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Author Topic: Forum Wide Code of Conduct TOPIC CLOSED
Posts: 40
Post Forum Wide Code of Conduct
on: July 22, 2013, 18:29

1. No godmodding: This is when someone goes outside realistic means due to rank, power-level, etc to try and gain unfair victory or edge over another person. If someone is found to be doing this they will be talked to, if this continues they will be suspended for three days and if that does not stop it, permanently banned.
2. No Meta-gaming: This is when someone uses out of character information to change things in-character. So, say you tell someone you are thinking of setting a trap, that person then posts and somewhere in it 'gets a bad feeling' or 'senses danger' when there has been no sensible reason why that person ought to know that. To prevent that from happening, don't share details like that unless you trust your rp partner. If there is proof that this has been done, same consequences for godmodding apply.
3. Use commonsense. Just because we play a game does not mean that each character is invincible. A rank one Sith/Jedi cannot stop a speeder at top speed, but they might be able to lob a rock at the driver's head with preparation and timing, if lucky. Likewise a beginner with a blaster cannot auto-hit someone in said vehicle without the same circumstances and even luck. So, if it doesn't make sense to you, it probably might not work. If all else fails and you do not know, ask someone, this way you might learn a different way or even something totally new. There is plenty of things that falls under using it, you know what that is, I hope you use it.
4. Manners. We all know them, so use them. Rude people typically don't get asked to thread with others or make friends easy, no one is obligated to be around someone they don't like or make others annoyed by their behavior. Keep that in mind, if someone goes too far an admin or mod can be asked to step in or will step in if they see problem behavior happening.
5. Favoritism. We all like people, but no admin or mod is allowed to just let things slide just because they feel like it or because that person is a friend. If you don't feel comfortable putting your foot down when its your own friend causing problems, ask someone else. If they get mad at you for not 'helping them out' with your authority, they are not a true friend. Same goes for if your student is doing this, we all understand feelings attached, but remember that with authority comes responsibility. An admin/mod/teacher is their rank/position first, friend/player second often times, one has to respect that.
6. Abuse of power WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. If you are abusing your position, you WILL lose it if it is proven. You will also be black-listed and will not be allowed to hold that position ever again, no second chances.
7. Bullying/abusive actions WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. You will be talked to if you are proven to be doing this and if you continue, you will be banned. No second chances.
8. Harassment. You have the ability to put someone on ignore, but if that doesn't work ask one of the staff to get involved.
9. Language. I'm not going to police threads and put a filter up, but if your language in posts or out of character are excessive you'll be talked to. If you cannot curb your habit, a three day ban then, if that fails, a perma-ban can and will happen. This falls under commonsense, I trust people to have/use it.
10. Explicit content. No discriptive sexual content is allowed, please use a fade to black, timeskip, what have you, to blot it out. If you decide to play a character who is a prostitute, keep this in mind (I doubt anyone will, but its not disallowed.) Likewise for anyone else engaging in such, keep that to yourselves please and off the board. I am allowing drugs, gore, so on so forth, all at the discretion of the players and ask that if you decide to torture a character, what have you, please have permission from your rp partner first.

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