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Shijou Nakatomo


4:46 pm
August 25, 2017


posts 16

o name: Shijou Nakatomo
o age: 24
o height: 5'7″
o weight: 172 lbs.
o personality: Pragmatic, Confident, Perceptive, Kind
o weapons: Doragon (Yumi Bow), Wakizashi
o armor: Robes
o items: Rice Rations, 47 Mon, Poison (Nightshade)
o history:
     Nakatomo was born in the small, yet prospering village of Narita which fell under the rule of the Tokugawa clan. He was born into a merchant family, one with a moderate amount of wealth that allowed him to enjoy a relatively simple and easy childhood. Their wealth bought him his own personal education from a private tutor. At a young age, Nakatomo was vastly interested in learning about the world that he lived in and looked forward to his private tutoring sessions and this would last for many years up until his seventh birthday. While his parents were not there to celebrate his birthday, his tutor presented him with a curious item, a replica Yumi bow, except one made considerably smaller for his stature. It did not take long before Nakatomo found his calling and over the next six years of his life, he would practice daily and participate in many Kyudo competitions. At the age of 13, his tutor had passed away mere days before his first major competition. No longer would he be competing in different villages, instead he had been invited to participate in a junior competition in the city of Edo. Although the loss of his tutor weighed heavily on his mind, Nakatomo would easily best the others in the competition which granted him an automatic bid to participate in the next Edo competition. Yet, this would not come to pass, Nakatomo abandoned Kyudo shortly after returning home and instead decided to focus on learning the family business, too hampered by the longing for his deceased tutor to continue practicing Kyudo.
     Almost five years had passed and Nakatomo had been engaged to a beautiful daughter of a smaller clan that allied themselves with the Tokugawa clan. After the two met, they instantly became close as she loved his education and the care he showed for his parents and he loved her ability to make him feel positive no matter the situation he found himself in. It was perhaps the first time he had felt such a connection, since the death of his tutor. Yet, on the eve of their marriage, he would once again lose this connection as the politics of clan life through themselves head first into his life. Unknowingly, his fiance had been claimed by a mid-level member of the Tokugawa family and upon hearing that she was given to someone else, the man decided that if he could not have her, then nobody would be able to.
     Due to tradition the two slept separately the eve before their marriage, he with his family and she with hers. That night, he woke to the screams of villagers outside his home and he heard the shouts of “fire! fire!” outside. Not knowing where the fire was, he had raced out of the house to assist the village in putting out the flames. Yet, when he found the source of the fire his demeanor had changed, for not only was the fire at the house of his fiance, it was already too late to do anything. The home was already fully engulfed in flames and with no ability to quickly put out the fire, he could do nothing but watch it burn. As the sun rose and last flames died down, the house was no more than char and dust that laid upon the ground.
     It had been six years since that night and it was now his twenty-fourth birthday. The death of his fiance still weighed on him, yet he had finally begun to make the progress needed to move on and it was due to this that his father and mother presented him with a special gift. It was a gift that he was meant to receive the day of his wedding and it was from his now deceased love. Attached with it came a letter that read:
     Dear beloved,
     We have often spoken of the things we love most in this world. You speak of books and ancient scrolls and the love you have for your family. Yet, there is a hole in your heart where something is missing. I know I cannot replace your tutor, but I can help you celebrate his life in the way he would have wanted. Here is a bow that I had crafted by the finest artisan in Edo, it is a Yumi Bow called Doragon, which means Dragon. The dragon is a noble creature that protects all that is his and with this, I know you will keep our family safe.
     My dearest love,

6:41 pm
August 25, 2017


posts 82

Cooler do you have an image? Once all three of our profiles are posted I'm going to add shortened versions to the characters page as PCs and also later keep NPCs there as well.

4:27 pm
August 26, 2017


posts 16

I do, but this freaking forum doesn't allow you to upload images unless they're hosted somewhere!

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