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Welcome to FFvii Fortress’ Registration section, where you will craft the character that you will be playing here on the site. The first thing any new member needs to do (after reading though the guidelines of course) is start work on their character. However, there are a few rules that will need a quick run through about character registration before you can get started on that and this page will be used to list those rules for the rping public.

 ››  We do encourage that you RP a character from final fantasy vii, but if those characters are all taken customs are allowed.
 ››  Custom characters should be custom, and not characters from other anime or games (ie no naruto’s, vegeta’s etc).
 ››  We do allow characters from other final fantasy games to be used as characters here if that is wanted by the rping public.
 ››  No double characters are allowed, one character per person, if you are caught rping more you will be banned..
 ››  Please try to limit pictures to one or two on your bio, for updating reasons.

One thing you have to do to RP here is fill out your characters registration form (also known as your bio form). This form can be found on the section navigation bar to the right. To sign up a character you will need to fill out all the required information on your registration form. Some of the important things that you will need to do to fill out the bio form, and choose your character and race, as well as fill out all of the personal features. You will have to choose your character’s class and starting equipment and many other important character related things, all links and information about filling out the form can be found on the bio form its self, and if you have any further questions about it you can ask them [ here ]

Unlike past versions of FFvii Fortress where we required all members to do an opening RP to gain their starting equipment as well as to provide a great chance to do some character development, this time around due to many complains about the required opening RP we have decided to simply let new characters start with a starting weapon (that’s how available weapons are listed on the equipment pages), starting armor (bronze bangle), as well as a piece of basic materia (fire, bolt, or ice) Please make sure to add these to your registration form while your filling it out, or you will miss your chance to get them.

Graphic based, or custom bio layouts are allowed here on FFvii Fortress, however there are a few rules for creating one that a member needs to be aware of before doing so. First and most important, every required field on the standard bio form MUST be on your custom bio as well, or else it will be denied. Second, please don’t over do it with tons of pictures, this clutters up your bio and makes it more of a chore for updaters to do their job swiftly. And finally make sure it is well under the maximum page limit size, which is 16kb or 16,000 characters of HTML.

When you finish filling out all the required information on your registration form and have looked over it to make sure there are no mistakes post the form on this registration board, the link can be found on the section navigation to the right. Once your bio form has been posted a updater will look over your form to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes and if everything checks out then your bio will be placed on the members site, where all of the bios are stored. If your bio isn’t put up within a 24 hour period inform a manager on the following board and we will make sure it gets up. [ link ]
 + [ link ]: ffvii fortress guidelines.
 + [ link ]: new member registration.
 + [ link ]: manager update section.
 + [ link ]: chronicle & event info.


 + [ members ]: 354
 + [ pending members ]: 0
 + [ banned members ]: 8
 + [ total posts ]: 18008 (391)
 + [ msn rpg rank ]: 4th