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These are single-use objects that fulfill some purpose. They may be purchased at any time, but once used, they disappear. Items have an assortment of purposes and using the right one, at the right time, can turn the tides of battle.
Custom Items.
Making custom items is possible, but require a skill to do so. No role currently is able to make items, but that does no mean that one does not exist.

Name. Effect. Munny.
Potion Restores 30% Max HP to one person. 150
Hi-Potion Restores 60% Max HP to one person. 300
Mega-Potion Restores 40% Max HP to party. 500
Ether Restores 30% Max MP to one person. 200
Hi-Ether Restores 60% Max MP to one person. 450
Mega-Ether Restores 40% Max MP to party. 650
Elixir Fully restores HP and MP for one person. 1000
Megalixir Fully restores HP and MP for party. 2000
Eye Drops Cures Blind. 250
Antidote Cures Poison. 250
Echo Cures Silence. 250
Panacea Cures all negative status effects. 600

H o m e p a g e.
R u l e s.
C r e a t i o n.
R a c e s.
C h o s e n.
F o r u m.
C l a s s e s.
O r g a n i z a t i o n.
M a g i c.
A b i l i t i e s.
A r m o r y.
S y n t h e s i s.
U n i v e r s e.