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12:26 pm
December 6, 2012


Almost Heaven

posts 90


Just got around to getting a Bluetooth for my PC, and installing Dolphin, and then downloading some Wii games. I have a Wii and games, but I honestly cannot stand playing in SD anymore; gotta have that HD.

Anyway, Xenoblade is one of the games I downloaded and downloaded a specific optimum dolphin build for. I'm about 3 hours in and am loving the game so far.

Has anyone else played this?

2:18 pm
December 6, 2012


posts 794


I haven't played it yet but I want to so bad. This and The Last Story are the two games that will make me buy a Wii down the road when they are super cheap.

2:49 pm
December 7, 2012


Almost Heaven

posts 90


I'm going to have to find an optimal version of Dolphin to play it like I did with Xenoblade.

I tried playing it on the regular release and it's kinda laggy (17FPS on average) and in the one I use for Xenoblade the sound messes up (that one has a sound hack to make Xenoblade's sound work).

What little I did play was fun. Played about an hour with that 17 or so FPS, but after playing Xenoblade at full speed I'm going to have to play Last Story at that in order to enjoy it.

2:42 am
December 8, 2012


posts 794


Xenoblade and The Last Story are two games I'll have to play soon, I mean they are carrying the JRPG legacy right now. The only other JRPG I want to jump into as much as those two (And really more, it's the game I can't wait for) is Ni No Kuni. I can't wait for it.

I figure in the next 6 months or so Wiis will drop in price a lot in the used market and hopefully I'll be able to pick one I can mod up (because it's the absolute best way to play gamecube games after all, modding a actual gamecube is a huge pain.)

11:37 pm
December 8, 2012


Almost Heaven

posts 90


Do you have a PS3?

I downloaded Ni No Kuni's demo last night on PSN. That game is so charming that it should be illegal for a game to be that charming. Went from a “buy sometime after it releases” to a “preorder right this damn minute” game for me. I really can't say enough good things about the demo.

I also went ahead and got Xenogears off of PSN. Only just started playing it … village was destroyed and I've set off into the forest.

But yeah, Ni No Kuni is going to be awesome!

11:55 pm
December 8, 2012


posts 794


Yeah I have a PS3 (Actually I have 2, one cfw and one official). I actually considered downloading the full Japanese version of the game to play it (like I did MGS Peace Walker… lol) However I just decided I would hold out until the full American release, that way I don't spoil the experience.

Hope you enjoy Xenogears, it's real heavy on the metaphor and all, there's a lot going on in that game.

6:54 pm
December 9, 2012


posts 65


I wouldn't mind trying out Xenoblade sometime in the future. I've seen a few LPs here and there.

XG has a lot of metaphors sure, but it's far too heavy-handed for its own good. You don't get any praise from me off metaphors and allusions alone…

7:26 pm
December 9, 2012


posts 794


Xenogears is SO far ahead of all the other JRPGs in terms of it's plot and the allusions it drawing from relgious texts. I find the strength of the story and depth of those characters greatly outweights the pacing problems. It's a pretty magical game, I was completely sucked in, it was one of my best experiences ever with a video game. The only other RPGs I ever enjoyed playing that much were Chrono Trigger & FFVI-FFVIII. 


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