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++ Chapter 1: The Invasion


9:04 pm
September 20, 2015


posts 114

  Chapter 1: The Invasion
  The rhythmic thump of Roland's heart pounded in his ears as he pushed his body against the mail box, taking in deep breaths. The ache of his stunt still twisted in his legs and back, but he pushed the pain down, he could worry about any injuries later. He listened as the gunfire rose and fell like ocean waves rolling in and returning back to the open sea; he didn't have time to rest. instinctively checking his ammo Roland turned to his left, his legs burning as he charged. From the corner of his eyes he caught sight of his partner following suit from the opposite side of the street, they were moving like pincers on the dwindling group of Dollet troops.

Ahead the sunlight reflected from the metallic paint of a bullet hole pitted automobile, behind which the final two Dollet troops were hunkered down as the Galbadian's fired on them from behind cover in the street. The gunfire slowed as Roland neared, a change in the tide of war that tipped them to his approach. This knowledge that would not save them in the end. Turning to his left he looked across the street to Lyner who had dropped the last of the soldiers who had been approaching from out of view of the second Galbadian squad. Roland knew that Lyner would finish the job, he had already done his part and drawen their attention. With a smile on his face as the Dollet soldiers raised their guns towards him Roland dived onto the pavement and with all of his speed rolled to his right as the doomed soldiers opened fire.
OOC Talk:
Take em out.

4:09 am
September 24, 2015


posts 108

   Lyner hadn't managed to duck behind cover when Roland burst into the action once more. After this he would have to remind the kid that he wasn't quite so young–a chance to catch his breath and to alleviate the burning in his lungs would've been a godsend. Yet all things as they were he wouldn't dare waste any time to do so. In a burst of motion Lyner resumed his frenzied pace, sprinting toward the pitted automobile like a man possessed.
   Once he reached the remains of the car Lyner jumped onto and slid across the hood of the automobile, before he put the first of the men in his sights and let loose a short spray. As several rounds hit their marks the man fell to the ground in a heap, and Lyner fixated upon the last enemy combatant. Another short burst and the other collapsed as well, and Lyner just stood and stared at Roland with a cocky smile.

4:09 pm
September 30, 2015


posts 114

  Chapter 1: The Exam
  Roland missed much of Lyner's final charge, having rolled safely behind the nearby corner of the building directly to his right, narrowly missing buying the farm as he dodged the Dollet Soldier's fire. When the gunfire seemed to quiet he poked his head out catching sight of Lyner standing over the bodies of the final two Soldiers, panting like an old dog trying to cool down.
   ” Not bad for an old man. ” He found himself saying with a smirk as he got to his feet, the ache of their exploits still shooting through his legs as he walked.
   ” God damn, what are you two crazy? ” An unfamiliar voice cut through the noise around them, that of the approaching second squad leader. ” Commander want's you two back at the bridge, says we can handle it from here. ” He continued as he reached out to shake Lyner's hand while motioning with his other behind him through the smoke to the bridge in the distance.
OOC Talk:

5:29 am
October 3, 2015


posts 108

   For a moment Lyner maintained that arrogant grin, but before he knew it the adrenaline in his system had run its course. When it did his expression turned lethargic, even has he desperately fought to appear otherwise. All at once the exhaustion from their endeavors, the pain of his battle wounds, came at him full force. An inferno burst to life in his chest, a searing pain that left him gasping desperately in an attempt to catch his breath. “You're just jealous,” Lyner started to speak, only stopping momentarily to take in a deep breath of air. “that I made it look so easy.”
   Just after Lyner finished his attempt at a witty retort an unfamiliar voice called out to the pair. A moment of fear came over him, until he identified the source of the voice–the second squad's leader. Lyner sluggishly approached the man, trying his best to ignore the aches and pains all over his body. “Just doing whatever it takes to get the job done.” Lyner replied with a friendly smile. As the other man spoke Lyner reached out and firmly shook the leader's hand, then let slip a tired sigh at the revelation of their new orders. “We'll head that way ASAP then,” A brief pause came before Lyner spoke again. “and I hate to ask, but you'd be doing me a favor if you could relay the order to our squad. They should be on the first floor of that building.” Lyner pointed the way, and then started in the direction of the bridge, beckoning for Roland to follow him.

8:38 pm
October 3, 2015


posts 114

  Chapter 1: The Invasion
  Roland quickly fell into step with Lyner as they headed back down the ruined street to the bridge in the distance. He took the time to look up at the massive hole in the corner building's upper story as they passed, feeling somewhat removed from the destruction that had taken place there, it hadn't set in yet how close they had come to buying it. Looking down the street he watched as more Galbadian soldiers crossed the bridge and were heading towards them. The soldiers passed without acknowledging Lyner or Roland, heading straight ahead, ready for combat.
   ” That was unreal old man, I wonder what the—. ” he started to speak to Lyner when he caught sight of the captain heading their way, a toothy grin on his aging face.
   ” God damnit boys you did a fine job, I hear you did some real action movie stunts to save Squad Two's ass. ” He said as he split the two soldier's and grabbed both around the neck with his arms in a jovial manor. ” This is going to look real good for our unit, in fact I'm putting you boys names in for commendation. ” He continued as he pulled both of them back towards the bridge.
OOC Talk:

3:54 am
October 7, 2015


posts 108

Even as they passed by another group of soldiers Lyner remained deathly quiet, until the captain found them and forced his way between the pair. “Just doing whatever it takes to get the job done, sir.” Lyner declared with a forced grin, while at the same time he looked across to Roland knowingly. “But truthfully it was Roland who lead the way, sir. If it weren't for his iniative things wouldn't have gone nearly so well.” Lyner explained, and then once more glanced at Roland, this time with a friendly smirk.

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