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09:04:2013 | Update 1


3:44 pm
September 4, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 2:52 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

Currently only the core team has access to this workgroup. This workgroup will be used to help finalize a lot of what we are working on so when we go into full production it will be a very quick turn-a-round. Our goal is to pretty much have all of the content completely (minus the design of it). Then, once the design of the group and the core programming is complete we will then work on creating the actual RPG. Today, I am moving over the discussions that we had on Facebook into categorized threads. Each thread contains a summary of what we decided on. There will be a lot of holes that need to be filled by group discussions amongst everyone here.
There is no expected date of release and for that reason we are not discussing this project amongst those that are not involved.


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