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T h o s e  W h o  A l t e r  T h e  P a s t  C h a n g e  T h e  F u t u r e

  A decade ago a band of time travelers were vaulted backwards in time on a trip of destiny which would lead them to uncover the apocalyptic future of the planet. These travelers of time and space as the grew in power grew also in knowledge and at the end of their quest visited the year 1999AD to battle and defeat the alien calamity Lavos who crashed down 65 million years in the past and laid dormant until the time was right to unleash catastrophe upon the world. With the future saved the travelers parted ways, returning to their own times to live normal lives, knowing that the future would be safe, or so they thought…  
I m a g e I n f o r m a t i o n
Chapter One: Call of Destiny.
The world has been at peace for a decade, the need to travel in time no more, or so everyone thought. With Lavos destroyed in the year 1999AD and the apocalypse averted a new evil has risen, though the effects of his arrival have only begun to ripple though time. Destiny will call upon a new group of adventurers to answer it’s call and take a voyage on the ocean of space and time with the fate of the world once again in danger.
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