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Celebration in the Forest [Open]

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10:43 pm
September 2, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:19 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

  Celebration in the Forest
Given the recent events, people were not in a good mood. They had been living in fear, and now their worst fears at come true. The city had been attacked. They had to bury the dead. They had to rebuild. They had to be strong for each other. No one was really in the mood to celebrate, but a few people decided, that might be just what this town needed.

It started out slow. A few people wondering if they could really get it going. More people got involved. They donated food, drink, decorations, and many other various times. A location was needed though, and finally, people decided, the forest. What better place than nature itself? Some soldiers volunteered to make sure the needed area was clear of fiends. They even volunteered to take turns guarding the area.

It started early morning. People came with their families. Some thought of it as a picnic, bringing only for their immediate families. Others thought of it as a giant pot luck, and they brought food to share. Some of the local businesses even donated drinks and snacks. This was a great oppuntunity. People would remember their generosity. People would remember how great their drinks and food tasted. People would remember how friendly they were. These same people might come and buy from them later.

Mira brought large amounts of cooked meat. It was all cut and seasoned, clearly ready for anyone to come and take what they wanted. She put it down on a table where much of the other food had been set up. She looked around the area. Most people were still setting up. Others were talkings, dancing, or eating. A few were already playing games.

OOC Talk:

Come in, and have fun. I don't have any particular plans other than our characters having fun, and some of them getting to know each other better.

HP: 80/80 ~ MP: 4/4
Words: 283 ~ Total Words: 283

Mira's Bio

1:04 pm
September 3, 2014


posts 383

  Celebration in the Forest
  The laughter of children drifted aimlessly on the cool forest wind, sifting causally through the woods into the large clearing. Jonas was leaning against a tree at the edge of the clearing, his morning had been busy clearing fiend from the area and he had yet to rejoin the growing group of Truce natives who were slowly arriving. Smells of food enticed Jonas, pulling him from his place of rest, leading him through the clearing. He passed families large and small, his eyes locked onto one of the stands and tables set in the center of the clearing. People moved more here, passing from table to table, talking, eating, enjoying life.
   ” This looks great. ” Jonas said with a smile as he approached a table piled high with tender meat. The smells caused him to salivate, his stomach guiding him. ” You were at the Zenan Bridge, weren't you? ” He continued, speaking to Mira who he remembered distinctly from the encounter before, she had arrived late but was quick to fight.
OOC Talk:
175 words ~ 175 total

12:12 am
September 5, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:20 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

  Mira smiled as she saw more people joining them. It looked like this was going to be a lot of fun. Oh, what to do first? People were largely set up, and she didn't see anyone struggling. So…celebrate. Eat? Drink? Mingle? Why not all three? The oppuntunty quickly came as a familar man approached her.

“Zenan Bridge. Mira fight. Man with scarf-” She put a hand to her head, emphasizing his style of headwear. “-fight. What name?”

She went to a near table after, grabbing a cup and filling it from a bowl of punch. The smell of the punch made it clear that this wasn't a drink for kids. She offered him the cup, figuring that if he didn't want it, she would drink it herself.

OOC Talk:

Not sure if he's actually wearing the scarf now, but I recall him wearing it then…so she's either refering to him always wearing it (as far as she has seen) or what he wore by the bridge.

HP: 100/100 ~ MP: 6/6
Words: 125 ~ Total Words: 408

Mira's Bio

3:21 pm
September 8, 2014


posts 383

  Celebration in the Forest
  Jonas watched the way Mira moved and listened to the way she enunciated while she spoke. It was unusual, something that peaked his interest but he couldn't put his finger on it. It was familiar like he had seen or read about it in the past, he knew he would have to probe to find the answer.
   ” Yes, I was at Zenan Bridge that day ” Jonas said as he patted the bandanna he wore on his head, it's bright red-orange hue a beacon. ” Oh thank you. ” He continued as the woman handed him a fruity looking drink which he sipped, coughing as it burned his throat. He smiled, realizing it was alcohol and took another sip.
Jonas turned form a moment, his eyes scanning the growing crowd of people. He wondered if the others from the Bridge would show, or were they all of on adventurers. If that was the case he envied them.
   ” So you're not from Truce are you? ” Jonas said as he turned back to Mira.
OOC Talk:
Hopefully some of the other will join in.. lol.
178 words ~ 353 total

9:52 pm
September 8, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:20 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

Mira smiled as he took the drink, then got herself one as he drank. She downed most of it before refilling the cup.

“Man with bright red scarf,” she declared, as though she were naming him. Well, she had to call him something until he gave his name, and 'Man with scarf' was too vague.

With her free hand, she gestured to herself. “Mira. …Mira from long long time ago. Man with bright red scarf call, 65 million BC. Ioka Village. Mira hunt for husband and children. Fall through time hole to 1009 AD, Truce Village. Live. Hunt. No fight.” She seemed disappointed by that last part. “Truce Village celebrate peace. Mira fall through time hole. Now here.”

During her story, she grabbed a pear, though she did not take a bite until she was done.

“Man with bright red hair fall through time hole?” It seemed, since he was at the bridge, he was one of the people she followed through time.
OOC Talk:

Hopefully. If not, we could still have fun.

Words: 160 ~ Total Words: 568

Mira's Bio

10:46 pm
September 20, 2014


posts 383

  Celebration in the Forest
  As Jonas listened to Mira speak the answers to his questions were one by one revealed and replaced with new questions and wonder about what an adventure the woman before him was truly on. As the sounds of joy around him ebbed and grew naturally Jonas sipped his drink and listened, simply amazed.
   ” I'm sorry— ” He started to speak, lowing the adult beverage from his mouth. ” I'm Jonas, I guess I never did introduce myself. ” The warmth of the summer rays on his back was refreshing, a feeling of relaxation and comfort grasping him.
   ” I've also come through a rip in time, though nowhere near as far as you. In fact this place isn't much different from my own time. I can only imagine what it must have been like for you the first time. And losing loved ones, how awful. ” He spoke, the sincerity of his words clear. ” I must ask, you spoke of Ioka Village. Was that not the village of the famed time traveler Ayla? ” He questioned with a hint of glee, his fondness of the tale of Crono and his companions a mainstay of his life and a foundation of his youth which to this day caused him much joy.
OOC Talk:
Sorry bout that delay!
216 words ~ 569 total

12:53 am
September 22, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:20 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

Mira ate the pear as he spoke, quickly finishing it. After that, she grab a small loaf of bread. It was a bit tough and grainy, but she dipped it into her cup. It turned out not to be a good combination, but it did soften the crust.

“Jonas,” she replied when he was finished, firmly placing his name in memory. He had confirmed that he had traveled through time. She was curious about the man. Perhaps she would have to ask many questions to find out about him. He seemed to have many questions himself.

“Ioka Village. Ayla chief.” Mira never really became friends with her. Different social ranks. Living in different parts of the village. Neither really reasons. Ayla was friendly to everybody. It just never really happened. Mira still admired and respected Ayla though. “Strongest person become chief. Ayla strongest for many years. Longer than any chief before.” Mira give a sad smile as she thought of her home. “Mira see loved ones again, someday. Maybe…time rip-” She used his phrasing of the phenomenon. “-return Mira to family.”

She gestured at him using the loaf of bread, but she quickly finished her drink before speaking. “Jonas family? Wife? Children?”

Some nearby kids lost control over their ball, and it landed next to Jonas's feet.
OOC Talk:

Words: 213 ~ Total Words: 781

Mira's Bio

2:16 pm
September 22, 2014


posts 383

Post edited 9:17 pm – September 22, 2014 by dystopia

  Celebration in the Forest
  Jonas was fascinated by Mira's story, coming through time from so long ago. How she, like many of the others had a, even if small, personal connection to Crono and his friends, the savors of the entire world. Jonas knew that it could not be by coincidence but he decided that now was not the time to ponder such things.
   ” Ah no, I've never settled down. Most of— ” Jonas began to speak as the ball rolled towards his feet. Jonas looked down, placing his drink down before reaching to grasp the children's toy. Jonas turned with a small, tossing the small ball towards the smiling children before turning back to Mira. ” Most of my adult, and even teen life was spent in search of adventure. I traveled the world some, in search of treasure and fame, I was always so caught up in the exploits of Crono's adventure. I just wanted to go on one myself. ” Jonas finished speaking with a smile, feeling the joy of finally achieving that dream, traveling to the past through time maybe on an adventure of his own that would effect the fate of the future.
OOC Talk:
197 words ~ 766 total

9:37 pm
September 22, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:21 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

Mira smiled to the children as they caught their ball. They reminded her when her children were young. If her youngest, Mist, had been here, she would have ran off to play with them. Mira sighed softly before pushing the thoughts away, refocusing on Jonas.

It was interesting that someone would go out and seek adventure just because they could. In the time that she lived, it was not really possible. Life already presented its own adventure. War. The need to hunt or gather food. Disease and other dangers. Just surviving. That was probably why Ayla used about any excuse to throw a party.

“Adventure make Jonas strong.” His search for adventure made sense. So many modern inventions of his time made things easier. People seemed to have more time than they knew what to do with. No wonder there were people like Jonas who went out and found their own fun.

“Time rip give Jonas adventure he seeks. Jonas strong enough?” Of course, someone could ask her the same. Were any of them strong enough for this?
OOC Talk:

Words: 177 ~ Total Words: 958

Mira's Bio

11:17 am
September 23, 2014


posts 383

Post edited 6:19 pm – September 23, 2014 by dystopia

  Celebration in the Forest
  Jonas pondered Mira's question seriously, he wondered if he was strong enough for such an adventure. His gaze shifted up, peering through the open clearing in the forest canopy at the deep blue sky above. Soft white clouds drifted across the vista, aimlessly moving through the sky. He wondered if this adventure that he had been seeking for so long would reveal something of himself that he had yet to find.
   ” When I was younger, I had very few friends. I read the tales of Crono and dreamed of going on such an adventure myself. He had companions, friends and allies and together they did something. You know? ” Jonas started speaking, his eyes still locked on the sky above, following the movement of a flock of birds which together moved like a single organism, companions. ” At first I doubted my strength. As the days in this time have passed, I've learned to trust myself more and more. I've been tested and met people I would never have without this drive to explore. ” He said with a smile as his gaze drifted back down to Mira.
OOC Talk:
191 words ~ 957 total

11:06 pm
September 23, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:21 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

  Mira finished her bread. It was filling , and for now she would not eat anymore to save room for drinking. She was getting a little antsy just standing there, so even as Jonah spoke, she began hopping from one foot to the other.

“Ayla always strong. Ayla disappear for adventure. Come back even stronger. New adventure. Jonas and Mira made stronger. Jonas make many friends now. Mira call Jonas friend.” She suddenly lifted her cup into the air. Some of the punch spilled, but she did not seem to notice. “Adventure! Fun! Celebrate!” With the cup held high, she poured and drank. She managed to catch most of it, showing that this was not the first time she tried this little trick. She slammed the empty cup down on the punch table, then grabbed Jonas's hand. She pulled him to where others were dancing. The music was louder here with people playing various instruments right next to them. It was a combination of drums, string, and woodwind instruments. It was fast-paced and most of the people played well.

“Time to dance!” She released his hand before she began dancing.

OOC Talk:

Words: 189 ~ Total Words: 1147 

Mira's Bio

8:41 pm
September 24, 2014


posts 383

  Celebration in the Forest
  Jonas nodded in agreement to all Mira had to say, acceptive of the quest he found himself on and the transformative effects it would have on him. With drinks slammed Jonas followed Mira towards the rhythmic sound of music that had slowly grown over the past few moments as more people arrived to the forest clearing.
   ” I I have to tell you, I'm not much of a dancer. ” Jonas said jokingly as he joined the small group of people who were moving with the beat, letting the music take them over and command motion in their own bodies.
Children danced around Jonas as he moved with the rhythm, clapping to the beat as he moved. Jonas smiled as the little ones moved around him, playfully dancing in their own style.
   ” It's funny how we find ourselves in times like these. ” Jonas said to Mira as he danced. ” Not long ago we were both fighting some undead gigantor. ” He continued raising his hands menacingly to reflect the size of the creature they had fought at Zenan Bridge. ” And now we drink and dance in glee! ” he finished.
OOC Talk:
197 words ~ 1154 total

3:30 pm
September 25, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:21 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

  She smiled as he danced, laughing as he denied his ability. “Dance for fun, storytelling, celebration. Everyone dance. Men. Women. Children.” Ability not matter.”

As the children danced, one little girl asked to be picked up. Mira picked her up and swung her around. The girl laughed until she was dizzy. After being put down, the girl wobbled on her feet, then giggled as she fell on the grass. She was quickly up again, spinning herself around. Other children began approaching Mira and Jonas, asking to be spun around.

“When fight a lot, find fun everywhere. Ioka Village throw many parties. Births. Birthdays. Adulthood. Big successful hunts. Victories. Marriages. Many reasons to celebrate. Life too short to not celebrate.” She saddened a bit as she thought of her lost brothers and sisters. It wasn't until she was older that she realized how young they were. “Many not live our age. Mira's time and Jonas's time. Why we fight. Save family, friends, and children. Why we dance and drink. Celebrate victories and life.”

She kept playing with the children as she spoke. There was now a line of boys and girls, waiting to be swung. As they waited, some were attempting to swing each other. They usually fell in the attempt, but they always came back up laughing.
OOC Talk:

Words: 215 ~ Total Words: 1362 

Mira's Bio

9:46 pm
September 25, 2014


posts 383

  Celebration in the Forest
  Jonas found Mira's words to be telling of what her time must be like. He assumed life then must have been hard, a struggle every day. He wondered what a shock it must have been when she found herself thrust through time and landed in 1009 A.D., a time of much scientific advancement which had made life so much easier. He had never thought how privileged he was to be born when he was, he hoped that one day he would be able to visit 65 million B.C. and experience it form himself. He hoped he would be able to go to the past with Mira, returned to her family and friends.
   ” Come on kids! ” Jonas shook off his thoughts as he began to move more vigorously. He moved towards the growing queue of children and one after one picked them up and twirled them through the air in series of spins and leaps. ” You kids are heavy!” He joked with a smile as he feigned tiredness, falling back laughably into the soft grassy meadow. Jonas closed his eyes and listened as the children laughed, as the music played, he felt the joy.
OOC Talk:
198 words ~ 1352 total

9:12 pm
September 26, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:22 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

  Mira continued to dance with the children. Her attention was grabbed when several games were announced. Many kids were already playing all sorts of games: bobbing for apples, a makeshift seesaw, walking on little stilts, hopscotch, marbles, and various games of chase.

For the adults, new games had been set up: ring toss, hammer throwing, wrestling, tug-o-war, various gambling games, and even some game where participants fought each other with sticks, while blindfolded.

Mira was interested of course. She drank some more punch before heading to the wrestling match. There were actually a few going on at once. It only took a few minutes of watching before she figured out the rules.

“Mira next!”

Some men laughed at the idea of a woman joining in. Mira wasn't going to take no for an answer though. As soon as it was her turn, she jumped in and began fighting the winner. Before he had time to protest, he found himself fighting the slightly drunk barbarian. She put up a fight, but even as many others laughed at him, he found his body twisted in a shape he didn't know was possible. He panicked slightly before remembering the signal of surrender. He could hear people laughing even harder as he gave it, but the strange woman suddenly released him.

Mira laughed, raised her arms, then gave out a victory cry. Then she grabbed the arm of the man who had just lost and raised his arm. “Man in green and yellow fight strong! Give him cheer!”

The man was surprised she wasn't mocking him as the others were, and her kind mood seemed to catch on. Some people began to cheer for him as well.

OOC Talk:

Words: 278 ~ Total Words: 1640

Mira's Bio

10:09 pm
September 28, 2014


posts 383

  Celebration in the Forest
  The announcement of games for both children and adults peeked Jonas' attention. He lifted his body from the soft grass where he had lain for several moments. Compulsively he Jonas wiped at his pants and tunic, as if they were covered by dirt even though they were not. Smiling he followed Mira. Jonas looked over the games, many seemed fun, while others were challenges of skill against others. Mira had chosen one of these games, much to the jest of the small crowd that was gathering to watch.
   ” Probably shouldn't underrate this one. ” He said in passing to another man who had walked next to him, laughing at the concept of men and women wrestling each other. ” I've seen her fight before, she's pretty tough” Jonas continued, though it seemed his comments were falling of deaf ears. It wasn't long before his speculations were proven right, Mira had easily defeated the man, a fact the crowd found full of humor. Jonas just smiled.
Nodding in communication to Mira, Jonas moved across the grassy area to a small table on which a selection of wooden swords and pads had been set up. Jonas reached towards the first sword he saw, lifting it, feeling it's weight and balance, before setting it back on the table. The kendo sticks all looked the same, he would fight he decided.
   ” Excuse me sir, I'd like to participate in the next bought, with the wooden swords please. ” Jonas spoke the man organizing the games. The man nodded, instructed Jonas to select a sword and some pads and wait for a challenger.
Jonas did not have to wait long, as a young man joined him in the clearing. Both dawned their pads and raised the swords into defensive positions. The organizer sounded instructions to start the match and Jonas acted quickly. He darted to the side, making an arc around his foe. The young man, his flowing blonde hair swaying as he reacted, stepped back and rotated with Jonas. With a burst of speed Jonas pushed forward, bring the blade across his body in an fluid swing which ricocheted from the young blonde man's wooden sword with a clack. Jonas jumped back, sucking his body in as the boy swiped horizontally narrowing missing Jonas. Now open Jonas thrust his blade straight, the tip twacking the boys pads which covered his torso. It was a kill.
OOC Talk:
405 words ~ 1757 total
sorry about the long delay, I had a busy weekend with work. 

2:18 am
September 30, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:22 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

  Mira had been too busy to acknowledge Jonas, though she noticed him. She fought the next person to approach her. After winning that one, more people began cheering for her.

“What was her name?”

“I believe she called herself Mira.”

The crowd began chanting her name. Mira certainly enjoyed it. Of course, it was all in good fun, and she had to stop to let others participate. Besides, wreslting was tiring, and after doing a few in a row, anyone coming in fresh would have an advantage.

She went straight for the food and drinks, hungry after the workout. Thirty, gulped down her cup of punch. She refilled the cup, then grabbed a steak with her free hand. Most of the people around were using plates and silverwear, but she wasn't the only one making everything into fingerfood. Some people were surprised by her behavior. Still, back in town, she had already made an impression on others, and whether they approved or not, they were used to her.

She went over to the swordplay area, and she watched Jonas.

“Jonas fight! Jonas win! Cheer for man with bright red scarf!”

People began cheering for Jonas.

Mira decided to go next. She put her cup and steak down on a near table. With all the free food and drinks around, she didn't think anyone would going to take it. Even if they did, she didn't care. She got ready, and when it was time, she paired up against Jonas.

Of course, Jonas had the advantage here. She knew it, but she thought this would be a fun way to learn about the sword. It'd help in the future, as there was probably going to be an oppantant who uses a sword.

OOC Talk:

You can take the win in the next post, or we could have them go back and forth for a few posts.

Words: 281 ~ Total Words: 1921

Mira's Bio

12:12 pm
September 30, 2014


posts 383

  Celebration in the Forest
  The sound of cheering, both for Mira and himself, resonated through the growing crowd which was swarming around the combat games. Jonas smiled, shaking the hand of his competitor as the bought was over. He was somewhat surprised when Mira had dawned a set of pads and collected a wooden sword of her own and joined him in the measured circle in which the sword duels were taking place. He could see her desire to compete and to learn many forms of combat, he admired this.
   ” I'll go easy on you, just follow my forms and attempt to mimic them. ” Jonas said, lifting the wooden sword in front of his body, holding it tightly with two hands.
Jonas shifted the wooden blade slightly to his right as he stepped forward, shifting his weight as the blade moved. In an instant He pushed off his back foot and lunged forward, keeping the blade steady, unwavering. He would not attack, only hoping to provoke an attack from Mira as he rushed towards her, his blade ready to parry and return strike.
OOC Talk:
182 words ~ 1939 total
We can exchange a few rounds if you like.

7:21 pm
September 30, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:23 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

  Mira smiled as people cheered, imitating Jonas' form. Hearing his words, she studied his movement. She dodged as he made his attack, though she could see he wasn't making a real attack. She made adjustments as she saw how he held his sword.

The crowd, at least those with experience, could see she didn't know what she was doing, but it didn't matter. Half the guys who had been up there didn't know what they were doing. That had not stopped the crowd from yelling cheers of encouragement. People cheered for family and friends, though as a joke, some people cheered for the opponent of their family and friends. With strangers, some cheered for whoever knew what they were doing, while others made a point to cheering for whoever didn't know what they were doing. A lot of people just cheered for everyone. Only some kids took any of this remotely seriously.

Mira grinned to those cheering her name, and she lifted her arms to encourage them. Just because the odds were against her, it didn't mean she planned to lose. She went in every spar, every fight, and every hunt with the plan to win, and with that sort of mindset, sometimes she even surprised herself.

 She took a fighting stance once again. She then imitating Jonas' form of attack, launching it against him. She put a little more power into her attack than he had. She was going to learn soon enough that sword fighting wasn't about brute strength.

OOC Talk:

You can take the win in the next post, or we could have them go back and forth for a few posts.

Words: 249 ~ Total Words: 2170

Mira's Bio

11:04 pm
October 1, 2014


posts 383

  Celebration in the Forest
  The excitement of the crowd was energetic, sending pulsing waves of vigor through those fighting. Jonas lived off this energy, he felt alive as he ever had, a sense of accomplishment grasping him at the core. His eyes were keen to Mira, she had rejected his subtle offer to attack. Jonas could see, even though she lacked skill with a blade, her combat senses were sharp. She had seen his lack of aggression and rejected the impulse to strike. Jonas smirked as he rotated his body while Mira moved, making sure to keep his body facing his enemy, on balance. She moved quickly, lunging towards Jonas with a great bought of strength. He saw his opening, her brute strength and instinct to use power as the tipping point was misguided for this style of combat. Jonas slid to the side, as the wooden blade closed on him, sweeping his blade up to parry Mira's attack and allow the force of her movement to lead her past Jonas enough to give him a clear strike at her prone side.
   ” Using one's force against them is key to great swordsmanship. ” Jonas remarked as he playfully took a arcing swipe at Mira's left arm. His wooden sword thwacked against Mira's padding, had it been a real blade the arm would have been lost.
OOC Talk:
224 words ~ 2163 total
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