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MSN Groups Archival Project


4:32 pm
July 10, 2012


posts 794

Total Pages Archived: 22
+ + +
Added cleaned up version of FF7 Fortress version 3 homepage.
Added rough version of the FF7 Fortress version 1 homepage, needs to be cleaned up.
+ + +
Added Biohazard curative items page, need to upload the images that correspond with the page.
Added DBZ Renewed Faith category & version 3 aliens content page.
+ + +
Added FF8 Annihilation version one layout, searching for old affiliate buttons for it.
Added Biohazard Handguns page.
+ + +
Added the Create version 6 homepage layout.
Added the Create version 4 homepage layout, searching for buttons from the era.
+ + +

10:44 pm
December 4, 2012


posts 794


Re-Adding Posts

10:12 pm
March 26, 2013


posts 794


Just a short ramble here… been working on the archives some, adding things I come across here and there. Just found a complete backup of FF7 Fortress v13 (well technically content is v3 stuff but all in the v13 theme). It was mislabeled in my PC archives as the v1 backup, so this was a nice surprise. I have most of the site files to go with it (though it appears I'm missing the navigation images to the layout, I can remake those I have the header and remember what they looked like.) I seem to have most of the page images as well, aside from the location pictures (wonder what happened to those, might need to do a deeper search to turn them up).

Anyways, one thing I've wanted to be continually working on here is backing up my old stuff so I'm going to get the layout code cleaned up and up all these pages over the next few days, I'll be setting up it's own group site for it, since it's a complete site (like I did with Biohazard).

Hopefully I'll find some more complete sites as I dig through my mess of an archive.

10:15 pm
March 26, 2013


posts 794


Quick find to add to what I said before. Located the location images in my huge complete image download I did with a scraper before MSN Groups closed. No nav images in there though… hmm.

4:48 pm
March 27, 2013


posts 200


Out of curiosity, do you have backups of Create?

4:59 pm
March 27, 2013


posts 794


I do actually. In terms of full site stuff I know I have a full backup of the v4 layout content (the red one) that I made right after the first create got deleted and we made v2 and I maded a content backup as I went. Aside from that I think I have a pretty complete backup of the last version of the site as well. I have a full backup of Cyberpunk (MSN Groups, not nexus, though I obviously have that as well)


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