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Profile Project

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9:17 am
November 1, 2020


posts 180

Post edited 11:41 pm – November 18, 2020 by dystopia

This is mainly a todo list for myself to list and keep track of all the parts that need to be finished for the profiles, and a way to track progress of this for everyone else.

Visual Profile:
›› Create template design for profile.
›››› Create images for each player.
›› Slice and prepare visual design for coding
›› Create container to allow choice of profile to view. (On hold for now)
›› Create database structure for materia and equipment information
›› Create database structure for individual players inventory (materia and equipment)
›››› Figure out how to keep track of materia growth in this, and how to render that visually in the inventory box.
›› Code profile and connect it to the profile database.
›› Design and plan badges or awards to go on profiles after chapter completions.
›› Add free stat points(SP) to the design somewhere in the statistics area.

Chimera Engine Migration:
›› Finish materia and equipment databases.
›› Integrate the javascript and ajax code for realtime connection to the database into the header.
›› Equipment dialog and parser.
›› Materia dialog and parser.
›››› Figure out how to visualize this dialog, is it drop downs for each slot? How to tag a materia as already equipped so it doesn't appear in the drop downs again in realtime.
›› Inventory dialog and parser.
›› Gil transfer dialog and parser.
›› Dialog and parser for assigning free stat points after a level up.

Chimera Engine Backend UI:
›› Migrate existing backend UI to FF7F.
›› Create database table with experience levels.
›› Create database with level up rewards (HP, MP, SP)
›› Build admin tool sets.
›››› Add Item Tool: Inserts chosen item from dropdown menu built from the item database into the player inventory database.
›› Add Equipment Tool: Same as item tool, except for equipment.
›› Add Materia Tool: Again, similar tool, just puts the materia in your available database.
›› New Item Tool: A tool for me to add new items into the item database without having to use SQL.
›› New Equipment Tool: Same as new item tool, except for equipment.
›› New Materia Tool: Same as new item and equipment tools but for materia.
›› Edit Stats Tool: A tool that loads in a players complete stats for me to edit if need be.
›› Change Equipment Tool: This will be the same as the frontend tool except styled differently and I can edit anyone's equipment.
›› Change Materia Tool: Same as frontend materia tool, except I can select and user.
›››› Global Options: Toggles for allowing a user to edit their profile or to turn off editing to everyone, invidual toggles for every toolset like to turn off transfers globally or individually, etc. Protections to turn the system on and off if need be.

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