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Versions of Chrono Trigger

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8:32 pm
April 19, 2015


posts 81

Post edited 3:34 am – April 20, 2015 by Mira

Which have you played?

I played the original SNES when it first came out. I've also played the DS version and the phone app version. 

5:51 am
April 20, 2015


posts 383

I actually own both the SNES version and the PS1 release as part of FF: Chronicles. I've breifly played the android verion. As far as preference it's definitely the SNES version, it simply plays a whole lot better than all the others, no load times, and there is a certain nostalgia for playing it on a Super Nintendo that the other consoles just can't replicate. That being said I was pretty excited about the PS1 cutscenes when I heard about it being released on that console, lol.

3:03 pm
May 29, 2015


posts 81

Post edited 10:09 pm – May 29, 2015 by Mira

I was hoping for more replies here, but oh well.

I fell in love with this game back when it came out on Super Nintendo. I played it many times, and years later would even look up the Super Nintendo to my TV just to play this game. I was really happy when it came out on DS, and later the iPhone. Now for the versions.

SNES – Well, with it being the original, there is not much to say as most of what I will be saying will be making comparisons.

DS – I've heard most of the dialogue changes is really being more true to the original Japanese version. I find it interesting because of that. Still, I wish they had not changed any names. I still prefer tonic over potion, etc. It can be a bit frustrating and battle when you're trying to remember the new name of what you're looking for.

You get cut screens here, and I do enjoy them. (At least I did I'm playing the game on DS.)

The arena was boring. I just ignored that. The new Reptite dungeon can get boring really fast. Way too much back-and-forth in the same places. Still, it is easily ignored, and if you want to do it, you get new equipment. I like that there is new equipment to make you even stronger. Given how powerful the characters can get, that is just amusing in itself. The rest of the new dungeons were done better.

iPhone – I would imagine iPhone versions are the same, but I can't be sure about that. This is pretty much the DS version, but no arena or cut screens. This is definitely the most convenient one to play. Lol.

I was hesitant to get this one, because many of the reviews said that the controls were impossible, that Death Peak could not be finished. I ended up getting it, and the controls could definitely be better. I was able to finish through the whole game though. It just took some getting used to. The last game in the Tent of Horrors was my biggest issue. On the flipside, the tap as fast as you can games are much easier due to being able to use two fingers.

I enjoy all versions, though I wish the iPhone one had cut screens.

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