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Reviving The Forest [Solo]

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9:39 pm
August 16, 2014


posts 152

  Reviving The Forest  
  Upon leaving Dorino Village and Jonas behind, Peter did not take a boat like he told and mayor and instead headed south. He did like to lie to people he trusted, but Peter did not want his location know. Night surrounded Peter as he moved, a dangerous thing here, but a single person travelling could run laps around the fiends. Their numbers were high, but fortunately their intelligence. After about a half and hour walking, Peter heard the shouts of battle back from Dorino. Throwing on his hood, Peter felt disgrace for leaving them behind to fend for themselves, but if history was right they would be okay. That didn't console Peter much.

Moving in the darkness of night with only the moon to guide him, Peter didn't have much hints at where he was going. Thankfully, he had been at his destination many times in the past and knew his way by feel. Before the war, a great forest once covered the desert. In the middle, a villa stood of two friends, husband and wife. Before the war, Peter was in command of the husband, Marco, for any years. Over those years, Peter had meet his wife and became great friends. During the war, Peter stayed in command of Marco and protected him both because he was under his command and a promise to his wife. Unfortunately, his time travel took him away from his command, but he was going to visit the wife, Fiona, hoping to do some good with his knowledge of the future. He saw that doing small things now could bring great change.

After travelling through half the night, Peter setup camp knowing the village would not see his campsite. The campsite really couldn't be called one because all Peter did was find a good place to sleep and did. A fire would draw too much attentiona and he could have no watch. The morning sun woke Peter up to the sight of desert surrounding him and a single house in the distance. Peter smiled and continued towards the house with a pep in his step. His rabbit ears pointing straight up under the hood.

Hours passed as Peter walked. The heat was rising slowly, almost on a daily basis now. It would be hard to start it now, but Peter wanted to save the forest with his own hands. At least laying a frame work for others to continue. He owed Fiona that much at least. Walking up to the door, Peter moved his hood back enough to show his face, but not his ears, which were now concealed. He knocked on the door and heard movement within. The blonde beauty peeked out the window to see a clocked figure and showed signs of concern.
“The grass is always greener.” Peter said, a code word they had developmented to let Fiona know it was safe. At hearing this, Fiona smiled and bobbed upwards, rushing for the door Fiona looked at the cloaked figured and immedately hugged him. Peter smiled remembering his time here long ago, or not so long.

Fiona backed up after the hug and looked puzzled at the tattered cloak, knowing how Peter loved his appearance. Not wanting to be rude Fiona continued on,
“Come in, come in.” Peter smiled and walked in to her living room and sat down in a chair facing a table, “Would you like any tea?” Fiona asked scurring to the kitchen, “I'd love some.” Replied Peter with a smile. Peter knew Fiona would love to help even if Peter didn't want the tea he'd always say yes. After a few minutes, Fiona came out with two hot cups of tea and gave one to Peter, “Thank you.”  Fiona smiled with a node and sat at the chair across from Peter as he took a sip and placed the cup on the table.

“Is Marco okay?”
A slight tear coming to Fiona's eye as she relieved he may be here with bad news, “Yes, I saw him as Dorino's Village.” Peter had noticed Marco at Dorino Village, but decided to not speak to him. He could not face his long time friend in his state and Marco seemed to understand and didn't speak to him either. Fiona's tensions was released with a sigh, “Good. I'm glad to see you Peter, we've been worried about your disappearance.” Peter nodded and removed his hood with his right hand. His rabbit ears sprung right up and Fiona gasped, “A spell went wrong and when I came too I had these and far less of my powers. You are the only one I've told about it. Please tell no one, even Marco about the power loss.” Fiona nodded understanding and Peter knew he could trust her. Marco and Peter always had a friendly rivalry, but Peter always won any challenges and Marco kept trying to surpass his friend. Peter did not want that, pride and all. “I'm here to help with something important.” Fiona looked with interest at Peter wanting to see why he saw as important. Peter looked her in the eyes and smiled, “I'm here to bring back the forest.”


Words: 857
Total Words: 857

9:20 am
August 17, 2014


posts 152

  Reviving The Forest  
  Fiona jumped back in her seat confused, “What do you mean, Peter? You know Melphyx will just destroy it again.” Peter smiled, leaning back his chair. His expression was one of a father when a child didn't believe him, “Fiona, you know me better than that. Melphyx will be dealt with. You want the forest back, right?” Peter already knew the answer to the question, but he wanted to hear her say it. Fiona got back her composure and with a shy smile she shook her head, “You know I would want nothing more.” Peter stood and began to head to the door, “I have much work to do then.” Peter reached for the doorknob and looked back to Fiona with a smile, “Let Marco know I'll be leaving work for him as well.” Peter walked out the door and Fiona ran about the house with much delight in her steps.

Looking out upon the desert, Peter knew he had much work to do. Circling the villa, Peter was happy to see Melphyx hadn't destroyed all of the forest. Behind the villa, a small outcropping of trees remained and would play a vital part in reviving the forest. Peter walked among the trees, looking at the floor and the trees around him looking for a strong stick that would work. He dropped to a knee and grabbed a stick with the shape of a Y. Peter crossed his legs as he sat and put the stick between his legs. Peter put his hands ontop of the stick and began to murmur under his breath. A blue glow encased the stick and it began to rise. It rose and rose till it was at the height of his head and Peter stopped murmuring. The stick dropped and Peter smiled, another dowsing stick created. He was happy his powers had returned to that at least. Peter stood and looked up at the sky. The sun was reaching the top of the sky, half the day already gone. Peter shrugged and headed back into the villa.

Sweet smells came out from the kitchen,
“Fiona, you know me well.” The sound of Fiona giggling came from where the smell originated. After walking into the kitchen, Peter took a look at what she was cooking, but was shooed away. With a smile, Peter sat down at the table waiting for her to serve him. He knew it would mainly be the vegatables and fruits she could grow here, but Marco always made sure some meat was delivered to her. After a few minutes of silence, Fiona set before Peter a small steak and roasted zucchini and potatoes. Peter smiled, “My favorite.” Fiona smiled as sat across from him with her own plate. Peter dug in knowing she wouldn't mind what most people would consider rude. A home cook didn't come often on the road and he made sure he enjoyed it. Half way through the meal, Peter slowed and look at Fiona, “I got a long day a head of me so I'll be camping out tonight.” Fiona nodded, disappointed, but knowing it was coming. She stood up and grabbed a small bag full vegatables she had prepared for Peter, “It's not much, but should last you a while.” Peter laughed and grabbed the bag, “Thank you very much, it's more than enough. Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow and can start work. It may be a few days before we can start planting.” Fiona sat down with a sad smile. Knowing how dangerous the desert was for one person, even if that person was Peter. The rabbit mage knew her fears and knew there was nothing he could do. She was a loving person that worried for those she loved. After finishing his meal, Peter smiled and kissed Fiona on the cheek as she was wrapped up in her worries, staring at his food, “I'll be back shortly.” Peter said definitively and as he opened the door before walking out and stared out the door, “And so will Marco.” Peter walked out knowing most of her worries were about her husband.


Words: 685
Total Words: 1542

11:44 am
August 17, 2014


posts 152

  Reviving The Forest  
  Peter stepped out of the house with the same worry Fiona had. Would Marco return? Peter wasn't able to find out what happened to them in 1010 AD. Obviously they died, but how was important to Peter. All he knew was that only a desert remained. Her house was gone as well as the little greenery Fiona was able to create. He never imagined it would be gone, but then again he never really thought 400 years in the future till now. When Peter returned to his time he knew he wanted Fiona to leave a mark for the future to see, and that he would do.

Putting his hood on the protect from the sun, Peter headed out. Holding his new dowsing stick in his hand, Peter felt the vibration of where there was water. His stick tried to lead Peter to the trees Fiona had planted, but he already knew there was water there and that was fine. It was getting water to other places. The climate may still heat up, but extra water would help. Peter headed out east, not listening to the stick for now. He didn't want to take from the river Dorino was using as the plants would compete for the water and far less would survive.

Peter looked up to the sky and knew he would have to make the most of the sunlight he had. Travelling across the desert take out some of the muster Peter had started with. Drinking out of canteens of water to keep him hydrated, Peter hoped he would find fresh water on his journey. The dowsing stick noted when Peter walked over hidden water. Peter marked each as he passed hoping they weren't too deep to help the canals he would start. If they were too deep, they would make wells for Fiona to personally water the plants under they could access it themselves.

Many marks later, the head was beginning to get to Peter. Even the breeze just brought more heat. Peter wished for shade, but there was nothing in the desert to give any. As the sun began to just hover over the horizon, Peter arrived at the mountain just east of the villa. The shade it gave as he rested at the base was nice, but late. The heat of the desert as already fading and it would be getting cold soon. Peter had to set a fire even if he couldn't keep a watch while he slept. Finding a hidden area against the mountain, Peter setup a fire with the materials Fiona had given him. Peter smiled as he setup the fire, Fiona must have learned for Marco, and began eating the cold provisions as well. One of the great things about vegetables when camping out was that they could be eaten cold or raw. While the sun was still up, Peter did a perimeter check, making sure there were no fiend camps nearby. The mountain base checked out clear. Higher up there may be issues, but Peter would deal with them later. For now, Peter returned to camp and laid against the mountain. His eyes closed, Peter fell to sleep quickly. His sleep shallow to hear anything that comes nearby to wake up alert immediately. The sleep of a solider.


Words: 545
Total Words: 2087

1:50 pm
August 29, 2014


posts 152

  Reviving The Forest  
  Hours later, the sounds of chuckling and a fire cracking woke Peter from his sleep. The sun was no where in sight, but Peter felt enough time had based since he feel asleep and reached for the gun hidden under his cloak. His head looked around quickly to see where it could have come from. A glow of a fire reached over the side of the mountain. Bending over, Peter crept to the path up the mountain, trying not to be seen. His head watched the ground, making sure to not step on anything loud.

The mountain was completely silent besides the wind rushing past and the noises of a nearby campfire reached far in the isolated area. Fiends were camped here as Peter feared. The sounds didn't seem like it was from a large encampment, but they still choose to stay here. A bad sign, but hopefully not too bad. Peter just wished this wasn't an usually stop. Either way, these fiends are gonna wish they hadn't stopped her tonight.

Climbing the incline while staying low, Peter tried to keep his noise down and avoid loose dirt. Thankfully, the fiends weren't worried about noise and covered any he may have made. As he reached a flat area, the rabbit mage peeked over the top to see three imps around a campfire eating some kind of meet. A small group, good sign. Only problem now was getting to them without being noticed. There was only empty space between Peter and the fiends with no cover should they look. Judging the distance, Peter may only be able to hit one of them with his ice, but it would be a fright in the unaware fiends.

“Oh, Shiva goddess of ice. Let these fiends feel your might.” Peter mumbled underneath his breath as he conjured his ice spell. Even under these conditions his routine got the best of him. He even smiled as he made it rhythm. The air over the closest imp began to solidify as Peter dashed up the hill onto the flat land. One imp saw Peter coming, but by the time the others noticed the air turned into ice, striking the fiend dead. Alarmed as seeing their ally die, the fiends hesistated giving Peter time to get close enough and fire a shot at the other imp which sent it flying. The imp didn't rise. The quick destruction of his team made the imp freeze and by the time he gained his wits, Peter was on him. Grabbing the imp by his collar, Peter lifted him off the ground and looked at him, his face passive. The imp squirmed and tried to attack Peter, but a quick punch to the gut stopped them.

“Go tell your people that this mountain is off limits and protected by Peter.” The imp squirmed more till hearing Peter. He froze againa and shook his head, “Good.” Peter dropped the imp on his backside and watched as he ran away. It seemed his name had become known to the imps in his campaigns here, good. He knew that wouldn't stop them from coming, but next time they'll send the real deal. Especially after hearing who protected the mountain. Peter would deal with them when they returned, but once they are defeated the mountain should be safe from the lowlifes. Peter grabbed his dowsing stick and looked around. Now that he was up, it was time to find the water source and the stick showed the mountain was promising.


Words: 581
Total Words: 2668
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