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Celebration in the Forest [Open]

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9:30 pm
October 3, 2014


posts 81

Post edited 10:23 pm – March 31, 2015 by Mira

  Mira nodded in answer, still watching his movements. She glanced to the hit against her arm, quickly imagining the damage if this was real. She'd end up looking like her husband. She shook her head slightly. She was used to fighting weapons of nature: claws, teeth, and other things of the sort. She chose to use the same herself, though some other Iokans used simple weapons. She had sparred with them, but no matter how rough it got, it was all in play. She suspected she was going to have to learn how to fight against all sorts of weapons.

Perhaps everyone in their group should have a sparring match with each other. They all seemed to vary in different types of weapons. What better practice than with each other. If they didn't want to do that, then, at least, she'd make a point to watching each of their techniques. Maybe she could figure out how to counter them without a weapon…or dodge.

She nodded again, then launched another attack. With the wooden blade, she aimed for the pad on his left leg.
This time she held back strength, but used more speed and agility, ready to move if necessary. Maybe if he deflected or dodged, she'd be able to do the same against whatever followed.

OOC Talk:

Oops. Realized I left the same comment in the previous post.

Words: 214 ~ Total Words: 2384

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