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3:54 pm
July 9, 2014

Shogo Maki

posts 204

So, things have been going slow, but I'm continuing to do work and with the two new members we should be able to get some stuff started. The site still has some stuff that needs to be finished and I'm holding off advertising till then, but I'll let the people who's here know whats new. It's been pointed out that it's a little complicated so I've been simplifing some stuff. First, roles have been changed to just two pages will retaining most of the info. I changed most of the racial advantages and changed how symbol of power works to remove %. Had to take out symbol of weakness cause I couldn't figure in a use for it without %s, but KH2 didn't have it so it works out. The term augmented stat is taken out and tasks, quests, and missions is now just quests with types to denote these types. Traits that increase stats from classes have been removed to further simplify. There's still some work that needs to be done, but it's coming together. I hope to continue the event now that we have some new members and should have the rest done shortly.

10:29 pm
July 9, 2014


posts 91

Once you start really advertising you're going to get a solid influx I think. Looking at your traffic you have been steady even without it, just gotta get things all settled and get some of those eyes on the site to register. Having some RPing going on will help, we need to get a nice open RP going or something.

12:58 pm
July 10, 2014

Shogo Maki

posts 204


Post edited 8:38 pm – July 10, 2014 by griff

Some more updates that will be taking effect shortly. After talking to Fevian and Dystopia, I've decided to change traits up and remove subraces. Traits will now be picked by the chosen and they will be able to pick a new trait every few levels. There will be a list for chosen to pick from. Lydeck and Clerith, you can still play your characters as you would, you will just get human stats and AP cost less. Sorry for the inconvience. The term role will also be removed completely. Instead everything roles do will be under advanced abilities just to make things simplier.

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