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  G U I D E L I N E S

About Membership:
First of all, i would like to welcome everyone to FF7 Fortress and i hope you all enjoy your time here. As you may or may not know this site has been around off and on for over 3 years now and for the past 4 to 5 months has been limited to about 15 active members but thats all changing now that we are back to being a public rpg so please read over all the following rules and the other pages here in the guidelines section and have a great stay.
About Characters:
Ok first off  lets address double membership and double accounts here on FF7 Fortress. Having a double account inst looked down upon in any way but when you use that account to create another character to rp with on the site you are breaking the sites guidelines and in turn you will have both accounts banned from this site without warning so please stick to only one character because we never want to ban anyone.
About Dice Rolls:
There may be some dice based systems here so i would like to address this issue as well. Sometimes in battle you may have to roll a dice and state an outcome that could be good or bad for you, please be reasonable and dont cheat on your dice rolls because trust me we will find out eventually and once again you will end up getting banned. For those of you who dont have access to any dice you can use the foolowing link to go to an online roller. [ link ]
More About Characters:
Its really one of our goals to get all the main characters filled so as to create a more realistic enviroment for fans of FF7 to RP in. So please if you would play a main character or a minor character from the game and of course if you dont want to maybe help invite people to the site that might be intrested in playing a main character. And of course let me state this again, you arnt required to play a character from the game so dont worry about this.
Chatroom Rules:
Now lets discuss some of the rules for our sites chatroom. First of all, and this is a very important rule, no scripts what so ever. Anyone caught bringing a script in the chatroom will be banned that moment and never let back into FF7 Fortress so its highly advised that you dont do that. On to swearing, please by all means keep swearing down in the chat and on the boards as well, you will get a warning for this, but if you do it to much you could find yourself banned.
Picture Albums:
As a request i would like to state that i dont want any members creating picture albums here on FF7 Fortress, this is because photo albums clutter up the site and makes it more difficult for me to organize new pages. If you do create an album on the site it will be deleted as soon as it is seen and you will be warned. If it happens again, you will be banned. Now obviously members need to be able to upload some pictures for their bios and stuff which is fine just do it in the Members Album which you can find here [ link ]