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FF7: Chapter 3 ~ Kalm Before the Storm


11:03 pm
December 2, 2013


posts 794


Post edited 3:04 am – December 3, 2013 by dystopia

  Chapter 3: Kalm Before the Storm
  The calm chirping of crickets soothed Cloud's restless mind as he lay looking upward at the celing of his room in the Kalm in. The room was cool, a breeze flowing effortlessly through the open window at his bedside, the slight tickle of the curtain fabric brushed against his skin. His mind wandered, revisiting the events of the past two weeks, his escape from Nibelheim, the party's arrival at Rocket Town and the similar calm and safeness he had felt there only to have Shinra show up before they could move on. His mind jumped around, the sounds of gunfire and the screams of his friends as they made their escape. Cloud wondered about the allies that he and the others had been split from, were they captured by Shinra?
   ” If they were, I'll rescue them just as they aided me! ” Cloud said in a low voice, a quiet confidence in his tone that was somewhat unusual for him. ” We'll reach Midgar soon enough. ” He finished as he rolled over, his restlessness simply not allowing sleep. Cloud wondered if the others were still awake, he did not want to bother them.
   ” Maybe I'll just go down to the pub and have a drink, that might help me sleep. ” Cloud spoke to himself, as he swung his feet out and stood up. Cloud's eyes moved around the room, the dim light from the bedside lamp illuminating the homely quarteres. He had always liked the furnishings and welcome feeling of Inns, perhaps a longing for a home of his own. Deciding to waste no more time, The young man moved across the room, opening the doorway and moving into the hall, he would make for the pub.
OOC Talk:
Let's have some fun guys.

12:12 am
December 3, 2013


posts 115


Post edited 4:13 am – December 3, 2013 by Sanarian

An overwhelming, foul stench hung heavy in the air; the source of the or was a pair of miners at the far end of the bar. They weren't likely to leave any time soon either, not if what they had been saying was to be believed. For his part the barkeep was busy cleaning glasses, though he would speak to his two regulars from time to time. Raiden wasn't interested in being social, no his interest was in trying to drink away his frustrations. Even in the dim, flourescent lighting it was easy to see that the former Turk was in a rather negative mood. 'Shinra nearly caught us in Rocket Town.' The memories of that day were still fresh in his mind, and it didn't help that he continued to replay them in his head. 'How the hell are we supposed to do anything about them when we can barely protect ourselves?' In addition, during their escape he had somehow managed the incredible feat of shattering the blade of his Shamshir in half–something that only made him feel even more pathetic. “Fuck,” he swore before downing the last of his drink and holding the glass up. “fill 'er up, Barkeep.”

1:21 am
December 3, 2013


posts 308

  The Road Less Traveled  
  Tsuna laid in bed as if he was asleep. The other two slept more than him and when he didn't need to stay awake he pretended to sleep as to not seem different. CM-3 still hadn't told them about his past and hoped he would never need to. His body required less than more people, but he did his best to keep some of it hidden. 

Tsuna waited till Cloud left and room and heard him go into the pub. With as little noise as possible, the former expirement raised the window and jumped down to ground level and walked forward with his cane as if he was always there. The cold wind of the night would cause most to bundle up and shiver, but Tsuna felt little outside through his suit. His cane hit the ground as he strolled the streets, his right hand twitching just outside of his right pocket that lightly glowed green.
“I will not lose control to you.” Due to Shinra jumping them, Tsuna was almost forced to roll it. The last time he rolled it, he ended up in a sleep for who knows how long, but it called to him. The power was his and it wanted to be used. It craved to be released and called to CM-3 at all times. As he walked in no actual direction, Tsuna found himself back at the inn at the entrance to the pub area. Alcohol seems to lessen the call, but it also cause him to not fear it as much, meaning he might just use it. It was a dangerous balance, but it helped.

The pub door opened as Tsuna walked inside. Seeing Raiden, Tsuna walked to the seat beside Raiden and tipped his hat in acknowledgement. His hand tapped the bar softly to signal a beer and thanked as he received it. Tsuna said nothing and just drank. The pub wasn't the best time to talk and would allow Raiden to start if he felt like speaking.

OOC Talk:


4:38 pm
December 3, 2013


posts 794

  Chapter 3: Kalm Before the Storm
  Cloud's head drifted upward, his eyes scanning the night sky moving from star to star as he walked through the cobblestone paved streets of Kalm. This town was special, it still seemed unadulterated by the forces of Shinra, though Cloud new that the truth was that no place on Gaia was lucky enough to be devoid of their presence. Stopping for a moment he realized he had been wandering the streets for several minutes, his original destination long passed.
   ” I guess I'll go have that drink. ” Cloud said to himself as he turned and headed back towards the inn and pub.
Reaching the doors, Cloud moved out of the cool night air into what was unsurprisingly as active social environment. The sounds of heated conversations, smells of bar food and drinks, and sense of those relaxation after a hard days work permeated this place. Cloud scanned the room, going from burly miner to burly miner as he searched for a table. Stopping he was surprised to find his allies, Raiden and even Tsuna who had been in the room when he left sitting together off near the far wall.
   ” It seems I'm not the only one unable to sleep. ” Cloud spoke as he approached his friends, nodding to them as he took a seat and motioned to a waitress to bring him a drink.
OOC Talk:
Let's have some fun guys.

10:15 pm
December 3, 2013


posts 115


Once the glass had been refilled Raiden quickly brought it to his lips, taking yet another long swig. Various memories came to the surface, dancing across his thoughts before skittering away. He could almost feel heat upon his skin at the memory of their escape from Nibelheim, an unpleasant recollection to say the very least. 'I still don't have a clue as to why I was even drugged in the first place,' he sullenly reminded himself while taking yet another sip from the glass. When the sound of the door opening hit his ears it snapped him from his reverie

As the sound of the door opening hit his ears, he slowly turned to see who it was. Raiden acknowledged his friend with a half-hearted nod; it hit him that he was probably a bit smashed, because he hadn't quite realized that it Tsuna until his friend had already begun to take a seat. Raiden was content to drink in silence as he drifted off into thought once more. A bitter memory came to the surface: the day he had left Mideel, and the thought of it alone was enough to make him cringe. Perhaps he wasn't drunk enough, if he could still remember that.

Once more the door opened and Raiden turned to see who it was yet again, though this time he knew who it was with just a cursory glance. It was difficult not to with that outrageous haircut–nobody but Cloud could pull off a look like that.”How the hell am I supposed….” Raiden started to speak before pausing, trying to choose his words carefully (a task that was rather difficult in his current condition). “How am I supposed to sleep after what happened before?”

12:54 am
December 4, 2013


posts 308

  Kalm Before The Storm  
  Tsuna looked over as he heard Cloud's voice and tipped his hat before draining down his beer. With the first one down, the echoes of the die waned slightly and the former experiment tapped the bar for another. It took several more beers for Tsuna to feel any significant effects of alcohol than most adults, he assumed it from the experiments, but he never did get to drink before they began. With the second drink, Tsuna took his time since the need wasn't as great. His eyes moved to the former Turk in slight alarm. The man was showing effects of alcohol and may slip too much in a public area. “I concur.” Kalm may seem safe, but it was very close to Midgar.

Midgar, Tsuna ultimate target. Everyday he thought of his revenge, but wanted it to have a best effect, so he waited and waited. Not an hour went by where he didn't think of his revenge, if the die wasn't calling too loud. Tsuna was on high alert so close to the ShinRa's base of operations. He would only drink enough to quiet the the die and no more. He slept less than what was necessary so he could keep watch. His target was so close yet the timing seemed so far away.

OOC Talk:


5:33 pm
December 4, 2013


posts 794

  Chapter 3: Kalm Before the Storm
  A crushing feeling of dread overcame Cloud as Raiden spoke, the worry for the unknown fates of their friends flowing through the air with the words. Cloud knew that Shinra would keep them alive, the thought had even crossed his mind that perhaps they would go as far to use them to capture the rest of them. All he could do was push these thoughts aside for now.
   ” We're going to rescue them, and we're going to find out what they want with us but we have to be careful how we go about this. ” He spoke, the worry in his voice present. Cloud knew that simply walking into Midgar and taking the battle to Shinra at this point was suicide, they would have to find a better way. ” This isn't the place for that talk, though. ” Cloud finished as the waitress returned with his drink. The cool surge of liquid rushing down his throat was soothing, if but for a moment.
Looking around the raucous pub, Cloud realized that simply being here put these people in jeopardy, it was a depressing thought. Listening, his melancholy returned, Cloud did not want to be responsible for harming anyone. Turning to his friends he took another drink, things seemed bleak. He turned towards the doors as a group entered, noticing the two men appeared to wear Shinra uniforms. Clouds mind began to race, but the men seemed unaware of him and the others and simply took a seat at a table nearby.
   ” Did you hear about that shit in Rocket Town? ” The first man spoke, as he held his hand up motioning the waitress to bring two drinks.
   ” Yeah, I hear they sent some SOLDIER out there to clean that up, they'll likely be coming back through Junon soon, might even stop through here, we should probably make sure we have space to recieve them if they do. ” The second man replied just as the waitress brought the drinks, each reaching out for them as she did.
Cloud listened as the two man spoke, keeping cool as he did so. Reaching out he placed his hand on Raiden's shoulder, motioning in their direction. Cloud assumed that the men were probably unaware of the real events or what Shinra was even after, but he knew they should play it safe in any case.
OOC Talk:
Let's have some fun guys.

6:27 pm
December 4, 2013


posts 115


Post edited 10:31 pm – December 4, 2013 by Sanarian

It was difficult not to feel a fair bit of shame for his pathetic attitude, considering their comrades were being held captive by Shinra. They couldn't turn tail from this, not while their friends were still in danger. “Can't say you're wrong.” Raiden stated curtly as he took a moment to ponder the situation. They were in dire straits, to say the very least, but they couldn't just take time to get back on their feet given their current situation either. Truly he was at a loss as to what their next move should be, a fact that he couldn't help but dwell upon. 'Gim'me a break,' just then, he felt a hand upon his shoulder; it was Cloud, who upon getting his attention directed it towards a pair of Shinra troops that had entered the pub.

In that instant his mind began to race, coursing through a dizzying array of thoughts. Fear was the first to strike: the possibility that they had been discovered, and were about to be ambushed yet again. It wasn't a difficult challenge to stifle that train of thought though, if the group had been discovered they wouldn't have entered the pub even. Next he felt all that frustration that had built up since the events of Rocket Town come to the surface: why not just tear them apart, torture them for information on their friends before giving them what they so rightfully deserved? That was a stupid idea, and he knew without the alcohol in his system it probably wouldn't have even come to mind… but it did inspire a more devious thought that could help them get their hands on some information. Which was exactly what they could use right about now.

Raiden lifted an arm and placed it upon Cloud's shoulder, roughly pulling him close so he could speak in a more discreet manner. “You feel up to doing a bit of recon with me, 'SOLDIER'?” Raiden whispered with a malicious grin, tilting his head in the direction of the two men to help get his thoughts across. Even with the alcohol in his system he felt it would be possible to pull this off if Cloud was up to the task of backing his play. They already looked the part, and if they played their roles right they could very well pass as loyal Shinra dogs.

8:13 pm
December 4, 2013


posts 308

  Kalm Before The Storm  
  The firmness of his own cane as he gripped it was all Tsuna physically felt as the Shinra dogs walked into the tavern. His vision turned red as he rage threathened to boil over. It took a moment for CM-3 to regain control of himself, only hearing the end of their conversation. He felt his rage will soon be fulfilled and caught onto what Raiden was thinking. “I'll go make sure there's room to receive them if they come.” The former experiment spoke low and knew he would only make their plan harder so he downed the rest of his drink, left gil at the bar, and proceeded out of the bar, trying to draw a little attention to himself as he could.  

Tsuna walked the streets of Kalm again, this time taking in the placement of all the building in relation to each other. As he walked, Tsuna made a mental map for the coming mutts.

OOC Talk:


12:27 am
December 5, 2013


posts 794

  Chapter 3: Kalm Before the Storm
  Cloud was taken aback by the brazen nature of Raiden's plan, wondering if perhaps the alcohol had an effect on his thought process. As he sat for a second a wave of emotion rushed over him, he knew that it was a risk but if they could extract just a little information from the two without tipping their own hats to their idenity then perhaps they would then have at least some glimmer of hope to cling to, something they all seemed desperate to obtain.
   ” Did I ever tell you that you're a crazy son of a bitch? ” Cloud said in reply to Raiden's premise. ” We're probably going to regret this, so lets get it over with. ” Cloud finished as he watched Tsuna pay the tab and nonchalantly exit the pub, surely looking to protect their escape route if one was needed.
Standing, Cloud motioned to Raiden to follow his lead and casually headed across the busy pub, turning sideways to pass between two brawny miners who were talking. Approaching the table Cloud pulled out a chair and took a seat, looking at the two man who broke converstation when he sat. ” Sorry to intrude on you two, I just noticed you were with Shinra and figured my friend and I would say hello, since there don't seem to be many employees here in Kalm right now. ” Cloud said as calmly as possible, pointing his thumb back to Raiden when he mentioned his friend.
Meanwhile the cool outside air greeted Tsuna as he exited the stuffy pub, a starkness about the Kalm night time must have surely struck him. The streets seemed mostly deserted aside from a man who entered the pub just after Tsuna had exited, a man with the build that was unmistakenly that of a miner. There seemed to be not sign of any impending Shinra raid, or arrival at the moment.
OOC Talk:
Let's have some fun guys.

4:52 pm
December 5, 2013


posts 115


An impish smirk danced across his face for a brief moment at his friend's comment. Raiden did feel a little crazy at that moment, he wouldn't even bother denying it. They both knew this plan was something they might come to regret, but it wasn't as if there was much of a choice in the matter. If they wanted to survive these ordeals it was time to stop grasping blindly at straws; to do that the group had to find a light to keep the darkness at bay, and this was the best way that Raiden could think of to accomplish that. This was a risk that they had to take. “Wouldn't be much fun otherwise, now would it?”

Raiden stood up just after Cloud, taking a moment to breathe deep before following behind him. With an air of confidence he followed behind his friend. He maintained a nearly perfect posture, maintained a focused gaze, and his expression stern as ice. It was easy to appear to be a consummate professional… to be a Turk. The difficult part was in making sure not to let his liquor best him. A mere slip of the tongue could give them away, and if that happened the situation would turn sour very fast.

For now he knew it was best to remain quiet, especially when consideration was given to the reputation of the Turks. They had a poor reputation among the masses, and it wasn't much better within Shinra itself. They were thought to be little more than thugs, spies, and assassins who would kill their own mother if they were ordered to do so; and while the general idea wasn't too far from the truth, they did have their quirks. With a calm attitude he took a seat, still keeping up that harsh expression from before.

6:41 pm
December 5, 2013


posts 308

  Kalm Before The Storm  
  Tsuna walked the streets with an air of confidence, as if he belonged there. His eyes never seemed to stray from right in front fo him, but he took in the whole town. He remembered much of it from prior walks through the town, but wanted to confirm he knew every part of it. Once satisfied, CM-3 made his way back towards the pub, but instead walked beside the building across from the exit of the pub. With a quick look around, Tsuna jumped onto a barrel then immediately jumped and grabbed the second floor roof, his cane still in hand. With a quick movements and low body posture, Tsuna moved up the building till on the roof, looking over the pub. With no task, but to wait, the callings came back. His hand flickered outside of his pocked, but his eyes kept on the pub. The die may be calling to him, but he wouldn't let that get in the the way of his revenge.
OOC Talk:


11:37 pm
December 5, 2013


posts 794

  Chapter 3: Kalm Before the Storm
  The raucous sounds from the pub could be heard muffled though the walls as Tsuna walked past. The awning on which he climbed stretched around the front and two sides of the building, allowing people to sit outside out of the sun or rain if they were so inclined, though on this night they were not. The second story boasted several windows, many with shades or blinds covering them but there did not seem to be much movement as the upper story was likely the dwelling of the pub owners. Inside the atmosphere was surprisingly calm, considering the weight Cloud and Raiden had put on themselves.
   ” Oh, I didn't realize there were any other Shinra officials in town, you appear to be SOLDIER? ” The first man replied to Cloud about the time Raiden had seated himself. ” What brings you two to Kalm. uh? ” He continued, pausing at the in as if to ask their names.
   ” Just passing though headed to Midgar, oh I'm Marcus. ” Cloud replied to the Shinra official's own respone, shaking his head at the comment about his affiliation with SOLDIER.
   ” Probably heading in from Junon eh? There has been a lot of traffic through here the past few weeks, we're expecting a big party through here in a day or two. ” The second man chimed in, reaching out his hand as he did so. ” I'm Woods. ” The second man finished as he shook Cloud's hand and then proceeded to extend it towards Raiden, an inquisitive look on his face, as if expecting and introduction.
OOC Talk:
Let's have some fun guys.

1:27 am
December 6, 2013


posts 115


As the others spoke he remained silent, intently listening to their conversation. Cloud didn't seem to have any trouble deceiving them, though it wasn't unbelievable either; his friend's did possess the glow of Mako infusion after all, and that was something that only a real member of SOLDIER should have. 'No time to muse on this, more important things at hand.' Raiden berated himself mentally, coming back to reality just as the second official began to speak. Mention of a big party coming through in a few days caught his attention, but he knew better than to jump on a statement like that. If he were over eager it would more than likely blow their cover.

“I'm Lloyd,” Raiden reached out across the table, firmly taking hold of the man's hand and shaking it with a gentle smile. An assassin's smile as his mentor had so often called it: innocent enough at a glance, but secretly dripping with poison. “though I have to say, we're actually not coming in from Junon.” For a moment the former Turk merely paused, offering them a moment to let it sink in before continuing. “Fort Condor, actually. We're on our way back to report the situation to the upper echelons.”

Raiden decided it was best to add one last bit to the statement; they seemed the type to spill the beans on their own. People loved to talk after all, and even moreso if they knew things others didn't. “We're behind on current events because of that, sad to say.”

2:10 am
December 6, 2013


posts 308

  Kalm Before The Storm  
  The night wind blew coldly on Tsuna, but he did not let that bother him. There was no disturbance yet, so things must go going well so far. The former experiment wouldn't let a little cold air or the call of the die let his mind stray from ShinRa. Unfortunately, things were not in his hands at the moment so he could play his part. Tsuna has slept for an unknown amount of time and would do that again if he knew he would be able to do even a little damage to ShinRa. Waiting on a roof was nothing to the former test subject and his watch would remain vigilant not matter how much time passed up.

OOC Talk:


4:03 pm
December 6, 2013


posts 794

  Chapter 3: Kalm Before the Storm
  Cloud eyed the two men closely as the conversation continued to move along, revealing a useful tidbit of information which when connected with the statements he had overheard earlier made him believe that their allies would be transported through Kalm, or at least by Kalm in a day or two. Cloud felt that they had gathered enough information and now needed some sort of way out of this conversation so he and they others could discuss what they had learned.
   ” Fort Condor you say? I guess things there are never going to improve. ” The first man said in reply to Raiden's statement as Cloud began to stand. ” The higher ups really need to send some SOLDIER out there to finish that rebellion. ” He finished eyed Cloud as he stood.
   ” It was nice to meet you two, when I get back to Midgar I'll carry that sentiment with me. But, it's getting kind of late and I'm going to head back to the inn. ” Cloud spoke as he attempted a fake yawn, covering his mouth as he did so.
   ” Yeah you to Marcus, always nice to meet a SOLDIER. ” Woods said as Cloud parted heading through the crowd before exiting the pub and beginning his search for Tsuna, leaving Raiden behind to dig for more information if he thought the need be there to extract some..
OOC Talk:
Let's have some fun guys.

5:55 pm
December 6, 2013


posts 115


“My sentiments exactly. Let's just hope they'll listen to reason.” Raiden casually replied, that murderous smile still on his lips. It was difficult for him not to act on the desire to violently lash out at these two, though somehow he managed prevent the alcohol in his system from besting him. When Cloud stood up and announced his departure the former Turk decided to follow; they were playing a dangerous game, and it was best to quit while they were ahead. “Sad to say, Marcus is right. We've got quite the trip ahead of us tomorrow.” At that he laid down enough gil on the table to pay for his drinks, and then a fair bit extra. “Have a round on me.” Just after those words he turned about and nonchalantly made for the exit.

Upon exiting the pub he took a moment to breathe deep before jogging to catch up with Cloud. “We've got something to go on now,” Raiden said quietly as he walked next to Cloud, keeping a pace even with his friend (albeit without the ability to walk a straight line). “I ain't sure if it's the others, but we can't risk it either way… what do you think?”

4:36 pm
December 7, 2013


posts 308

  Kalm Before The Storm  
  Tsuna watched as both his allies left the pub and waited a few moments extra to see if anyone followed them. If no one did, Tsuna would slide down the roof and back to ground level, taking the same route down as he did up, besides the barrel. He sped up his pace to keep up with his allies, as he went the opposite direction they were down the alley. Tsuna didn't want to meet up with them too close to the pub in case of peeping eyes so made down the alley parallel to them behind the buildings. Once passed a few building, CM-3 turned to walked towards them and slowed to a walk as he reached the street they walked on, checking to see if there was anyone following once again, stopping if someone was. Once his strides took him upon them Tsuna spoke in a low voice to let them know he was there, “How did the operation go?”.

OOC Talk:


5:21 pm
December 7, 2013


posts 794

  Chapter 3: Kalm Before the Storm
  The night air had grown slightly colder during the time spent in the pub, but it was still refreshing. Keeping quite for the moment Cloud walked casually as Raiden approached. Nodding in respone as he caught sight of Tsuna he motioned to the others with a wave of his hand as he headed back to the inn, where they would be able to talk in private without worrying about anyone overhearing.
   ” It's definitely something to go on, we're going to have to intercept this group and if we're lucky our friends will be with them. ” Cloud spoke as he closed the door to their room behind his two allies, taking a brief moment to look back down the hall before doing so to make sure they were not followed. ” The question is how do we manage ambushing a squad of SOLDIER, even if they are 3rd class? ” He asked, wondering if his friends had any ideas on how to solve this problem.
Pausing for a moment Cloud suddenly realized that Tsuna had not been privy to the information that they had gathered from the Shinra officials in the pub.
   ” They said a group is coming through or past Kalm in a day or two, which means they probably have left Junon by now but likely haven't reached the passage through the mountains yet. ” He said, laying it out for Tsuna as it had been for himself and Raiden moments earlier.
OOC Talk:
Let's have some fun guys.

5:49 pm
December 7, 2013


posts 115


Upon entering the inn room Raiden weakly stumbled over to his bed, collapsing face first onto the soft mattress. It was rather late, and he was far too tired to bother with being dignified. They had to discuss some kind of plan before he could go to sleep though, he knew, so he half-heartedly rolled onto his side while Cloud was voicing his opinions. “We could always feed them to that monster that lives in the marshes,” Raiden joked with a faint chuckle. There wasn't actually anything in the marshes–as far as he knew, it was just a story people told their children to scare them. “but honestly? I'd say our best bet is to set up an ambush in the cave, it would be easier to trap them… or pick them off, your pick.”

“Either way, I'm going to bed now.” Raiden announced with a slur, rolling back onto his face and closing his eyes. If they had anything else to say they could tell him tomorrow.


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