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Funimation Panel


3:10 pm
March 23, 2014


posts 308


Post edited 12:27 am – March 24, 2014 by griff

So I went to Anime Boston last saturday and attended a Funimation panel so wanted to tell anyone whos interested about whats new.

DBZ remastered: This is not Kai. They took the original DBZ and fully remastered it. The DVD covers have brand new art and every 3 make a scene when put together. It looks really good so felt I should start with that.

Attack on Titan: This got a huge applause when brought up. I've watched 5 episodes and I'm hooked. All of humankind has been reduced to about a 450-500 km diameter circle. That is split into 3 areas by three 50 meter high walls. Outside of the walls are giants named Titans, basically giant naked people with no reproductive organs. They really don't do anything, but eat humans which isn't required for them to live, so little is known about how they survive or reproduce. mankind has lived in peace for 100 years till a giant tital, known as colossal Titan, whos head goes over the wall, makes a hole in the outer wall and lets in the other Titans. It's really a cool anime. They fight with things called omnidirectional mobility tools, basically multiple grapplng hooks that can be shot and withdrawn rapidly. I've barely hit the surface myself, but theres seems to eb a lot to it. Definately one to check out, its on netflix.
Edit: Forgot probably the coolest part. Idk the name of them, but seems most anime have little screens before and after commercials and this ones no different, but instead of some random image these have public knowledge info which I think is really cool.

Psycho pass: This is what I really want to see. Basically, people, maybe ex-criminal idk yet, are given guns that can determine if someone is guilty. The level of guilt determines the firepower of the gun, from a stun gun to a vaporizing blast. The main concept seems to be  how does it determine someone's guilt. Seems really cool.

On a side note, the convention was cool, but disappointing at first. There was suppose to be a panel about persona 4 at 10 am, so I got there early, waited in line for over 30 minutes at the panel after waiting in line to get in. I finally get in and they moved it to 10 pm, no one told us in line even the screen that said what was coming said Persona. Instead, they had Lolita fashion 101. Half or more of the people there left and I can't blame them I did too, who wants to learn about pedophile fashion?

8:59 pm
March 23, 2014


posts 794


I actually prefer DBZ Kai over the original mostly because they cut out all that waste of time and filler crap. It's much easier to watch.

3:52 pm
March 24, 2014


posts 308


Then your all set, I didn't really notice any quality difference between Kai and this new version. Did the original DBZ/DB have filler arcs? I read DB and watched Z and it seems to be the only anime that kept pretty true to the manga without needing filler arcs to slow down for the manga. (The big examples of the opposite being Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece.)

I really think you'd like Attack on Titan, dys. Its more of a hunch then any actual reason. I found out about it late Saturday and finished the 25 episodes before going to sleep Sunday. It's really cool. Theres a Church of the Wall, yes they worship the three walls as goddesses because no one knows how to make walls that tall and that thick. The 25 episodes give you enough of a look to see that theres a lot more going on here than what the general population thinks. One cool aspect is you meet a bunch of characters, but its hard to tell whos gonna die and when. In most manga/anime and watched, maybe only a few characters that get a good deal of time will die, but heres there's a good amount, but without taking away from it. I got a few theories about stuff and the Titans are hilarious. They mainly got bodies of slightly out of shape men and their expressions are hilarious. A small example: http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ff….. 

On the 25th episode, the commercial screen is a story about a farmer, or something, who worked in the outer or middle area. He wanted to go to the interior because its nicer the further you go in. He had no way to get in so he decided to dig under the wall. He eventually digs so deep, about 4 times his height, hits bedrock, and the walls still there. The farmer tells and friend and a few days later disappears. The friend looks for the hole and finds nothing and also disappears a few days later. Its a side story, but raises some questions. Also, theres another story that says that not too long before the Titans appeared, a man said that if humanity had a common enemy they would unite to fight that. Points to a possible reason the Titans appeared.

Since I'm out of anime, I'm reading the manga it was based off of, so far its not nearly as good as the anime, the only other one I've thought this way for was DBZ (I never watched DB, but the manga seem to get a little worse when it hit Raditz and stopped reading). This is the anime production (Idk if thats right word) company's 1st anime series and 2nd work and its an instant hit. 

11:19 pm
March 24, 2014


posts 794


The only arc that is in DBZ that was never manga was the Garlic Jr one, however that didn't have anything to do with be filler. The filler I'm talking about is the few minutes every episode of just filler crap like them hovering or drawing out the same fight for 5-6 episodes and rehashing stuff at the beginning of each one. I mean they cut DBZ in half almost in terms of number of episodes.with Kai. Dragonball doesn't suffer from that same problem, as it flows really well.

10:05 pm
March 25, 2014


posts 308


I'll check Kai out. What I forgot to add was that they probably had filler episodes instead of filler arcs. It seems impossible for anime to follow the manga well without arcs since an extended period of nothing could kill it. (At least to my thinking). I prefer the filler episode to lengthen whats done, I hate filler arcs.

10:08 pm
March 25, 2014


posts 794


Well DBZ was so far ahead by the time they started making an anime that it wasn't really every a problem.


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