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DBZ Bios


9:52 pm
November 29, 2014


posts 308


Post edited 5:16 am – December 2, 2014 by

All bios posted here.

Name: Tevolth Dahaka
Race: Draco
Age: 26
Height: 5'10″
Powerlevel: 2855
History: Tevolth comes from the proud warrior race Draco that respect power overall and quickly joinned Frieza's army. When Tevolth joinned the army, he passed the rite of being an adult, but is still looked down upon by others of his race. Few knew that a true Draco warrior metamorphosised into a humanoid form when they hit their peak, but Tevolth had yet to do so. That inability forced Tevolth to push himself to become stronger and Frieza noticed this and was a leading reason for him being picked for the Black Unit.

Optional Parts:
Personality: You'll see.
Stats: (Just a note to all, if you decide to do this, it's always just an idea and can change as we progress.)
 -Strength: 33%
 -Defense: 27%
 -Ki: 15%
 -Speed: 25%
Techniques: (Just a note I love to make techniques, was my favorite part of MSN groups. My storage site is filled with them so I'll be making plenty)
- Ki Balls
- Ki Waves
- Tevolth
's Ki: Tevolth is rather unskilled at ki, but learned to use it in a different manner to make up for that. His ki dissipates quickly after leaving the body, burning fast and strong. At the moment, full strength has a distance of 30 meters and half strength can reach 50 meters. He mainly keeps his ki contained in his body or a weapon.
- Ki Empowerment: Tevolth focused his ki into his hands and legs for close combat use and causes it to explode on contact. The drawback is that Tevolth is also damaged by the ki and is why he trained his body to withstand it. 
- Regeneration (Species Tech): The Draco race is one of war and have learned to regenerate quickly between battles. After 2 rounds of posting after a battle, a Draco can heal minor wounds and regain some stamina. (Will go up to the closest 25%.) They can also regenerate limbs, but the process is long and extruciating so must be done between missions. 

1:17 am
December 1, 2014


posts 794


Post edited 5:22 am – December 1, 2014 by dystopia

  Name: Ruta
Race: Saiyan
Age: 49
Height: 6'3″
History: Ruta was born to a noble family many years before the arrival of Frieza to the Saiyan home world. As a Saiyan of noble blood the young Ruta had a proper upbringing a Saiyan of the upper class would expect, privileged but housed in focus and pride as was the upbringing of any Saiyan. Ruta was gifted as a fighter, using pure strength and his massive build to over power those who stood in his way. In his young adult years the Saiyan throne found itself vacant, with many of the nobility clamoring for the title of king. As was the Saiyan way this struggle for the throne was acted out in battle and though Ruta's claim may have been higher in the end Vegeta claimed rulership of the Saiyan people. Outcast because of his bloodline Ruta found refuge and meaning to his life upon the arrival of Frieza, proving himself worthy through years of service, still maintaining hope that he will one day assume the Saiyan throne.

9:26 am
December 3, 2014


posts 115


Post edited 1:08 am – December 4, 2014 by Sanarian

›› Name: Ban
›› Race: Biotic Warframe (BAN-Type)
›› Age: 144
›› Height: 6'1″
›› Personality: Logical, Cool, Blunt, Honorable, and Fierce
Backstory: Ban was created well over a century ago, the first of his kind. After he was complete his creator went to great lengths to teach him of everything she could; of the world, of people, and so much more. It wasn't until several years later that his purpose was revealed to him: Ban was the prototype for a sentient Android that would defend Planet Fruit from outside threats. In the following years several more like him were made, though none of them possessed a unique armament integrated into their body (partialy due to its the largely unknown nature of Exanite). Years went by as he and other BAN-types lead their lesser kin against invading forces, defending their world time and time again. After nearly quarter century Ban's 'mother' died, and in his grief Ban sealed himself away in stasis. For over a century he remained this way, until he was awoken by an outcast Saiyan. While he had been sealed away a cataclysm had befallen Planet Fruit, leaving it little more than a desolate husk; and by extension took away Ban's purpose. In Ruta he saw a strength worthy of respect, and a resolve unlike any he had seen before, and so he pledged his loyalty to Ruta and gained a new purpose in life.

Power Level: 3,795
›› Strength: 30%
›› Defense: 20%
›› Ki: 25%
›› Speed: 25%

Racial Information:

›› Biotic Warframe (Race): Ban is a 'BAN-Type' Biotic Warframe. Biotic Warframes were the pinnacle of Fruitian technology, created out of a desire to protect their home planet from the various other species in the universe that threatened it. Among them there were three variants, all of them serving a distinct role in combat.
- A 'MRD-Type' (Mechanical Reconnaissance Drone) was widely considered a Warframe only in name, and functioned solely to scout for the main force or to detonate in a massive explosion as a last resort.
- A 'BCU-Type” (Biotic Combat Unit) were mass-produced Warframes that served numerous roles in combat,
varying from mere footman to shocktroopers and made up the bulk of the Fruitian military. As they made up the bulk of the planet's forces they were created with a limited ability to manipulate Ki. Due to the heavy restrictions placed upon them in their programming they only possessed a limited degree of free will.
- A 'BAN-Type' (Biotic Assault Nexus) were the leaders on a  battlefield, and were completely unique from one another (each possessed a unique armament designed solely for their use). They were often created to bear a striking resemblance to the engineer in charge of their development (with few exceptions). It was an extremely difficult process to create a BAN-type due to their unique nature and the many challenges involved in truly emulating a living being. As they were designed to be prefect recreations of the Fruitian people, a BAN-Type creates Ki naturally within its body like any other being, and can increase the amount it can sustain with practice as well.
›› Exanite (Lore): Exanite is a very rare, extraordinarily dense, orange crystalline material that can channel natural energy such as Ki. When refined properly it becomes a lustrous black metal which is only malleable until the cooling process is complete, after which it becomes nearly impervious to outside forces (heat, physical damage, etc.); as research on Exanite was never truly completed it may have unrealized potential.
›› Exanite Breaker (Armament): A combination of both crystalline and metallic Exanite were used in the creation of the Breaker, a deadly weapon that serves as Ban's unique armament (and left arm). The Breaker's primary function is to channel the user's Ki in order to unleash its numerous destructive capabilities. In addition to this the weapon itself is nearly impervious to damage, and the numerous Exanite Crystals that adorn it possess frighteningly sharp edges that simply refuse to dull.

›› Fist of the Flame Emperor (Racial Ability): The “Fist of the Flame Emperor” is the school of techniques which utilize the Exanite within the Exanite Breaker to empower it with Ki.
- Ignition: Ignition is named for the fiery aura of Ki that emanates from the Exanite Breaker when Ban channels energy into the Breaker with the intention of enhancing the weapon's destructive potential. Ignition will significantly enhance Ban's physical strength when active, but requires a constant supply of Ki in order to sustain.
›› Ki Ball: An ordinary sphere of Ki that creates a destructive blast on impact.
›› Ki Wave: An ordinary wave of Ki that damages anything in its path.
*Fun fact(s): A BAN-type was only considered truly a success when it reached such a level where it was near impossible to tell it apart from a living Fruitian. Ban is one of few BAN-types with an appearance that wasn't based off of his designer's.
**Ban emulates a living person down to the minute details: he has a working organ system, and his organs and bones are a bio-metal composite, he has blood (or rather, a thick fluid similar to blood created by ingesting the proper minerals and water). Ban also has tacticle perception, which allows him to feel–and to sense pain. If severely damaged (IE: stabbed in the heart) he won't die, but he will shut down until the nanites in his blood repair the damage. He can, however, be killed by crushing his positronic brain/decapitating him/etc.).
***I've only put up details on the MRD and BCU types as it would've felt off to explain just what a BAN-type was without clarifying on the role of the other two archetype.
****Ban's name is pronounced as “Bawn”. This is important.


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