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Author Topic: The New Era TOPIC CLOSED
Posts: 17
Post The New Era
on: July 25, 2013, 15:59

Draconem – Several years ago…
Azrael and Zeke walked together in silence once again. Their relationship had become strained over the last couple of weeks and they both knew why. Azrael continued to blame Zeke for the loss of his wife, Elizabeth. Meanwhile Zeke could sense that his strength advantage in the Force had all but evaporated. The two men were more like colleagues now than Master and Apprentice and Zeke was beginning to question his own superiority. Of course Zeke suspected Azrael to be plotting treachery simply because that is how the history of the Sith had progressed… he did not know that the vendetta was personal.
After the long silence the two Sith finally arrived at their destination, a pyramid made of what looked like pure obsidian. The low step pyramid looked like a large reproduction of a holocron. Finally Zeke broke the silence, “I noticed on our approach that a name had been added to the nav data for this planet. Draconem? Such an interesting name… especially as I call you “The Dragon”. It’s a little early to be laying claim to territory isn’t it my apprentice. Or did you not think I would notice how you try to block my ability to sense you?” The last word carried significant weight as Zeke tried to intimidate the younger man.
Wryn continued walking even though Zeke had stopped. He was gambling, leaving his back turned to the older Sith. Azrael had known that conflict was coming. Zeke had surely noticed how closely they appeared to be matched when they sparred now. Zeke knew how closely they “appeared” he did not know that his apprentice had truly surpassed him and had also become very adept at suppressing his abilities. The younger man smiled now and when he spoke his tone brought a chill to the air. “Come now master, surely you aren’t so paranoid as to think anything of a simple name. We’ve had possession of this place for some time now and you hadn’t named it, so I just thought I should take the initiative.”
Zeke cut in clearly angered by the younger man’s indifferent tone. “Don’t try to pacify me boy. You plan to replace me…”
Azrael turned on his heel smiling. “I don’t have to plan… you’re getting old and soon age will take you out of the equation for me.”
Zeke lunged at the younger man and a snap-hiss filled the air as he brought his crimson blade down in a stroke that was meant to cut Azrael diagonally from right shoulder to left hip. The older man seemed very surprised when his blade struck the younger man’s and was deflected away. Azrael used the force and flipped backwards until he was standing on the pyramid steps. Hatred filled the master’s eyes, a hatred that met the cold stare of the apprentice.
The two men leaped at each other again, their blades forming a crimson aura around the pair as they attacked and countered. The next instant they were standing apart again. They clashed a second time, and foreign objects began flying into the mix as each man used the Force trying to gain an advantage. They separated this time just long enough to plant and charge back again. During this third cycle the tip of Azrael’s blade touched Zeke’s shoulder. The older man used the pain to fuel his rage and the battle continued. When the two men separated for the final time, both stood panting but for the most part uninjured.
Zeke’s preemptive attack on his apprentice had not accomplished the desired goal of ending his challenge, but the younger man seemed reluctant to press the subject. Finally Wryn shut down his lightsaber with a smile. “I’m not ready to kill you just yet old man. I still need you a little longer.” The older man closed down his blade as well fearing that if he attacked now that fatigue might overtake him. The two Sith entered the temple and retrieved the relics they had originally gone for in silence. Could their relationship ever be the same now that they had come to serious blows?
As the two men were returning to Ahshaad, the question was answered. Zeke’s fighter lost all power in the middle of the Belt and he crashed into an asteroid dying instantly. As Azrael came out on the far side of the Belt he smirked. “The old fool didn’t realize his death would be much easier to explain as an accident in a prototype ship than if he had simply gone missing. And he never suspected that when I spared his life with my blade that I had already doomed him.”
Two days later, Azrael Wryn stood in front of the media at a press conference to announce the ‘tragic’ death of his friend and mentor Ezekiel. Wryn announced that he would continue his work with the corporation to improve space travel so that such a tragedy could never happen again. He left the stage without answering any questions.

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