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T h e  L o c a l  S e c t o r
The Local Sector, formally just called the solar system and also known as Sol, is humanity’s home system centered by our star the Sun. In the years since space exploration began humanity has spread out across the Local Sector terraforming and colonizing many of the worlds. The colonization had begun in the 2010s along with the development of the Astral Gate technology to connect the Local Sector, and became the focus after the Astral Gate explosion in the year 2022 which destroyed the Moon and made Earth an unstable home world.

C a l l i s t o ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Very Low ) :: ( Terrain: Arctic Tundra ) :: ( Travel )
Callisto, a satellite of Jupiter, is the third largest moon in the Sol. Unlike it’s sibling moons Ganymede and Europa the terraforming of Callisto has not been completed which has left the world a cold barren landscape. Callisto’s cold, barren existence has left the world with few colonists and only one true center of population. The moon is most known throughout the Sol as a haven world for outlaws, specifically those connected with the crime syndicates which are at the center of power throughout the Solar System, and for it’s lack of women inhabitants.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
E a r t h ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Medium ) :: ( Terrain: Ocean, City Ruins, Desert, Mountain ) :: ( Travel )
Once the center of humanity in the Sol, Earth has now become a much different place. In the year 2022 an Astral Gate near the Moon malfunctioned and in the resulting explosion destroyed roughly a quarter of the Moon and sent debris raining down on Earth destroying the cities and landscape. In the years since the disaster most of the survivors have migrated from Earth, which still experiences daily showers of deadly meteors, outwards into the Sol. Those remaining tend to live in cities protected from the falling debris, clustering together to attempt to retain colonization of the home world.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
E u r o p a ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Low ) :: ( Terrain: City, Desert ) :: ( Travel )
Another of the many moons of Jupiter, Europa is still in the early stages of terraforming and as a result is mostly barren land with a handful of settlements. These settlements, which mostly house those working for the corporations to terraform the planet are located in craters around the world, the high walls surrounded by atmospheric generators which keep the settlements habitable. Venturing out for the settlements will reveal a world which is desolate and barren, though expected to be a great source of mining resources and hopefully in the future a fully terraformed world.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
G a n y m e d e ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Medium ) :: ( Terrain: City, Ocean ) :: ( Travel )
Once a frozen ice world, Ganymede through the magic terraforming is a now a warm ocean world which is home to floating cityscapes. Known for it’s ability to sustain an farm ocean life, Ganymede in the years since terraforming has become an important world as it’s home to so much life transplanted from Earth and now flourishing and evolving into new local species. The massive floating cities are beautiful and modern, unlike most of the other colonies, which had lead Ganymede to be a travel destination for vacationers as well.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
M a r s ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: High ) :: ( Terrain: City, Desert ) :: ( Travel )
In the years since the Astral Gate incident Mars has become the center of humanity in the Sol, as the closest and most hospitable of the nearby planets to Earth. Now home to the largest human population, which reside in massive cities located in craters much like Europa as the terraforming progresses. Mars is home to the political and commercial organizations which hold the most power in the Sol as well as a major home to the crime syndicates. Venturing from the cities much of the rest of the planet is mostly rocky, mountainous desert.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
M o o n ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Very Low ) :: ( Terrain: Desert ) :: ( Travel )
Before the horrific Astral Gate incident the Moon was the first a primary home to humanity outside of the Earth, though planned terraforming of Mars and Venus had already begun. After the incident the Moon was so unstable that those lucky enough to survive the explosions left for other colonies and space stations. In the decades since, even though the Moon remains unstable, some have returned in attempts to monitor the world. No longer a home to civilians, the Moon is only inhabited by a handful of scientists and meteor forecasters at any given time.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
P l u t o ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Very Low ) :: ( Terrain: Desert ) :: ( Travel )
Pluto is the farthest planetary object from the Sun, in the deep reaches of the Local Sector. Because of this distance from inhabited space Pluto has come to serve a purpose as the home of the Sol’s maximum security prison, where the most dangerous criminals are sent. Travel to Pluto is mostly forbidden unless you’ve been cleared by the ISSP, which rarely happens due to the dangerous nature of the criminals housed in the colony. Overall inhospitable temperatures and lack of terraforming also makes travel to Pluto undesired by those who would consider deep space travel, in any case.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
T i j u a n a ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Low ) :: ( Terrain: Desert ) :: ( Travel )
One of several mining colonies that have been set up in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, Tijuana has become renown in the Sol. Built to resemble and named after the former city of Tijuana on Earth, the domed colony is the largest and most populated in the belt and like many of the other colonies is home to mostly miners and factory workers who process the ores and ready them for shipment. The culture of the colony is much like that of the south western united states was, as many of the colonies founders migrated from that area of Earth.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
T i t a n ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Very Low ) :: ( Terrain: Desert ) :: ( Travel )
Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, was the site of a fierce war over the ownership of the moon which resulted in heavy loss of life. The moon remains in the early stages of being terraformed, supporting a atmosphere and some transplanted life that are suited to the still desert like climate the moon possesses. There are few colonies on the moon as it’s ownership is still being contested on diplomatic fronts and due to it’s still somewhat unlivable climate, though it is expected that more transplanted life will be possible in the new few years.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 
V e n u s ~ ( Forum )
›› ( Population: Very Low ) :: ( Terrain: Desert ) :: ( Travel )
Terraforming of Venus started roughly the same time as Mars, but due to the planets dense atmosphere and hellish temperatures is taking far longer. Floating platforms, using nuclear energy to power, were placed high in the planets atmosphere as growing beds for plant life allowing the atmosphere to be filtered. In the years sense large modern cities have been built floating above the surface as well, which is still to hot and arid for human life. Venus is known to be a dangerous place for colonists due to planet born illnesses.
›› ( Sub-Locations: — ) 

* O t h e r  W o r l d s
There are many other moons and asteroids located in the Sol and many of them have small colonies some known about, others purposely obscure, traveling to these places may become possible in site events.

n a v i g a t i o n  a r r a y