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 » date: 02.01.07 ] – [ posted by: strife ]
Well well well, how about this new layout? looking pretty good isnt it? Ok now down to business, yes Create is gonna be made over in the next maybe two – three days, the main work of making the new layout is done, so that is a big load off of my back, now i just gotta get everyone new avys so they can start posting their community updates and stuff again, expect to see everything done in about 3 days.
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 » date: 02.01.07 ] – [ posted by: fevian ]
Who else to post on this fine (snowy here, so no school) Thursday other than your’s truly, Fevian. Anyways, I got some stuff to tell you that makes me and the rest of the Create staff just extremely overjoyed and stuffs. Hence the title of this update. Anyways, I just to wanted to let you in the know about stuff that’s going around Create and groups for the past week or two that really excites us. Read on to learn more. :P
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 » date: 01.30.07 ] – [ posted by: saiyen ]
Its tuesday, and most of you know that its time for another update from yours truly! Well I figure today I well get down to the jist of it. Within the past week create has made an advancement in affiliates, with the aid of our newest staff member cooler. Some of these sites are Pokemon Kingdom, Corrupt Genesis, Fate/Stay Night: Murderous Enchantment. There are other sites that have joined up with the network….
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 » date: 01.29.07 ] – [ posted by: radiux ]
Well there have been many things going on in the community for the past few days, and I would just like to start off one by one. First off, we have the ever growing problem of a site called ‘ Dragonball Z: The Eradication’. Well to many this wouldn’t be a problem, but there have been accusations of spamming , and its been increasing in the past few days. Its hard to confirm whether they are or not….
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 + [ link ]: create mainpage.
 + [ link ]: the community mainpage.
 + [ link ]: create network listings.
 + [ link ]: the create directory.


 + [ msn.ranking ]: #24
 + [ current.members
]: 160
 + [ current.banned
]: 8
 + [ current.pending
]: 0
 + [ total.activity ]: 2377 posts (253)