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Sengoku: Fairy tails, folk lores, and mythology


3:38 pm
July 17, 2015


posts 308


Post edited 7:46 pm – July 17, 2015 by griff

This is where all info we get on fairy tails, fold lores, and mythology can be organized.

Lord Bag of Rice:

- Dwarf turned into snake and back.
- Centipede demon (thousands of poisonous feet)
- Arrow with spit killed
- 5 Treasures
 - Bronze bell that depicts events
 - Sword that returns to owner
 - Armor no sword or arrow could go through
 - A roll of silk any color that never ran out
 - A bag of rice that never ran out.

Peach Darling:

Demon: Akandoji (Picture looks similar to Piccolo) Lives on an island in a fortress and steals gold from villages
Key Thoughts:
Baby born to old man and woman from giant peach; he aged fast. 
3 companions: Dog, Monkey, Pheasant. All recruited by feeding dumpling.
After returned gold, was given a gold peach.

recoccuring motif: Helping animals in need leads to success. 

Game Note: Shaman or everyone could get talking animals as allies. 

The Old Man with a Wart

With with a wart like a peach on face hide in a storm to find storm spirits singing and dancing. Spirits loved it so much they took his wart, thinking it to be a peach and the most precious thing he had. The old man returns happy and when his neighbor with a wart like an apple attempts the same thing is too scared to dance the spirits put the old man's wart on his face giving him two. Odd story, but tells us about the storm spirits ability to warp forest's and a little of their nature. 


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