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Author Topic: Cror Tadé TOPIC CLOSED
Cror Tadé
Posts: 4
Post Cror Tadé
on: August 4, 2013, 21:05

Name: Cror Tadé  
Species: Shi'ido  
Age: 174  
Ht: Varies (5'11” in his normal form)  
Wt: Varies (180 lbs in his normal form)  
Personality: Cror Tadé is a strange being some even call him the eccentric Jedi Master. He's quiet and calculating but when he speaks he has an unusual rhythm to his high scratchy voice. He speaks in speaks in broken basic when amongst his colleges and usually in riddles. He is terribly introverted and generally keeps to himself yet very curious about people always studying others mannerisms. He has a particular commitment to historical records and tends to stick around the restricted section of the library. He is a bit of a bookworm and very unsuspecting... but he has a secret.  
 Background: Recruited at an extremely young age by the Jedi Order, Cror Tadé learned the way of the Jedi the way of peace. At the age of 7 he was apprenticed to a Nikto Jedi Sentinel named Jas Debago. The Sentinel trained him in the way of secrecy the way of the Shadow. Employing Cror Tadé's shapeshifting ability Master Debago went off the radar with the young apprentice. Cror Tadé was taught the necessity of blurring the lines for the greater good. Master Debago used Cror to impersonate anything from a guard to a high-ranking political official to recover ancient Force artifacts from private collections. Debago and Tadé recovered a great many Dark-side artifacts and destroyed them whenever they could. Tadé was taught the danger of the artifacts and he was assured no one should own such dangerous artifacts. He saw the way these items tainted all that interacted with them and vowed to save as many beings as he could. When the Jedi Council learned of Debago's and Tadé's expeditions they at first welcomed the process and covered up any records linking the two to any crimes against the Republic. Sometime in his early twenties he was awarded the rank of Jedi Knight.  
 The day came when Debago and Tadé got in over their heads. Tadé aged thirty followed his Master into a trap set up by Republic authorities. The two were arrested. At the time the Jedi were part of the republic and urged for the release of the two Jedi. A growing distrust for the Jedi within the Republic did not allow for the two 'rouge' Jedi to be set free. Someone had to be held accountable. Debago took the fall claiming his apprentice was only following orders. Tadé was set to be in the custody of the Jedi while his Master was held in a high security Republic prison. This among many other challenges led to the Jedi's withdrawal from the Republic.  
 Over the next ten years, Tadé was set to be retrained by the council. He was closely watched and groomed should the day come when they needed his services again. Tadé aged and he believed he would never achieve the rank of Master. Many Jedi never came close to the rank and considering his checkered past within the order he understood the decision. However, the sudden death of one of the Masters left him the most qualified for the position at the time. Rising to the rank of master the stigma that surrounded him was slowly forgotten. None of the leaders that were around when he had his issues were still alive. The temple files on his run-in with the Republic somehow went missing. His patience saw to his success. He was a servant of the Light and everything he did was for the good of the galaxy.

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