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Fullmetal Alchemist


3:45 pm
March 20, 2014


posts 308


I remember growing up seeing this on toonami, but could never catch the whole show so I decided to read the manga. The manga is terrific. Its got military in-fighting, dark, dark storylines, the awesome power of alchemy taken to the extreme, and makes you think about how much a loved one means to you and trusting your government. This was one series I wanted made into an RPG, I think I saw one at some point. It's got a nice setting with also a wide array of abilities plus would make players think more than they normally would.

I recently got Netflix and saw the original anime so decided to watch it. It was really good, until they ran out of manga to follow. Its got some good comedy along with the dark and generally sad storylines, I'm sure the manga had comedy too just been a while. My biggest problem with it is what they did to the homunculi as well as Hohenheim. Hohenheim is such a cool character and they really ruined him. This has probably the saddest scene I have ever seen. Its gut wrenching. The ending is really bad as well. I'll probably watch Brotherhood shortly since its supposedly more like the manga, I know at least a few parts are.

4:14 pm
March 20, 2014


posts 794


I have never read any of the manga but I have seen both series and while I like the ideas presented in the original Brotherhood is the better series in the end. I was pretty fond of the first feature as well, I have yet to see the second feature, it's on my radar just too much other stuff to watch.

Also, there was a pretty successful FMA RPG on MSN Groups it's near the top of this page > http://dystopiapro.com/msndir/?rpglist=2 which has a link to it on the web archive.

9:17 pm
March 20, 2014


posts 308


Post edited 1:23 am – March 21, 2014 by griff

I remember that site. I didn't get into fullmetal till after groups was gone so I didn't know much. Same thing happened with a good bleach site, didn't know what it was then when I did there was no good site. I think if I watched the original anime first then read it or watched Brotherhood I would have liked it more. Its good for what it is, but the manga was much better, though idk how Brotherhood stacks. I loved the manga though, never have I watched the anime after reading the manga. Its in my top 3 easily, and I've read quite a few. I'd personally make a site down the road, but I feel I'd get caught the small detail, I'd need a team to do so, so its locked in the back of my head for now.

Looked through a few and saw John's fun house and its so weird to see your older site, nothing like what you make now. Also like the to do list, watch db on toonami, lol. 

1:48 pm
March 21, 2014


posts 794


FMA seems like it would be so hard to fit into a stat RPG mold since the idea of alchemy adds so much variety to everything, not that it couldn't be done but the system would really need some tinkering to make it into what it should be. I think you'll dig brotherhood though, it's definitely the better of the two animes. You should check out the first feature as well, as it is a much better conclusion to the end of the first anime, which I hated.

And yes, my circa 2002 work is pretty horrible lol. That to do list was not my doing, back then we had two different sites which contained different planets and locations and stuff that one was run by Ashley as the web archive did not archive JDBZF 

6:58 pm
March 21, 2014


posts 308


I was thinking the same thing for the site, I wouldn't be happy unless its really close to what its suppose to be. I've seen parts of Brotherhood and since it was made after the manga was well done I got a feeling I'll really enjoy it. I got both of the movies so I'll watch them not too long from now, just need a break from the series for now. I speed watched it so need that break. I'm thinking of rewatching Trigun, its on netflix as well.

I see, lol. I really liked going through the archive, brought back some good memories.  


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