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 » Subject: Lots of News » Date: 05.09.05

Alright the site is doing great, Activity is really picking up and we are in the top 10 ranked sites right now so Congrats guys, The saga is really going great over 100 posts in the first few days which is just outstanding I hadn’t expected it would be so active. In other news I’m working on content here and there, I’m gonna add a couple new beasts tonight, just some things you will see around Galbadia as the saga goes through, maybe T-Rexaur, I’ll be adding beasts and bosses as we go so just keep an eye out. Umm I’d like to address the large number of member inactivity as well, especially for FF8 Characters, all of you that are playing FF8 characters and aren’t active I’m going to insist you get active or give up your character and leave. I’ll be contacting all of you individually about this within the next day or so, so really get active or be done and leave. Oh yeah and Josh.. lol.. your avy is ok but like on the homepage I wanna use the matching avys, it just looks better for the homepage.

 » Subject: Saga  » Date: May 6th, 2005

Hey everyone, Phox(Zell) here. Just wanted to say that the Saga has been doing great so far, but we really need some of you other members to get active and start posting, it would be a lot more fun if everyone could join in. Hopefully people will actually read this and decide to join in the Saga. Well, that’s basically it for me…Peace out.

               ¬ Phox(Zell)

 » Subject: Saga  » Date: May 9th, 2005

Well. Since John has requested it, I thought I might post here. lol. It is true, all of the members need to become active. Because what good is a story line without ALL of the regular FF8 Characters. Btw, if anyone wishes to sign up as Raijin or Fujin. By all means, please do. Be warned, at this current time I am controlling them. If you sign up for them, YOU shall be my lackey! Well, see ya’ll later.