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2:19 pm
April 20, 2015


posts 41

And possibly get back into this? Or has my character been killed off again… :P
I'm happy to wait until the next chapter. Could I possibly have a summary of what's happened in chapter 6?

2:25 pm
April 20, 2015


posts 180

Your character is not dead, simply on the Highwind with Cid. You can certainly jump back in.

Since we last saw you we all borded the Highwind, rescued by Cid and San's new character SOLDIER 1st Class Leveche. Deciding we needed to find more about Hollander and Genesis we departed for Junon, Cid landing out in the plains. Tsuna, Cloud, and Leveche entered lower Junon and then upper Junon under the guise of being Leveche's prisoners. We made our way through the city to the elevator leading down to the Underwater Reactor. Upon entered the reactor our gig was up but before anything could be done an intruder alarm sounded, which turned out to be for Genesis. Going deeper looking for Hollander's lab we found a pretty grizzly seen and following Genesis path of destruction we reached the lab where he has confronted our characters and made his desire for Jenova, or at least our cells, known. Before anything could happen some sort of concussive blast or explosion has rocked the underwater reactor and we're just about to (maybe) fight Genesis. 

Feel free to figure out a way to join us in the fight, or simply wait a bit. You're more than welcome to rejoin. 

2:28 pm
April 20, 2015


posts 41

Sounds like I'll have Snow join in the fight then! I'll get a post up by tomorrow.

2:29 pm
April 20, 2015


posts 180

Awesome! Glad you're back.

1:06 pm
April 21, 2015


posts 41

Thanks, glad to see this is still going! Where do I find my character details again? I can't remember her abilities and that.

1:50 pm
April 21, 2015


posts 180

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