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t r i c k  s h o t ›› ( lvl 1 )
trick shot is a very fun technique to use in combat, this ability allows you to fire bullets off of the items in the battlefield, causing them to fly at your opponent at strange angles which makes it impossible to dodge (still have to roll to see if attack was on target)
›› ( tech points: 10 ) – ( prerequisites: — ) – ( ability points: 10 )

w e a p o n  p r o f i c i e n c y  ( h a n d g u n s ) ›› ( lvl 1 )
for a character who is willing to take the time to learn weapon proficiency is a great technique which allows a character to do 1.5x the the normal damage when using the weapon that he or she is proficient in. (handguns only)
›› ( 
tech points: — ) – ( prerequisites: — ) – ( ability points: 15 )

w e a p o n  p r o f i c i e n c y  ( a u t o m a t i c s ) ›› ( lvl 1 )
for a character who is willing to take the time to learn weapon proficiency is a great technique which allows a character to do 1.5x the the normal damage when using the weapon that he or she is proficient in. (automatics only)
›› ( 
tech points: — ) – ( prerequisites: — ) – ( ability points: 15 )

w e a p o n  p r o f i c i e n c y  ( r i f l e s ) ›› ( lvl 1 )
for a character who is willing to take the time to learn weapon proficiency is a great technique which allows a character to do 1.5x the the normal damage when using the weapon that he or she is proficient in. (rifles only, incluses shotguns)
›› ( 
tech points: — ) – ( prerequisites: — ) – ( ability points: 15 )

w e a p o n  p r o f i c i e n c y  ( m e l e e ) ›› ( lvl 1 )
for a character who is willing to take the time to learn weapon proficiency is a great technique which allows a character to do 1.5x the the normal damage when using the weapon that he or she is proficient in. (melee weapons only)
›› ( 
tech points: — ) – ( prerequisites: — ) – ( ability points: 15 )

i m p r o v e d  p h y s i c a l  a t t a c k  ( h a n d s ) ›› ( lvl 1 )
characters who spend a great deal of time training their body will grow better at physical attacks and learn ways to cause more damage with those physical attacks, this technique makes the BASE physical damage 2x strength. (arms and hands only)
›› ( 
tech points: — ) – ( prerequisites: — ) – ( ability points: 15 )

i m p r o v e d  p h y s i c a l  a t t a c k  ( f e e t ) ›› ( lvl 1 )
characters who spend a great deal of time training their body will grow better at physical attacks and learn ways to cause more damage with those physical attacks, this techinque makes the BASE physical damage 2x strength. (feet and legs only)
›› ( 
tech points: — ) – ( prerequisites: — ) – ( ability points: 15 )

s i t e  n a v i g a t i o n