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Minute Chances


5:58 pm
August 17, 2014

New Member

My site :D

posts 1


Post edited 1:03 am – August 18, 2014 by rennat

Welcome to Minute Chances, where all humans have been given a second chance at making the world a better place by the Great Goddess Gaia. By utilizing the virtue they most treasured in life, humanity has been given the appropriate tools to go about this restoration. But as each minute passes, humanity divides as it always has; some take their second chance as a blessing and work toward following Gaia's Decree; others understand that with great power comes the potential to take control of this new, fresh land ripe for the taking; and other forces serve to tempt humanity into betraying the Goddess, who may or may not be as malevolent as she seems. If you were given a minute chance at restarting your life, would you give up everything so easily to an entity that demands your cooperation, or deviate to fulfill your own desires? All the time and power in the world, discarded for a selfish god... Take advantage of your minute chance and start anew in Gaia's Wake.
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