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MSN Groups Database


3:25 am
September 23, 2012


posts 794


Post edited 4:27 am – October 27, 2012 by dystopia

Back on CPN I had set up a wiki for the purpose of archiving the history of MSN Groups. Turns out the people that did want to help found the wiki editing process to frustrating to make it a worthwhile attempt at archiving our history. A few days ago I started work on a Php/mySQL script and a database which will eventually be a very simple archival process. I've got some more work to do (with the website labeling first, a dialog and script to allow editing previously entered entries, and then in adding some user role protections so only logged in members can access the database editing & adding tools.) but it really shouldn't take much longer to finish. I've included a screencap of what I have so far (with 10 entries of sites I've worked on to show you what it will look like).

UPDATE ~ LINK: http://dystopiapro.com/msndir/

Click on the thumbnail for a full image.

2:07 pm
October 23, 2012


Almost Heaven

posts 90


This really is a fantastic idea/feature. Can't wait to see it released.

2:14 pm
October 23, 2012


posts 794


I've kinda put it on the backburner while I was working on my what's new page stuff, but I've pretty much finished that so this should get finished pretty soon. For the most part it works now, it just needs some admin controls.

12:27 am
October 27, 2012


posts 794


Ok, I have an update for this. I have managed to get this feature pretty much done with the only aspect left being the ability to edit ones own additions (for the most part this is in place as well, it will detect the entries you added, allow you to open the edit dialog which will show the info and allow you to make changes, I just haven't gotten to creating the function which will update the actually entry in the database.) So basically if you want to add something to the database, review it beforehand that way you don't need to make any edits until I finish that part.

LINK: http://dystopiapro.com/msndir/

10:55 pm
December 4, 2012


posts 794


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