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Wind Spells


6:05 pm
June 20, 2019


posts 75

Just going with some general concepts and we can work on specifics as time goes.

Wind Arrow: Riku gathers wind around his shakkou and sends wind spiralling around into the point towards a target. Riku has able to plan a trajectory for the arrow, but can not control it once released. Riku can split the wind into three separate attacks slowing the speed and effectiveness of each attack. One used as one attack is about the size of an arrow and once separated becomes the size of darts.

Wind Restraints: Riku summons the winds to restrain an opponent's ankles and arms. The restraints can only be used on enemies already injured and can be broken by trained opponent's, but would slow their movements while they break the bonds.

6:55 pm
June 22, 2019


posts 82

I'll get these added when I do an encyclopedia update in the next day or so. Just post any more you come up with. I may also create a thread for Zakuro's sword abilities tomorrow. (Also I'm mostly just replying to this to see if a automated weekly update of the posts I setup will work now)

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