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Author Topic: Last Goodbyes TOPIC CLOSED
Posts: 40
Post Last Goodbyes
on: July 22, 2013, 15:27

The only sounds that could be heard were the crackling of flames as they licked at the wood and the shrouded figure on the pyre. Figures made a half circle at one end clothed in the formal ceremonial garb as they paid final respects to the dead. One figure alone was dressed in all white, a gift of the one who lay before her, only she had eyes brimming with unshed tears. The hooded white over robe was hardly warm, the fire even less, her heart in her throat as grief choked her. She knew that he was watching over them all now, that he lived in the Force, but it was no comfort. He was not [i]there[/i], he wouldn’t be there to scold her, to tease her, to offer her tea on her brief returns to the Temple while she gave him her accounts of her adventures. He wouldn’t be there to seek guidance from, he wouldn’t be there to smile or to hug nor to listen to her when all she needed was an ear.
Her teacher, her brother, her adopted father, her Master; her friend. All that was left of his mortal remains lay burning before her, all the tangible bits that like his spirit, so precious to her, shrouded and soon nothing more than ash to vanish on the wind come morning. He had passed in his sleep, no warning, just up the previous night sitting with her talking, the next gone. She understood death was not the end, but it had taken the only soul who [i]truly[/i] knew her to the depths of her spirit. All she had now were memories, all she had now her own counsel, she wanted him back so desperately. She wanted nothing more than to fling herself upon his body and dash away the flames that would leave her nothing. She stood silent as the rest filed away, didn’t notice one figure pause then move to stand beside her, his eyes too held grief.
“He was proud of you, you know and in the end his argument won over those few who would have voted against his choice of you. He said, ‘she is the best hope we have for the things I feel upon the fringe. Her spirit, burns like a beacon, bright regardless of distance. She sees with clearer eyes that look out not from the sides, but above and below as well. It is her creativity, devotion and heart that will show true in the end, not those eyes set in orthodox and filled with age. Fire does not merely burn, it warms and guides and I place my faith in her as I feel my years. Prove to me one thing that she has done in her travels that has not yielded new possibilities, then stack them versus her actions for the betterment of the greater good!’ He looked half his age then and filled with life, he was and is the greatest of our generation and now…it is to yours that you will lead when all the rest of us follow him.”
When at last she was alone she fell to her knees sobbing quietly, letting go all that she had contained within her. When at last all she felt was hollow, cold, emptiness she sat down on the bench in silent vigil watching the flames grow higher and brighter. It was in those few last hours of night that she felt as if, for one moment, comforting arms enfolding her. She turned to look out as light touched the sky, brilliant and blazing across the treetops. A few last tears trailed down her cheeks as she finally said her goodbyes to the one she owed so very much to. She would live up to his words and more, she raised a hand to her lips spreading her palm flat and the pile of ashes behind her rose spiraling into a cone before taking flight upon the wind to disappear. She walked back into the temple lowering her hood and letting the morning sun set her red hair ablaze. Her blue eyes held grim determination and resolve, she knew the first steps she must take.
May the Force guide her steps and all those that she took from now on, now more than ever.

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