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Chapter One: Keyblade Master


6:57 am
May 7, 2017

Shogo Maki

posts 204


Chapter One: Keyblade Master
   The wizened old man smiled ear to ear to Sora's question. His facial expression hide no malice, but only showed genuine joy. “Well, if it isn't the keyblade master.” The old man put an odd emphasis on the word as if to poke fun at it. “And…” Staring hard at Laguna, the man scratched under his hat, “How odd that you of all people should be accompanying the young boy there.” With a shrug of his shoulders, the man brushed past the issue, “I suppose that's how things are when they are outside of your control.”

Sora's face twisted into a grin as he took a step towards the man,
“Hey, start making some sense. Are you with the heartless?” The old man chuckled to himself, “Oh, heavens no. Though they are fun to watch.” A loud bang came from an upper level which seemed to lead to the 2nd district, “Well, seems my time here has run out. I'm sure we'll meet again, just please make it a good show.” A grey energy wrapped around the odd man and when it was gone, so was the stranger.

As if on perfect timing, dark ports appeared in front of Sora and Laguna. Two heartless soldiers appear accompanied by 4 shadows which stuck to the ground in front of the duo. Without missing a beat, Sora charged in, keyblade in hand. Horizontal, vertical, then a spin attack sent ont of the soldiers flying. The other leaned back then flung himself at Sora, sending the boy reeling. 

Words: 255
Total Words: 2070

6:25 pm
May 7, 2017


posts 91


Post edited 10:35 pm – July 20, 2017 by dystopia

  Chapter 1: Keyblade Master
  Laguna felt an unease sense rush over him during the brief moments between Sora's questioning the cloaked figure and his answer. Again it seemed to Laguna as if everyone knew about or was looking for this boy, somehow he was at the center of everything that was happening. Laguna, still unsure how he fit in the picture, caught the old man's eye for the briefest moment before he vanished in a whiff of grey energy an smoke which enveloped him, a sight which confounded Laguna.
   ” What exactly have I gotten myself into? ” Laguna mumbled under his breath.
Seconds later, as if planned by some devine being, the portals of darkness began to swirl and form on the ground ahead of him. Laguna knew by now only one thing could escape these maelstroms of darkness, those creatures without hearts, their black bodies bug-like in nature. As the four fiends began to scurry across the third district's stone paved courtyard he watched as the boy, without hesitation, charged forward waving his keyblade with great conviction.
   ” Save some for me kid. ” Laguna said with a heavy sigh as he raised the sights of his small gun, deep down longing for the firepower of the Galbadian military, before unleashing a round towards the fiend that had attacked the young man.
OOC Talk:

Words: 223 ~ Total: 2035

5:34 pm
July 17, 2017

Shogo Maki

posts 204


Chapter One: Keyblade Master
   The ambient sound of combat carried through the air from the 2nd district. Sora jumped back to his feet at being sent flying back from the soldier that was shortly blasted in a puff of smoke by the barrage of bullets from Laguna. Sora looked at Laguna with fierce determination, “Thank you.” Sora looked towards the three shadows in front of him, two flat to the ground and one looking around confused, as if unsure where his friend had just gone. “Let's defeat them.” Sora rushed towards the confused shadow and slide, slashing and leaving a puff of smoke in his wake.

Within the confusion of the fight, one shadow, tight to the ground, slipped away unnoticed by Sora. The shadow popped up behind Laguna and after a few moments of analyzing the situation, the shadow slashed with his right claws into the back of Laguna.

Words: 145
Total Words: 2215

3:47 pm
July 20, 2017


posts 91

  Chapter 1: Keyblade Master
  Laguna felt the sharp pain of the Shadow's claws as he was pushed forward by the force of the attack, stumbling for a moment before he was able to regain his balance. Turning around swiftly he came face to face with the creature, it's glowing yellow eyes a sharp contrast to it's otherwise completely dark body.
   ” These things are pretty sneaky, just like those damn cactaurs that one time. ” Laguna found himself recalling fond memories of the past, the visages of both Ward and Kiros flashing through his memories before he snapped back to the present reality. Ready to act, Laguna kicked out with his right leg, making quick contact with the Shadow, hoping to put a little distance between them. Lurching back he raised his small gun upwards and, making sure his aim was true, squeezed it's trigger with a bang.
   ” I'm really going to have to find a gun with more fire power. ” Laguna said as he exhaled, feeling like he could not contribute to his battle as much as he would like.
OOC Talk:

Words: 183 ~ Total: 2218

6:10 pm
July 23, 2017

Shogo Maki

posts 204


Chapter One: Keyblade Master
   The remaining shadow look back and forth between Sora and Laguna as if unsure of who to attack. Not wanting to waste a moment after seeing Laguna attacked, Sora ran and slide past the shadow, his keyblade smashing the shadow in a puff of smoke. A bead of sweat ran down Sora's brow as he smiled towards Laguna, keyblade resting across his shoulder, “Thanks for the help. We should go help them-” Sora looked towards the door up a flight of stairs that led to the 2nd district.

A large black shadow grew from the ground to the height of a person. As if stepping out of a hole in the planet, a male with a long scar across his face wearing a black skull cap, an ankle length white duster, and a carrying sword similar to Leon's walked out of the shadow which disappeared once he was standing in Traverse Town. With an arrogant smile, the man pointed his gunbalde towards Sora, hand holding the gunblade sideways,
“You were her just as she said.” A shadow appeared of each side of the man with a soldier appearing in front of her, “She will rewards me greatly for capturing you.”

Sora frowned towards the man and gripped his keyblade with both hands,
“Well, whoever you are, you won't capture me. I have to find Riku and Kairi.” The new comer smirked, “Riku is-” The man was cut short by the sound of the door leading to the 2nd district was kicked over. Leon look down towards Sora, Laguna, and, “Seifer!?” Leon jumped down and landed on his feet and rushed towards Seifer, keyblade in hand. Both keyblades clashed as the two warriors struggled to over power each, “It's been a while, huh, Squall.” Leon grunted at the sound of that name and pushed Seifer back, “It's Leon! What are you doing here Seifer?!” Giving Leon a condescending smirk, Seifer analyzed Leon looking for an opening, “I'm here for that boy. You know you can't stop me. You have the scar to remind you.” Seifer laughed to himself as Leon charged forward, gunblade clashing, “So do you!”

The two warriors clashed forgetting for a moment about Sora and Laguna. The three heartless eyed both fights. Without any clear commands, they were indecisive.

First strike against the 2 shadows, 1 solider, and Seifer with Leon as an ally. This Seifer is not the same as the KH2, but rather an adult version of that. Stat battle.
Words: 379
Total Words: 2594

7:29 am
July 24, 2017


posts 91

  Chapter 1: Keyblade Master
  A sense of uncertainty grasped at Laguna as the things around him seemed to go from weird to crazy in the matter of a few moments. Days before when he had arrived in this place—Traverse Town as he learned it to be called—he had found much of the events that brought him there to be unbelievable, but now as things escalated quickly it became obvious to the man that he was in a whole new world and should give up on any of the preconceived notions about how things worked behind him.
   ” Ye.. yeah kid. ” Laguna had replied to Sora after a lengthy pause during which the man in the white coat, bearing a weapon he knew about quite well, appeared literally from the ground below. Laguna again could not help shake the feeling that he—or at least his world—had something to do with what was going on here. After all, two gunblades in this place, their design exactly as he had seen them time and time before, in this foreign world seemed unlikely.
   ” Kid, I guess we still need to go help them right? ” Laguna exhaled, his breathing heavy as the weight of the situation seemed to settle itself on his chest. ” You better lead the way, that Keyblade of yours seems to be what they want, so go give it to them. I'll support you from a distance. ” Laguna motioned with his head then to the tiny pew-pew gun in his hand, knowing that being in a close melee fight with the likes of that gunblade user was not best for his health.
OOC Talk:

Words: 275 ~ Total: 2492

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