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As explained on the battle square main page, at the end of each round of combat your character will be given a end of round effect which will effect them for the rest of combat. below is a list of those effects.

   [ all materia broken ]: if you happen to get this end of round effect, all the materia you have equipped to your character
      is broken and cannot be used for the rest of the tournament
. [ script code: all ]
   [ command materia broken ]: if you get this as your end of round effect, all the command materia you have equipped no
      longer can be used in the tournament. [ script code: command ]

   [ independent materia broken ]: if this is your end of round effect, all independent materia you have equipped can no
      longer be used in the battle square tournament. [ script code: independent ]

   [ support materia broken ]: if this is your end of round effect, any support materia that your character has equipped can
      no longer be used in the tournament. [ script code: support ]

   [ summon materia broken ]: if this is your end of round effect, any summon materia that your character has equipped
      can no longer be used in the tournament. [ script code: summon ]
   [ magic materia broken ]: if this is your end of round effect, any magic materia that your character has equipped can
      no longer be used in the tournament. [ script code: magic ]
   [ mini ]: if your character is hit with the mini end of round effect, he will be stricken with the mini negative status effect
      for the rest of the battle square tournament. [ script code: mini ]
   [ frog ]: similar to the mini end of round effect, if your character gets the frog end of round effect they will be hit with
      the frog negative status effect for the rest of the tournament. [ script code: frog ]
   [ poison ]: a very dangerous effect that can cause some damage, if your character gets the poison end of round effect
      they will have the poison negative status effect for the rest of the tournament. [ script code: poison ]
   [ speed ]: if you get the speed effect, your characters speed will be reduced by placing the slow negative status effect
      on your character for the rest of the tournament. [ script code: speed ]
   [ weapon broken ]: if you get this end of round effect, your weapon is broken and you can only use your base attack
      stat to determine your damage for the rest of the tournament. [ script code: weapon ]
   [ armor broken ]: if you get this end of round effect, your characters armor is broken and you will have to use your base
      physical, and magical defense. [ script code: armor ]
   [ accessory broken ]: like with the other equipment broken effects, if you get this one your equipped accessory will no
      longer work for the rest of the tournament. [ script code: accessory
   [ item command broken ]: if this is your end of round effect, your character will lose the ability to use their item command
      for the rest of the tournament. [ script code: item ]
   [ HP ]: If your character is hit with the HP end of round effect, that characters maximum hit points will be cut in half
      for the rest of the battle square tournament. [ script code: HP ]
   [ MP ]: If your character is hit with the MP end of round effect, that characters maximum magic points will be cut in half
      for the rest of the battle square tournament. [ script code: MP ]
   [ HP & MP ]: If you are given the HP & MP end of round effect, your characters maximum HP and MP will be cut in half
      for the rest of the battle square tournament. [ script code: HPMP ]
   [ zero MP ]: If you get the zero MP end of round effect, your characters current MP will be reduced to zero, this effect
      only lasts until you restore some of that MP. [ script code: zeroMP ]
   [ cure ]: if you get the cure end of round effect, your character will have their hit points completely cured to max at the
      start of the nest round. [ script code: cure ]
   [ lucky seven ]: you get no end of round effect. [ script code: lucky7 ]
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