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Curative items are any items which can be used alone or in combination with other items to heal or cause curative effects. Many of these items can be found in pharmacies where some were once available over the counter and others required a prescription but all are free to those who get to them first. Curative items are a limited resource and when found should be conserved until they are absolutely needed, as it’s no telling how long it will be until you come across more. (like with all items, rarity is listed via the stars with each item), Curative items do not have damage ratings, though when used in certain ways can cause damaging effects which will be at the discretion of the Dungeon Master. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Item Name Information
Bandages come in many forms, from band-aids to ace bandages used to wrap larger wounds, however all bandages serve the same purpose, to wrap a wound so that it may cure and not become infected.
Burn Ointment
Usually found in small tubes which were originally served over the counter, Burn Ointment is a pasty cream which when applied to a burned area will ease the pain associated with the burn as well as increase the healing process.
Cold Medicine
Not to be confused with Ibuprofen which is used to decrease swelling, Cold Medicine is usually found in pill form (although its available in liquid form as well) to help ease the symptoms of the common cold.
Not available over the counter (except in small pill form for a energy boost) Epinephrine (aka adrenaline) can be injected via Hypodermic in an attempt to revive someone whose heart has stopped beating, has other effects in smaller doses.
The hypodermic needle has become a very common item as Diabetes has become a more common disease in America. Hypodermics can be used to inject many different kind of substances directly into the bloodstream.
The main active ingredient in many over the counter pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Ibuprofen is most useful in reducing swelling but is also a good way to ease the effects of a cold or a case of influenza.
Morphine, a very strong opiate, is the best possible pain killer available, though it comes at a cost. When injected via hypodermic pain will surely be knocked out, but any real functioning ability with it, can be habit forming.
Penicillin is the most common, and most effect antibiotic available and can been taken either orally or can be injected directly into a wound. Penicillin is really the only way to kill an infection once it’s taken hold.
A very common item that can be the difference between a cut just healing normally or becoming infected. Peroxide should be applied to a wound to kill all the bacteria and gems and sanitize the applied area.
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing Alcohol has many uses, the most notable of those being as a disinfectant which when applied to wounds will kill bacteria present. It can also be used to clean surfaces before welding and is very flammable.
A Styptic is an antihemorrhagic agent that when applied to a wound will stop the bleeding. Styptics come in many forms, many are applied directly to a wound but some can be taken orally to help blood cloat better.
Suture Kit
A common kit found in all hospitals that contains a needle and several different types of thread in various lengths to be used to close wounds. A good little pack to have around in a first aide kit for emergencies.

* Weights of all the above items also may vary from time to time, weights will be given only when the item is acquired based on a table used by the DM.

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