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FF7: Chapter 1 ~ The Escape


2:00 am
December 23, 2012


posts 794

  Chapter 1: The Escape
  The bitter, skin biting cold of the Nibelheim winter wind gusted as a figure pulled himself out through the massive wooden doors of the Nibelheim mansion, into the darkness and the elements. The man pulled himself along slowly, his body aching and unresponsive but showing determination. The man stopped and turned back as another burst of cold wind blew past chilling him to the core, whipping about his meager wrappings. As he looked on the mansion his vibrant teal eyes reflected the fire light pooring from the open doors, smoke bellowing out but being caught by the fierce wind before it could reach.
   ” Come on, you have to make it out, I can't do this alone. ” The man spoke softly, his voice barely audible, showing clear weakness. The wailing typhoon of a gail whipped and lashed his wrappings pulling him to and fro as he stood in anticipation, knowing that he could not face the danger that lie ahead alone. The blazing inferno that stood before him battled the savage winter cold, the most epic of battles, he knew that his allies could not withstand the blaze much longer. ” Please be alive… ” He muttered, his hopes lowering with every passing second.
OOC Talk:
I'll be playing Cloud, As I'm unsure of who you'll each be playing I left that open for you two to fill in when you post. For the record, we are in Nibelheim, escaping the lab located in the Mansion. Events from this point on will vary from the events detailed in the game(s).

9:11 am
December 23, 2012


posts 47


Post edited 1:36 pm – December 23, 2012 by clerith

Avelia could feel the warmth of the fire all around her. Beads of sweat dripped down her face. Her rich, auburn hair had been tarnished with smoke and ash, and smellt heavily of burning wood. She had lost sight of Cloud, perhaps having taken a wrong turn somewhere in the mansion, but could see a familiar staircase just ahead. She was in the main hall. A wooden beam had fallen down at the top of the stairs, covering her exit in a wall of flames. Looking left and right, she could see no other way down than over the balcony. At least that was clear. Smoke billowed up from down below, concealing the floor beneath. There was no other choice; burn to death or jump. She climbed onto the banister and looked down, taking a deep breath. Taking one foot forward, she dropped down through the fog and smog, free falling for what felt like a lifetime. THUD! Her feet found solid ground. A sharp pain lifted through her ankles and up into her shins. 
This was far away from her laboratory at Midgar. A research scientist for nearly six months, Avelia Snow had been manufacturing and dispatching materia to the Turks. It was surreal to her that she had gotten involved in this mess, but it was what she had to do. She would do anything to have her revenge.
Fighting the pain, Avelia managed to stand, finding comfort from a supporting table nestled beside her. The front doors lay just ahead. They were open… She made her way forward, shifting her damaged leg along, and eventually made it outside, breathing in the satisfying air outside. ” Cloud…” Smiling at the sight of his face, she knew she would be safe now…


OOC Talk:
How many years before FF7 is this set? I hope my custom character is okay. It was between her and Tifa, but I thought I would role-play better with my own person. 

7:11 pm
December 24, 2012


posts 80


Post edited 11:12 pm – December 24, 2012 by cooler

Outside the town of Nibelheim walked a lone warrior named Kili. Kili was a warrior who specialized in using materia to create devastating magic. For those that managed to get up close to him, Kili was armed with a dagger that he received as payment for one of the mercenerary jobs he had once done. Kili was on his way to the inn at Nibelheim to try and find mercenary work. As he walked towards the city, a bright light lit up the dark night sky of Nibelheim.

'Only fire could create so much light in the night' He thought to himself as he began running towards the source of that light. Kili knew that with his materia, he could react to the fire much quicker than any kind of public service could. He also hoped that if he showed his powers that word would get around and a job could easily be found.

As Kili approached the mansion that burned he noticed two people who had come out of the mansion. Satisfied that at least two people were there to witness his power, Kili activated his water materia and created a large ball of water and launched it towards the mansion to hopefully put the fire out.

11:07 pm
December 24, 2012


posts 794

  Chapter 1: The Escape
  The heat from the inferno finally began to reach Cloud's chilled body, his spirits were at their lowest the moment before another made her way out of the mansion blaze. Cloud's teal eyes grew wide, for a moment he thought that perhaps Zack had indeed made it, but that hope quickly faded. His friend must have surely parished in the fire in their escape from the basement lab. As a single tear streaked down Cloud's face as his vision began to fog, his body going numb, he was far to weak for the trek that would surely come next.
   ” I.. I know you. ” Cloud muttered, as he reached out for the figure who moved towards him. Her face was familiar, he was sure he had seen it many times before but his memory was cloudy.” Please.. help me. ” Cloud countinued, as his vision began to go black. In the moment before he fell Cloud watched in awe of the lucid vision of water pouring out the blaze, but he knew it could not be real.
OOC Talk:
Ok, now that we're all in this, here's to a great RP.

5:49 am
December 25, 2012


posts 47


Falling to her knees, Avelia began to cough ferociously. She spat black soot from her mouth and then looked up at Cloud. His eyes were lost, clearly bewildered and unsure of who she was. Of course…” she thought to herself, We've never actually met.She had seen his picture many times and heard stories about him too, but had never seen him personally in the flesh. She picked herself up from the ground and began to walk closer. Suddenly, he sighed a call for help and then collapsed to the ground. As this happened, a huge wave of water flew towards the burning mansion. Avelia felt like she was running, then stumbled down next to Cloud's limp body, lifting his head up onto her lap. “You're going to be okay.” She opened up her satchel, which was firmly attached around her shoulder, and was relieved to see her materia remained undamage. She cast the strongest cure spell she knew and then waited for a response. Looking up now, she tried to see where the powerful water spell had came from. Clearly materia, she hoped somebody from Shinra had come to save them. 

4:06 pm
December 25, 2012


posts 80


The fire began to hiss as the water smashed into the Nibelheim Mansion. Large amounts of steam shot into the air as the water was quickly evaporated. Kili's attack had made some progress in putting out the fire, but something about this fire was not normal. Unfortunately, Kili knew that his attack would not be strong enough to completely get rid of this fire. With this revelation, Kili turned his attention to the two people who had rushed out of the building, one who had collapsed and the other who didn't look to well.

Kili was surprised though when the female pulled out some materia and  used a cure spell upon the fallen soldier. Quickly, Kili rushed over and bent down to pick up the warrior. “I can help carry him to the inn while the spell takes effect.” Kili quickly stated towards the female. “This fire is too powerful, we need to move out quickly.” With these words, Kili stood up and carried the soldier towards the inn.

12:27 am
December 26, 2012


posts 308


A hissing sound filled the room as the medical capsule's hatch disengaged from the lock. A loud lawn echoed shortly afterward followed by the cracking of many bones. “Wonder how long its been this time.” The voice came from inside the capsule. Tsuki Tsuna pulled himself out of the capsule that had been his home for who knew how many years now. He quickly brushed himself off as he reached for his top hat and cane which were adjacent to his capsule. Tsuna froze as his nose noticed something, “Hmm…fire? Seems like its time I go.”

With the air as if nothing was wrong, Tsuna left his room in the basement on the mansion swinging his cane. His head moved from side to side as he examined the mansion even as it went up in flames, “This place hasn't changed in months? Years? Who knows?” Tsuna shrugged his shoulders as he danced around the corridor, avoiding the fires that went on around him. By the time he reached the front door, Cloud was just being picked up by Kili. A smile touched Tsuna's lips as he waited in the door frame, “Well, shall we?” He stepped back from the door, removed his top hat, and bowed as if letting someone else exit before him. Tsuna then straightened, put his hat back on, and continued out of the burning mansion swinging his cane as he went. He quickly passed the group who was trying to carry the wounded Cloud, “Little hot out here, huh?” Said Tsuna as he went walking towards the inn, he could really go for a drink.

4:16 am
December 26, 2012


posts 115


Post edited 2:07 am – December 27, 2012 by Sanarian

Raiden lay prone upon the wooden floor of the mansion's second level, only aware of the danger the flames posed on an instinctual level. In spite of the haze that dominated his mind, one thing that was clear as day: someone had manipulated, drugged, and betrayed him. This was the only thing that brought forth the strength to resist the overwhelming urge to simply let everything fade away. Not even death itself would be allowed to take him until the debt of this betrayal bad been repaid at least ten times over.

As he sluggishly lifted himself up into a crouch, Raiden's eyes darted about to find a way to escape the present situation. It wasn't easy to see details with his blurred vision, but he was able to make out one thing; the doorway into the room had collapsed, and the hallway was nothing more than a sea of flames. There was what appeared to be a window to the left, and he knew that would be the most reasonable way to escape being burned alive.

Raiden began to move to the window with everything he could muster, stumbling every step of the way. In a clumsy attempt to minimize the potential, he brought both forearms to bear, covering his face (and closing his eyes) as he desperately dove through. Glass broke underneath his weight, and he could feel shards bite into his skin, then a brief floating sensation before he crashed onto the grass in the front yard of the mansion.

3:06 pm
December 26, 2012


posts 794


Post edited 7:08 pm – December 26, 2012 by dystopia

  Chapter 1: The Escape
  The darkness overtook Cloud, his mind drifting away into a world which seemed more vivid and real than the one he had just left. Visions of loved ones in times long past floated across his seemingly infinite field of vision, his mother, Tifa, his best friend Zack. He felt as if he was living all of those past moments at once, his connection with time and reality utterly lost.
   ” I can't protect any of you… I never could. ” Cloud spoke to the void, his heart sunken and joyless, his ability to fight for his own life lost. As he floated through the void, moving through all time he witnessed a interaction with Zack, he could not remember when it had been but it struck him deeply.
   ” Cloud, you have to fight, you have to run, they'll always be after us. ” Zack had said to him that day. Cloud wondered when it had been. Suddenly a wave of light overtook his floating body, pulling im from the void in and instant. Cloud opened his eyes, the sight of several others pulling his limp body through the cold shook him to the core. 'why would they help me?' he thought 'I could never save them' his mind continued as they moved with great speed toward the nearby inn.
   ” We can.. can't stay long, they'll be after us. ” Cloud muttered to his saviors, his body still limp as they carried him through the door into the Nibelheim inn.
OOC Talk:
Glad to see a larger group here now, including at least one other original fortress member! Anyways, post order is Me > Clerith > Cooler > Griff > Sanarian. If we get any more members our posting order will probably switch to a more free system, more on that when/if that happens.

4:37 pm
December 26, 2012


posts 47


Walking inside the inn, Avelia couldn't help but feel weary of the new arrivals. It seemed strange to her that so many powerful looking people would have emerged at the scene at once. Still, there was something terrifying and unnerving about the Shinra Mansion fire and she felt somewhat safe here. 
Her mission to retrieve several items from the laboratory beneath the mansion had been a success but she had almost lost her life in the process. She was not clear as to why she was sent for these materials but she knew better than to ask any questions. A mere pleb at the Research Department QMC, she was not about to blow her chances of progression by pissing off the wrong people.
Cloud finally opened his eyes and Avelia released a quiet sigh of relief. Perhaps it was her materia that had saved him. Perhaps not. Either way, he was alive, and muttering something about people after them.
Who is after us?” Avelia stepped towards Cloud, brushing gently past the others. Of all of them, she seemed to be the most medically adept. “Are you all right?“ 

7:39 pm
December 26, 2012


posts 80


Kili burst through Nibelheim Inn door with Cloud dangling off of his shoulder. The weird character continued to say weird things in his dazed confusion, but one thing was clear, they were not going to be safe for very long. The inn would probably be one of the first places someone would like for them, so they had to regroup and quickly figure out their next move. However, Kili considered if he should even stay with them, no one would be after him. Before running off though, Kili wanted to know just who was after them, for all he knew he might have a reason to stay behind.

“Watch out!” Kili yelled as he moved through the inn and threw the body of Cloud onto one of the beds inside the inn. One of the patrons in the inn look a little terrified as she watched the group come into the inn. With Cloud off of his shoulder, Kili left the room and went to retrieve the other body that had fell to the ground outside the inn.

After a few minutes, the whole group of people where in one of the rooms in the inn with two bodies laid out on beds. Kili had paid off the patron so she wouldn't let anyone know there whereabouts. Not knowing who any of these people were, Kili knew he needed to figure out what was going on.

“Who are you people and what is going on?” he questioned towards the entire group.

10:01 pm
December 26, 2012


posts 308


Post edited 3:43 am – December 28, 2012 by griff

Tsuna strolled into the bar and, uponing noticing Kili had taken the liberty to pick up the check, proceeded reach over the bar and pour himself a glass of beer, “Put it on his tab.” Said Tsuna as he nodded towards Kili and bowed his head without even looking at the inn keeper. Though he had just begun to drink the beer, Tsuna's stepped swayed side to side slightly as he walked over to where the other three were gathered, “If you wish to know who is after us, then ask the question: where did we come from?” The odd fellow sat down on a nearby seat and swung his cane as he caught a quick glance of Cloud. The youth may seem in a bad condition now, but that would fade. Tsuna had seen enough experiments to know their symptoms. Once healed, that may would be one powerful individual, “But I think the most pressing matter here is…what year is it?” Tsuna tapped the cane to his top hat as he took another swig from his mug.

11:28 pm
December 26, 2012


posts 115


Unable to find the willpower required to move in his current state, Raiden would have to simply let things be for now and accept the opportunity to rest. Just as he began to drift away from the waking world, the sound of approaching footsteps returned him to reality. Whoever this person was they were moving him away from the burning mansion and into the nearby inn.

Raiden was thrown upon what he assumed was a bed, immediately taking the chance to merely lay there and eavesdrop upon the current conversation. Judging by the flow of their chat, none of the people in the room knew each other all that well. “You mind pipin' it down a bit?” Raiden muttered, the words a bit slurred. Obviously the sedative wasn't going to make it easy for him.

“I'm with Shinra's Department of Administrative Research,” Raiden began calmly, rising to both feet with no small amount of difficulty. While his wounds weren't severe, they were quite painful. A few mild gashes at best, obviously lady luck had been with him during the dive. Though his black suit, the signature wear of the Turks, had clearly suffered a much worse fate–the sleeves were tattered beyond recognition. “though I might not look the part right now…”

2:22 pm
December 27, 2012


posts 794

  Chapter 1: The Escape
  The creaks and growns of the wind battering the seemingly old building that was the Nibelheim inn startled Cloud, his mind still in a daze, his heart racing, and fear having long overtaken him. The group of unfmailiar saviors seemed unaware of the situation they had placed themselves in, Cloud felt sorry that they had come upon him, if only Zack would have been there. As time passed Cloud's eyes began to wander about the room, it's unsophisticated nature pleasing to him, it reminded him of home.
   ” Shinra… ” Cloud uttered before his eyes closed, the weight of the situation had taken it's toll, he would have to rest which meant placing his life in the hands of these four strangers, the night was still young.
OOC Talk:

3:06 pm
December 27, 2012


posts 47


Avelia eyed over the Turk that lay slumped on the bed. How could she have been so blind? The black suit gave it away and now she was in a room with the very class of people she despised most of all. His wounds did not look severe but he clearly needed his rest. Turning back to Cloud, she decided it was best for him to rest as well. “I've tried using magic but rest will do him a lot better.” She stood up and turned to the group. “My name is Avelia.” Cloud had mentioned Shinra were after them and this confused her, but she decided not to reveal her true occupation just now. Cloud was in no fit state to answer anymore questions so she decided to leave it be for now. “I'll get him some water.” She motioned to the inn keeper who took her to the kitchen at the back. Finding a sink, Avelia washed her face and rubbed the water into her hair. “Thank you, I hope we don't cause you any trouble.” The inn keeper handed her a towel with a smile. She dried of her wet head and handed the towel back in exchange for a glass of water. “I'll take this water back to Cloud.” With that, she took the glass and went back to where everybody else was waiting.

3:29 pm
December 27, 2012


posts 80


Everyone seemed to be making themselves comfortable inside the Nibelheim Inn. The oldest person made himself a place at the bar for a moment to get himself a drink, of course on the tab of Kili. Luckily, Kili had just finished one of his mercenary jobs and had enough money to currently spare and didn't pay any mind to the purchase. The other person that Kili had brought in came away and announced that he worked for Shinra. This brought a lot of angry and hateful emotion to Kili as he despised every part of the Shinra Corporation. A few seconds later, Cloud muttered the words before finally passing out. Given what he had been saying, it was clear that Shinra had to be the ones after them.

Kili pulled out his dagger and pointed it towards the other main, Raiden, that lay upon the bed. “How do we know that you aren't part of the group that is looking for this man?!” Kili questioned him. He was ready to strike at any oppurtunity, he couldn't believe that he possibly brought the enemy himself straight into the inn with everyone else.

10:06 pm
December 27, 2012


posts 308


Post edited 2:33 am – December 29, 2012 by griff

“So another dog of Shinra Tsuna almost spat the word out of his mouth “arrives.” Tsuna stood up and began to circle the room tapping his cane in a rhythmic manner, “So here we have a Shinra Again he said the word with disdain, ” building in flames and their puppies nearby.” Tsuna stopped, took a swig of beer, and tapped his hat with his cane, “Quite a mystery indeed” Tsuna turned his head to look at the Turk with an intense glare, “I suppose the next move is yours Mr. Mutt.”

1:09 am
December 28, 2012


posts 115


“Raiden Soma.” Raiden curtly replied, not paying the threatening gesture any mind. While Kili made an attempt to coerce information from him, he sat back down weakly and made himself comfortable. “He literally escaped only minutes ago,” he paused for a moment, allowing them to consider what that meant. “even if a pursuit were to arrive here right now they wouldn't know he was still alive just yet.”

“I'm a professional,” Raiden began to explain, his words becoming less slurred with every syllable. “I worked for them for the gil, not their cause. At least make sure to bare your fangs at those responsible for your hatred.” A lengthy yawn followed his speech; right now the best course of action would be to rest, there were too many problems ahead to dwell on them.

2:05 pm
December 28, 2012


posts 794

  Chapter 1: The Escape
  Cloud lay asleep in the warm bed, his body weak and unresponsive. Unaware to he or the others, the cogs of their capture were already in motion. As the minutes passed and the group became more aware of each others past and present lives the road to Nibelheim was filling with Shinra troops. As suddenly as the entire night had started a loud crash reverberated through the town, it's place of origin the town gate.
   ” Come on now troops, lets show those bastards with SOLDIER that we're worthy of this task! ” A voice bellowed out, clearly audible from the Inn. ” The report says they were last seen heading towards the inn, Division 3, you check it out! ” The voice continued, it was clear that the troops and their commander felt no need to hide their presence from anyone.
The loud clunking of boots echoed out through the inn, as the troops pushed through the doorway entering the main foyer at the orders of their commander.
   ” Where are they lady?! ” On of the troops shouted out, which was followed by a shrill scream as he grabbed ahold of the inn keeper, attempting to gather the information by means of terror. ” Up..Upstairs they are all upstairs! ” She yelled out, the fear in here voice clear and present.
OOC Talk:
Ok, we'll probably have some combat soon so for those of you who have not RP'd with me DMing before I just want to explain how I like to do that. When you RP an action (like an attack, or anything where the outcome is important to the scenario) leave the effect of said action open. (IE if you attack, don't RP it striking, as the DM I will determine what attacks hit and what they do based on how well you RP them, and who they are against)

7:07 pm
December 28, 2012


posts 47


Entering the main foyer, Avelia dropped the glass of water she was holding, sending it shattering down to the ground. Her eyes widened and her mouth drew ajar; the erruptive sound of the town gates being torn apart sent a shiver through her spine. Pacing quickly over to the window at the front, Avelia looked outside to see a group of Shinra troops heading for the inn. 
No…” She gasped under her breath before pushing off from the wall and sprinting up the stairs to the bedroom. She threw the door open and, as she was about to announce their arrival, was interrupted by the sound of them storming inside the lobby. The inn keeper shrieked and was clearly heard revealing their whereabouts. “We have to get out of here!” There was very little they could do and a battle was surely inevitable. Although inconvenient, Avelia was not all unprepared. 


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