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Starting with a brief prologue of the history of the world of Sengoku here you will find a summarized tale of the accounts of our adventures in RP. As each chapter of our story is finished a new section will be added to the story below to serve as the history of the RPG.
The Age of Gods
From the Earth the Kamiyonanayo came, the seven generations of gods that would create all that we know today. During the of the Age of Gods Izanagi no kami and Izanami no kami used a spear to stir the ocean waters and create the first of the islands that would become Japan. Together they conceived the other islands of Japan but Izanami no kami would soon die while giving birth to the fire god Kagu-tsuchi. Izanagi no kami was grief stricken by the death of his love and traveled to the Yomi-no-kuni, the land of the dead, in hopes to bring his wife back to the world of the living but this transgression would set off a chain of events that would bring the darkness into the world.
The Early Ages and Jigoku War
Much of the early history of the people of Japan has been lost to time, but the names of the imperial families and the recounts of the great wars of the past have been remembered in folk tales. In the most known of the tales, the recount of the Jigoku War, the stories talk of the evil lord Gedoji who with his great strength and magical powers grew powerful in the land of the dead and broke free of it’s grasp bringing his army of Yokai into the world of the living to wage a war for control of both realms. Gedoji would lead his armies in battle against the Shogun Ito Kushani for a decade but he was eventually defeated and sealed away in Jigoku, but not before toppling the Shogunate and returning Japan to feudal times.
The Feudal Wars
The Daimyo of Japan have been in a constant state of war for the past twenty four years. The alliances of the six noble families have twisted and shifted through these years but now on the verge of the twenty fifth year of conflict one family has begun to rise above the others–The Tokugawa. Lead by the great Samurai Tokugawa Azai the tides of battle have turned for their favor as have the spoils of political conquests, clearing a path for the great warrior to soon claim the title of Shogun. However, everything is not as simple as it seems, other forces have begun to gain power once again, dark forces that were sealed away centuries before. Tales from the remote villages and towns have begun to make their way to the cities, stories of Oni and other Yokai returning and causing mischief in the rural lands that have not been heard in modern times.