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v i s u a l
p e r s o n a l
character name Abraham “Abe” Charles Winchester
character age 16
character race Caucasian
character gender Male
alignment Neutral
body type Average
e-mail address
current location Loyal Heights
b a s i c   a b i l i t i e s
balance +1 move silently +1
bluff -1 search +1
climb +2 sense motive +2
hide +2 spot +2
jump +1 swim -1
c h a r a c t e r  a t t r i b u t e s
hit points stamina strength constitution intelligence dexterity reflex speed
100 105% 14 15 11 13 10 35ft
b i o g r a p h i c a l
Abraham was the third and youngest child of the Martin family. He was always smaller than kids his own age, but what he lacked in height, he made up with intelligence. He was reading by the age of 4 and never stopped. He had the best grades in almost any class he was in. Add that to his small body and he was an instant target for bullies. Most of his early life was filled with running from said bullies and staying home, studying, and reading. In the 3rd grade, the young boy realized that he could recall anything he’s seen with perfect clearity. By 7th grade, Abe discovered a skill that could help keep bullies off him and make him some money. With 3 signatures, Abe was able to recreate the signature with it being identical to any of the three. By charging his fellow classmates a few dollars and not helping those that harrassed him, Abe was able to make some money and keep bullies off his back. Of course, bullies who didn’t know he could do this would still harrass you, until they learned his worth so running was always a staple of his. It was so important that he worked running into his detail routine since the 5th grade.

In the summer before high school, Abe came upon an interesting book about engineering. After reading the book, he found several others and began breaking apart anything he could and trying to put it back together before his parents found out. His first projects were the door knobs and locks of every door in the house. After a few experiment, Abe felt confident he could pick a lock given enough time and for the most part it was true, though it certainly was an awkward conversation when his parents found him with a bobby pin. Over the next couple years, Abe began taking apart bigger and bigger machines until he finally got to the car. He was unable to take apart a car before the outbreak so most of his knowledge is theoretical, but the knowledge is there.

a d v a n c e d  a b i l i t i e s
ability AP level
Knowledge (Mechanics) 30 0
Knowledge (Engineering) 30 0
Knowledge (Automobiles) 30 0
Forgery (+1) 50 1
Open Lock 60 0
e q u i p p e d  i t e m s
body area equipment modifier weight
right hand Screwdriver (flat) [d:4] 1d4 .5lbs
left hand
below waist
totals ›› .5lbs
i t e m s  o n  p e r s o n
Backpack[w:2lbs|d:3], Notebook[w:.5lbs|d:2], Pen Set [w:1lbs|d:2],Paper Clips[w:n/albs|d:1], Protein Bar(x3)[w:.5lbs|d:1], Water Bottle[w:2lbs|d:2],
i t e m s  n o t  o n  p e r s o n
i t e m s  s t a t i s t i c s
equip weight op weight nop weight total weight
.5lbs 6lbs 6.5lbs