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New Changes


1:36 pm
March 26, 2017

Shogo Maki

posts 204

Just some notes for changes to the battle system.

Starting Action reduced to 1.

To simplify things, a standard, non-ability, attack is a three hit combo. M-combo plus isn't a thing anymore and combo plus just add an additional action. (I'll change any abilities along the way)

Changes to RP tools: Remove agility. Standard crit chance change to 5%, tier 2 to 10%, and tier 3 to 20%.

Custom abilities are of course allowed, just use currents as examples. I also may change things as we go on the make sure it's balanced.

Gains will not be based on words, just gains at the end of battles and chapters.

History remains the same except for the final Midgar aspect.

9:08 pm
March 29, 2017


posts 91

I've been doing some tweeking around the site today. One thing I did make sure to do was add WoH back to the homepage (in place of DBZRF) so we can better keep track of activity here. Unrelated to WoH but worth mentioning I cleaned up some of the code for the login/tool bar so it stretches with the group style container now, also did some cleaning up of code on the what's new page. 

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