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WoH Rework


1:31 pm
September 15, 2014

Shogo Maki

posts 204

This is the thread for anything having to do with the WoH rework.

9:35 pm
September 17, 2014

Shogo Maki

posts 204


Post edited 7:30 pm – September 26, 2014 by griff

To Do List: May seem like a lot, but most are small things.

Classes: Done (Edits may come later though)

Abilities: (Done)
 - Look over the abilities and see what need to be removed (Advanced abilities as well)
 - Rework abilities to new system.
 - Custom Abilities removed for now until a system for it. 

Magic: (Done)
 - Spells changed to fit new system, probably static number.
 - Entities of Pure Magic removed instead FF summons will be in summon stones.

Armory: (Done)
 - Weapons, Armor, and Accessories redone (Won't be as cookie cutter as before)
 -  Items changed as well, potions and stuff being a static amount. (Kept them %s works better)

Synthesis: (Done)
 - Numbers changed.

 - Traits need new numbers and need to be looked at. (Done; Just need to at Keyblade stuff)
 - Basic races changed to a basic choice. (Done)
 - Advance races redone. (Done)

Universe: (Done)
 - 1 FF planet added.

 - New Battle System Page (Done)
 - Look over Heart (Done)
 - Add a level up table. (Done)
 - Add new AP system. (Done)

4:47 pm
September 25, 2014

Shogo Maki

posts 204

Few updates. I finished all magic and went through the entire armory and changed it around. It's not as uniform as it was before with each set having different number. This alos helps with synthesis recipes as well. It's balanced by the munny cost being directly related to the stats added. Talents are also done except for the keyblade stuff. Keyblades will require a good amount of Heart, the trait, and a quest. Abilities are done as well. I'll try to finish synthesis tomorrow. I also may have gotten someone to make the FF7 planet for the universe page which would be awesome. Once synthesis is done, advance races will be the only thing I'll have to really work on. The rest is just word content which is easy.

9:36 pm
September 25, 2014


posts 91

You should update the mainpage with this info regularly. People hit the site and see your main posts page first a lot of times. If there are no recent updates there they might just keep going! I try to post on CT every week.

11:53 am
September 26, 2014

Shogo Maki

posts 204


Post edited 7:34 pm – September 26, 2014 by griff

I added a post going over some of the changes and how I'm accepting bios. Midgar is also up now. I put the XP chart up, right now it shows to level 40 so will be good for a while. Also added the AP system to that page and so it's easy 1 AP and 1 Heart Strength are the same amount of words. AP on abilities will need to be redone because as of now they are far too low. Also, I'm going to be reducing the number of pages under Rules. Thread Types will go on Site Guide and Status Effects should be able to fit on the Battle Page since it will be simplified. Finished those two pages and went over Heart Page. I'm going to need to add the two keyblader traits to the trait page and fix the starting keyblades according to the new stat system. The Battle Page may seem a little longer, but at the very beginning of the page is all the formulas shown I hope very easy. The rest of the page is about turns, actions, how they can use those actions, and finally the status effects, but it's just content no formulas.

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