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Author Topic: Jedi Ranks/Specializations/Powers TOPIC CLOSED
Posts: 40
Post Jedi Ranks/Specializations/Powers
on: July 23, 2013, 09:45

A term used frequently either as a term of endearment or used towards children within the Jedi Order. These children could be both gifted and not, but only Gifted children could become Jedi Initiates.
Jedi Initiate:
Upon being accepted into the order this is the rank you start at. You learn the principles of being a Jedi and the steps for the rest of your life.

  • Meditation
  • Philosophy
  • Jedi History

Jedi Padawan:
Upon finding a Master to teach you, you reach this rank with your acceptance thread. You learn more detailed fundamentals, force skills and are the responsibility of your Master.
Powers and fighting forms for this rank:


Lightsaber Form: Form I: Shii-Cho
Jedi Knight:
A right, as one of sufficient rank, you may take on the responsibility of training the next generation. This position must be earned and the hows of this is decided by the Jedi Council. You may also choose a specialization and learn a new role therein.
Powers and fighting forms of this rank:
(Choose 5)

Additional Lightsaber form: Form II: Makashi

May also choose one of three specializations.
Jedi Master:
The final rank within the Jedi, you are master of your chosen field and have become one of the enlightened few. There is still plenty to learn, but you have plenty of experience and have traveled many steps to achieve this position.
Powers and fighting forms of this rank:
(Choose 1)


Once you have become a Jedi Knight you may choose to take a specific path. These paths are unique and have many new details that you may learn to understand. Choose wisely.
.Jedi Guardian:
The Jedi Guardians are the physical fighters of the Jedi Order. They keep order within Jedi territory and are the first in line to defend if violence comes to our door. Will you become one of the protectors of the Jedi Order?
.(Choose 3 plus 2 Master abilities)

Additional Lightsaber Forms:

+3 martial arts forms
.Allowed Exotic Weapons (Knights choose 2, Master choose 3):

Jedi Consular
The Jedi Consulars are the diplomats, ambassadors, healers, artisans, lore-keepers and researchers. They are the opposite of the Guardians preferring to expend all non-violent means to accomplish things before drawing a blade. They are more gifted with the Force than physical combat, but are not to be taken lightly should they resort to violence. Does the path of peace call to you? If so, perhaps the duties of the Consular is the path for you.
.(Choose 11 from Counselor Track + 1 from other track + 4 Master Abilities)

Additional Lightsaber Form: None
.Allowed Exotic Weapons: None
.Jedi Sentinel:
Neither Consular or Guardian, these Jedi took the middle road and are balanced with Force abilities and combat arts. They are the scouts, recruiters, the investigators, hackers, technicians, spies, and security experts. Some say they are the perfect blend of the three branches, but that is for you to decide.
.(Choose 9 + 3 Master abilities)

Additional Lightsaber Form:
.Form IV: Ataru or Form V: Shien / Djem So

+1 martial arts form
Allowed Exotic Weapons (choose 1):

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