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Introducing the Nomenclature.

With work here starting to ramp up today I decided to update the navigation to reflect the style and scope of Jupiter Jazz. The idea coming from the way the writers of Cowboy Bebop named their episodes. This theme will persist though out the site, not just be limited to the navigation and sub-pages, it’s key to setting the atmosphere and mood. In related news with the page order set I will soon begin writing actual content, before this can start I need to hit up the code though and get the CSS in place so that content writing goes much smoother than it would on a MSN Group. Hopefully the next update will point to some real content! (and perhaps a sneak peek of the Chimera Engine running the profile system here on site?) We’ll see…

 ›› ( posted by: dystopia ) - ( posted on: 11.04.2012 )
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