since they weren't there. Now obviously if they have friends that were there and told them about it, that's different. Which brings up another idea, time to start a new topic.

11:31 am
September 5, 2013


posts 51

This is one of those areas where I think things are fine as they are, the combat system will be varied enough that people can escape battle if that is their desire.

1:25 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 2:49 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

You're right. We don't want to get too complicated.

1:36 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 51

I think this is one of those areas that could get underway.

1:50 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 2:51 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

I'll create this page tonight and then everyone can look over it. If there are no issues, we'll have one page down!

Until the page is created. Will be re-opened when the page is finished so that the team may make comments.

The page has now been completed. Feel free to make suggestions to improve the page. Please note that you are only critiquing the actual content and not how it looks. Currently John is toying with the design of the page and once he has done that then we can put our thoughts towards the actual design. For now, only critique the actual content.

11:23 am
July 15, 2017


posts 102

I want to rid the roleplay of DM Events, except for Story Progression, this is due to allowing players to not have to wait for other people to complete their role playing. Therefore, I will be tweaking this page to reflect that and move to a different method of Dragon Ball collecting.
Current thoughts:
- Players with a Dragon Ball Radar can use it and therefore locate the Dragon Balls and undergo a roleplay to acquire ONE Dragon Ball at a time. This does NOT allow others to join their RP, as these others would have no way of knowing that the character was searching for the Dragon Balls nor would they be able to suddenly know the location.
- Players will be required to have a Dragon Ball Radar.
- Limited to a certain amount of Dragon Balls per day based off of the speed stat and speed enhancing techniques.

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