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4:52 pm
September 4, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 3:59 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

Interplanetary Travel
Instantaneous. The player will simply submit an automated request and be immediately moved to their new location.

Planet-to-Planet Travel
Traveling between planets will take 1 – 8 hours depending on the ship and distance the player is travelling.

DM Events
- – - – -
It has been suggested random DM events will pop up when traveling between planets. However, there are setbacks to implementing this idea. First of all, the players may not be willing to do this traveling, especially if they already have to wait hours to travel and now they have to complete an event before they can land. If the DM events are implemented, instead of DMing a scenario, we would give the player a scenario and let them do the RP themselves. This prevents us from forcing them to take longer than the required time to travel.

10:55 pm
September 4, 2013


posts 51

We can handle the actual management of all traveling via the engine, that's easy enough to do. We do need to come to an agreement on how to handle planet to planet travel, obviously we want no word requirements. I think speed of travel should come into play somehow as well which would factor in time for training (when able). We could put this up to a vote as well (DM'd encounters vs. none DM'd timed travel)

10:59 am
September 5, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 3:01 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

Perhaps we can have both, but the chances of having a scenario would have to be very slim. The only logical scenario I can come too is that the pod was intercepted by a much larger ship. Of course, there won't be a lot of large ships around this time (other than Frieza, King Cold, Cooler, etc). Given that, the chances of a larger ship intercepting a spacepod would be very very slim. So perhaps the chances would be like 1-10 on a d100. Then, once the scenario is complete they are automatically at their destination. If no scenario happens then it could be a timed travel.

11:29 am
September 5, 2013


posts 51

The one problem I see with this, is that means once people start travelling more though space, someone is going to be spending a lot of time DMing these things, lol.

1:23 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 3:02 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

Well, we could give the scenario over to the player and just let them do an RP themselves with the scenario we have given.

1:39 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 51

The problem I see is, what if they don't want to do the scenario? lol.
perhaps we could offer them with a RP bonus, but we still have to decide how they get modded.

The only other unsolved issue with this is wait for planet to planet travel. I'm thinking 12 hours. I think a full day is to much to ask someone to wait to RP.

1:46 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 3:03 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

I think it should be based on the ship being used. It's ship can have a stat called Travel Time and it will differ for each ship.

1:47 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 51

Ship being used + distance to planet. We can have it vary in terms of hours, I think 12 should remain the max.

1:56 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 102

Post edited 3:03 am – September 8, 2013 by cooler

I like 8 hours better. The reason is this can allow people who are still in school and those who work normal 8 hour jobs to travel before they leave for school/work and allow them to roleplay as soon as they get off. Obviously some people work different hours, but the norm is about 8 hours for school/work.

3:25 pm
September 5, 2013


posts 51

I can see that being good. from 1 to 8 hours, depending on ship & distance.

11:31 am
July 15, 2017


posts 102

Interplanetary travel: No longer require any type of update. Players may travel as much as they want, instantly, within whatever planet they are on. Locations will be tracked by planet and not by cities, areas, etc.
Plant to planet travel: 0-8 hours travel time depending on ship travel speed and distance travelled.
DM Events: None.

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