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++ Chapter 1: Winds of Change


4:05 pm
September 7, 2017


posts 16


Shijou Nakatomo
With all of the men in agreement, they had decided to stop at a clearing close to the road to take a much-needed rest and fill up on some food. Zakuro came up with some simple tasks and asked each member of the group to accomplish them with Nakatomo being asked to acquire some meat to add to their meal. Upon hearing the task provided, Nakatomo nodded to signal his agreement and began to move towards the tree line and head deep into the woods away from the road. With his bow drawn, Nakatomo quietly walked through the forest with his mind singularly focused on tracking and hunting small game. While there were bears and boars in the forest, they would prove more cumbersome than necessary and with limited baggage and an effective means of transporting extra raw meat, much of the animal would go to waste. Therefore, he had settled on looking for some Japanese Hare, one for each of them should be sufficient and allow them to maximize the use of the animal.
It took Nakatomo maybe ten minutes before he returned to the clearing with three Japanese Hare tied to a rope around his waist. As the others were working on their own tasks, he sat down and began to skin the small creatures. Upon completion, he sat tied them to a small rack that he had furnished from some branches and set it nearby and waited for a fire to be made.

6:28 pm
September 11, 2017


posts 75


Sengoku ~ Chapter 1  
   Riku nodded to the ronin as he went about his task of gathering dry wood. With each piece picked up, Riku said a silent thank you for this plant life giving itself so that the three companions can eat their food and remain living. Smiling to himself, Riku enjoyed the conflicting ideas within his dogma and accepted as such. One should not kill, but one must kill to not kill one self. Animal, plant, Riku saw no difference. They all deserve to be recognized for their sacrificed.

Bundling and putting the fire wood into a pile, Riku grab a piece of flint front his robes and started the fire using some dried up leaves. Riku sat around the fire for comfort and said another thank you for both the rabbits and the rice that the three were about to enjoy.



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