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DQVIII ~ Dungeon: The Lair Ruins


5:25 pm
January 16, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  The Sun hung high in the azure blue sky; letting it's warmth rain onto the rolling hills that lead into the Alexandria Region's inner mountain peaks. Rafe slowed as he reached the top of a hilly crest, looking down into a sweeping vale that was halved by a small rushing stream, it's waters fueled by the melting snow from the upper peaks. Rafe stretched his arms high, tossing his satchel to the ground with a light thud before taking a seat in the soft grass himself. A shallow breeze whirled by tossing his light hair as he removed the bandanna he wore to protect him from the Sun's heat.
   ” Should be pretty close by now. Where's that map? ” He spoke to himself as he unlatched the buckle on this satchel before reaching his hand inwards, digging for the old tattered map he had purchased from a local drunk in Alexandria two days prior. ” Ah! ” He exclaimed as he yanked his arm free, his fingers clasping the old map which was rolled tightly.
Rafe casually untied the small yarn loop which held the paper closed, releasing the map and unrolling it in his lap. He studied the old paper for several moments, occasionally lifting his head to look down into the vale, nodding and softly speaking to himself as he did so. Having confidently pin-pointed his location the young man rolled the map taught once more, replacing the loop as he held it in place. With little effort he dropped the paper back into his bag and clasped his bandanna which he tucked inside on top of it before lowering the flap and buckling it closed.
   ” Entrance should be right next to that grove of trees. ” He reconfirmed his reading of the map to himself as he stood and began the slight descent of the hill that would lead him into the small vale, over the rolling stream to a cluster of trees and bushes.
As he began to move Rafe stopped, his instincts warning him that he was not alone. He sharply turned his head behind him and in the distance spotted a figure moving in the distance, coming his way. Had he been followed Rafe wondered? Perhaps it was just a sight seer, it was quite a beautiful day for a stroll in the country after all. He couldn't risk waiting to see, with a burst of speed Rafe swiftly started down the hill towards the grove, hoping that he could hide himself in the dense foliage until the passerby had left.
OOC Talk:
You could be on your way to the same place, having bought a similar map from the same drunk, or just followed me from town.

9:36 pm
January 16, 2016


posts 308


Post edited 1:58 am – January 17, 2016 by griff

Haseo had been on the trail of the group of bandits for weeks now. Taking a bite of an apple he had gotten from the last town he was at, the smaller ones seemed to blend together, and reflect on the smaller groups that he had run into on the trail, giving him enough money and supplies the last him until know. As he looked up at the blue sky, he thought back to the years he had been hunting the bandits that stole his family's greatsword. A sword said to feel weightless in the hands of someone in his family. Haseo wouldn't know though, it hadn't become his time to wield it due to family traditions.

As he grew closer to the hill, which was said to house an old bandit hideout, Haseo felt as if the scar left by them began the burn slightly as he remember that awful night. The trees which signified the entrance to the old lair came into view, but something seemed off. Reaching immediately for his two handaxes, Haseo
bent slightly as he continued to walk forward. He could be wrong, but it seemed like someone recently went in.

OOC: Go with the current picture. If I find an Akira that fits, we can start that next thread.

11:58 pm
January 16, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
     ” Shit, is he coming right at me? ” Rafe found himself muttering under his breath as he peaked through the dense bushy foliage of the small grove and spotted the interloper cresting the small rise and starting down the hill.
The young treasure hunter stood fast and still, hoping that maybe by chance the other man—whose features were becoming more clear as he grew closer—would simply pass him by. It soon became clear that his wish would not be the case, he would have to act before giving away too much.
   ” Who the hell are you and why have you followed me!? ” Rafe suddenly blurted out as he pushed against the scratchy brances of the fig bush he had been hidden within, breaking back out into the open of the small vale. The interloper was still at a distance, having only made it halfway down the crest when Rafe emerged. Feeling for the hilt of his blade Rafe reached his right arm behind his head, grasping the handle and pulled the shimmering steel sword forth, allowing it to gleam brilliantly in the mid-day sun.
   ” Explain yourself! ” He called out as he dug in.
OOC Talk:

12:23 am
January 17, 2016


posts 308

Cocking his head to the side in bewilderment, Haseo shook his head and put his two handaxes back on his hips. Any bandit would have probably attacked by now if they had shown themselves at all, and would have known why I was here. But why had this traveler jus announced himself to a stranger? Confident or inexperienced? Haseo guessed the later as he continued walking just past the traveler. When he was right in front of youth, Haseo spoke, “Not here for you, just the bandits.” He knew he didn't have to explain himself to the traveler, but he didn't want him to die rushing in there after him if he wasn't ready for what came next.

4:57 pm
January 17, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  There was a moment of brief silence as the wind whipped through the small vale tossing Rafe's long light hair as he stood stoically—sword drawn and ready—with his eyes locked into those of the interlopers. The man had spoken quickly in response to Rafe's demand, and put his weapons away almost instantly after. Rafe's mind raced as he put together the peices of the puzzle, bandits, the lair ruins, this chance encounter. Clearly this man was some sort of bounty hunter, but how had he found out about this lair?
   ” How'd you find out about this place? ” He found himself asking, as he released on hand from the hilt of his blade and let it lower towards the dirt with the other, though not ready to put it away entirely.
OOC Talk:

11:12 pm
January 17, 2016


posts 308

Shrugging his shoulders as if the answer to the traveler's question would actually solve anything, “Remains from previous attacks and rumors.” Dropping his head to look at the dirt, Haseo didn't want him catching on to why he hunted the bandits, but he was sure that just some words would stop him, “Not sure if they are actually hear, but their trail leads here and this matches the needs of bandits. We can continue this chat as we go in. The longer we spend out here, the longer a sentry can spot us.” Haseo waved towards towards the trees and began walking. He didn't love company, but didnt want him to get killed either.

12:50 pm
January 18, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  Bandits, now that was a eventuality that had yet to cross Rafe's mind. He had known the lair may have once been used as a hideout but had been assured that it had been left derelict for at least twenty five years—or that's what the drunk had told him. Everything was starting to make sense in his head as he watched Haseo approach, the drunk had likely been on the bandit's pay roll and sent him here on a fools errand to get robbed and killed.
   ” You know, that all kind of makes sense. ” Rafe said as Hasea neared, stepping back from the grove and turning to face it. ” The name is Raphael, but you can call me Rafe. I'm a treasure hunter. ” He introduced himself with a nod as Haseo moved next to him. ” The map I bought says the entrance to the lair is just beyond this grove in a small recess cut into the vale's ascending slope. ” he finished speaking as he lifted his sword tip to point through the grove with.
OOC Talk:

1:29 pm
January 18, 2016


posts 308

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins  

Haseo smiled at Rafe's naivety and shook his head, “Let me guess, this guy had some kind of addiction. Drinking, gambling, woman?” Chuckling, remembering the times he acted like he had fallen for that to get a one way ticket to the bandits, “Probably sold you that for the price of the map and the price the bandits pay him.” Examining the grove as they walked for any signs, Haseo noted this may be a good thing, “Chances are, if that's true, we won't see them till we get too deeper in and we can't go back out.” The bandit hunter kept his hands away from the axes on his hip, more likely to stave off a battle if they think he was fooled, but he learned long ago several quick ways to get all of his ways for any battle to come, “Name's Haseo. Nice to meet you Rafe.” Haseo looked over, his eyes smiling even though he wasn't. Rafe reminded me a lot of how he was when he first started his hunt, but he knew there was always a chance he was with the bandits.

OOC Talk:

2:21 pm
January 18, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  Rafe simply nodded his head in agreement, not wishing to discuss his procurement of the old tattered map any more. His sword still drawn and ready Rafe started forward back into the dense grove which he had just used for hiding. Using his free arm as he walked Rafe brushed the foliage away as he moved deeper into the grove. The sunlight was muted here, much of it being filtered out by the dense trees and bushes that lined this place.
   ” It should only be about forty meters across to the other side. ” Rafe broke the silence as they entered a small clearing in the center of the grove.
The ground in the clearing was dirty, though it was scattered with natural debris like leaves and twigs. Rafe noted that there seemed to be a path trampled though here—one that was fairly recent. Doing his best to move lightly now Rafe continued forward, where in the distance he could see the rock face of the ascending hill which had been either naturally made this way or someone had cut into the hillside. He could clearly make out a tunnel entrance, it was dark and quiet.
OOC Talk:

3:52 pm
January 18, 2016


posts 308

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins  

The blood began rushing as he saw the cave entrance just up ahead. He ached to grab his axes and run forward, but that was an impulse long under control. Spinning to study his surroundings, his clearing was perfect for a surprise attack, but also ample for escape possibilities. Looking down at the recently made path, it seems someone came thing way in a hurry. “If they are here, they most likely know we are two. Didn't see someone out there so they must have been heading in there.” Haseo shrugged though, any good bandits hideout had sentries.

OOC Talk:

4:55 pm
January 19, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  Rafe slowly moved towards the darkness that lay at the end of the small grove—hearing Haseo but long ago having decided that he was going to enter this place, whether danger lay ahead or not. The young man listened intently as he drew near the ragged crevasse that served as the entrance to what they seem to both have accepted as a bandit's hideout. He could heard the faint sound of metal clanking—though it seemed at a great distance—the earth funneling it upwards.
   ” I'm not so sure they know we're coming. ” Rafe said as he made the sudden realization that if they had been the small grove clearing would have been the best spot for an ambush, one that never came. ” Maybe we should try to draw them out? ” He continued to speak, realizing that attempting to surprise them in tunnels they knew far better than anyone else was perhaps not the best idea.
OOC Talk:

6:17 pm
January 19, 2016


posts 308

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins  

Haseo smiled and nodded, “Go hide along the edge of the grove. I'll trying to draw them out.” Moving towards the edge of the cave so his voice would echo through, “YES! Looks like that bum wasn't lying, I can see the entrance it was right past the grove like the map said. And to think he charged me so little, would have paid 10 times what he asked for.” Haseo's voice had a light note to it, as if someone a few years younger than him. He didn't expect the whole crew to come out for a single kid, but if they did would just make this fast. Walking with a air of arrogance back towards the middle of the grove, Haseo sat down and got out his lunch as he was just another treasure hunter having a snack before heading into the ruin, hoping to draw them as far away from the cave as possible.

OOC Talk:

6:46 pm
January 20, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  Rafe nodded at Haseo the interloper, quickly darting through the light brush into the outer ring of bushes that surrounded and made up the grove and it's clearing. His sword was drawn as he turned back to face the clearing, taking long deep breaths as he waited for the action to begin. It didn't take long, as Haseo had taken a seat after shouting quiet loud, definitely loud enough to penetrate into the tunnel. Rafe listened intently as a growing surge of noise made it's way from the mouth of the tunnel followed by three bandits. The men where rough looking and unshaven, their clothing and skin visibly dirty. They each brandished small blades, and one—the leader—a small buckler.
   ” Damn fools keep falling for that drunkard's maps! ” The leader said with a chuckle as he looked on Haseo sitting in the middle of the grove and started toward him with the intention to harm.
OOC Talk:

7:01 pm
January 20, 2016


posts 308

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins  

Success! The bandits fell for it and Haseo knew what to do. He tried to drag himself backwards, but hit greatsword got in the way, “Who are you!?” Cried Haseo, “He told me it was abandoned.” Turning his body, Haseo tried to crawl away, fake panic telling him to that would be the quickest way to get away, his head looking over his shoulder as he tried to get on his feet, but fear drove him down.

Haseo waited till the group was about mid way into the clearing when he began to laugh to himself. The whole situation was too much for him to keep up his farce. He stopped crawling and calmly picked himself up from the ground and turned to face the three,
“To think, people actually fell for that. You really should get someone better to sell those maps.” Haseo wanted to look towards where Rafe was hiding in regards to that, but kept his eye on the apparant leader, his right hand reaching to the small of his back. Whipping his arm outwards, his folding scythe extended to full length, the metal blade reflecting light right towards the bandits, “Now, I'd like to only have to ask this once. Have you stolen or heard of any stolen greatswords. I assure you that you'd know which one I'm talking up.” Haseo muderous grin turned a chilling serious glare.

OOC Talk:

7:43 pm
January 20, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  Rafe kept calm and still as he watched from a distance, becoming one with the shadows cast into the grove. He waited as the bandits took their bait, stomping head long into the center of the clearing as Haseo feigned outward fear. As he prepared to act—to launch himself from his place of hiding and cut down one of the bandits—he found himself stalled as Haseo began to speak, listening and trying to get a grip on this stranger's motive.
    So it's a greatsword he's after, interesting. Rafe thought to himself as he listened to Haseo's comments.
There was a brief silence between the two parties, as they both looked on one another, eyes blazing. Rafe could feel the tension here and decided that the time to act was nigh. With a burst of speed and a crackle from the fig bush Rafe darted into the clearing. His sword was held high and came arcing down in a swift sweeping motion that caught one of the outward bandits across the right side and back. Crimson splashed as the man fell to a knee with not so little as a sound.
   ” How's that for an ambush. ” Rafe smirked as he took a quick step back and waited for one of the other bandits to turn to face him.
OOC Talk:

7:48 pm
January 20, 2016


posts 308

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins  

Catching movement from tree, Haseo gritted his teeth and launched towards the other bandit follower. It was apparently these guys probably didn't know anything, but he had to know for sure. If any knew, it would be the leader jus had to take out his lackeys first. Haseo launched into the air and came down with great force with his scythe, doing a front flip jus before hitting and ground and slightly after Rafe's presence was known, “Capture the leader.” Haseo said with his eyes pointed to Rafe for a second, murderous intent behind them. He didn't fault him for his timing, but he didn't want to take chances here.
OOC Talk:

8:02 pm
January 20, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  The sound of gurgling blood trickled into Rafe's ear as he watched Haseo act quickly and forcefully on the second bandit. It was clear to Rafe by the man's eyes that he ment business, he was after something he had lost and meant to retrieve it.
   ” No one is grabbing me! ” The bandit leader's grizzly voice echoed through the clearing as he twisted his body round and with a flick sent his buckler flying towards Rafe.
Rafe instinctively moved, leaning his body as the small shield flew past him. His eyes tracked the object and upon returning to their previous placement found the bandit leader closer than he had expected, his blade twisting around towards him. Rafe acted as quickly as possible—pulling his sword to defense—but the force of the blow still knocked him to the ground.
   ” Shit! ” He exclaimed as he came to rest on the ground, kicking himself backwards though the leader's gaze had already turned to Haseo where he was making a similar charge.
OOC Talk:

8:11 pm
January 20, 2016


posts 308

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins  

After pulling his scythe free, Haseo's thought echoed Rafe words as he saw him on the ground and the leader charging towards him. The buckler was already flying towards him and without seeing the encounter with Rafe knew it was a distraction, a common tactic among bandits He bent low to avoid the buckler and spun his body around, scythe fully extending and gaining speed. The buckler was most likely to get him to move, off balance, so Haseo did the opposite. With the bandit charging, he didn't need to move and turned to hopefully be in time to get in front the bandit's attack. He didn't want to kill him, but he would deal either way.
OOC Talk:

11:15 am
January 22, 2016


posts 794

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins
  Rafe watched from his position on the ground as the bandit leader took towards Haseo with impressive speed. His initial strategy had failed but the grizzled man was by no means detoured by this fact, continuing his track towards Haseo. The bandit lashed out with a swift jab of his short sword, stabbing in towards Haseo's torso but expecting it to be parried his left hand ready to strike the young man which it was.
   ” He's quick, real quick. ” Rafe mumbled as he kicked up dirt and leaves while getting back to his feet. Rafe waited—bringing hos sword into a defensive position—ready to attack when the bandit was clear of Haseo.
OOC Talk:

11:31 am
January 22, 2016


posts 308

  Dungeon: The Lair Ruins  

A devlish grin crossed Haseo's face as he saw the leader without the arc of his scythe, he was fast. His left hand went right to his hand axe, knocking away the blow intended for his side, but a man of his speed wouldn't rely on one attack. The fist ready for his was in view and the only chance Haseo had to avoid the blow was to continue his swing, the handle of the scythe smashing into the bandit leader's side hopefully strong enough to knocking him off. 
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