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Deep Jungle.
A world of lush jungles deeply untouched by man. The jungle has never been fully explored, but is inhabited largely by animals such as monkeys and jaguars. Tarzan, a man raised by monkeys, along with Jane and Professor Archimedes Porter and Clayton work together to research the jungle. New beasts have been found in the jungle that haven’t been seen before..

Tree House.
The Tree House is the old home of Tarzan and his family. They lived here with the jungle until Tarzan’s parents were killed when he was still a baby. Since, the Tree House has been mainly destroyed and is little more than a place of old memories to Tarzan. The only way up is to climb trees and the only way down is the slide down them.
The Jungle takes up most of the area of Deep Jungle. Much of it has gone unexplored due to the ferocious beasts that live there. Tarzan grew up here with the monkeys and learn to survive by acting like one of them. As of late, mysterious beasts have began popping up and acting both the wildlife and the few humans that live here. There kind has never been seen here before and no one knows where they have come from.
The Camp is where Jane and Professor Archimedes Q. Porter and Clayton live and do their research. It is a clearing in the jungle surrounded on most sides by tall bamboo stalks. Tarzan and Clayton do the best to protect the camp from any predators that would interrupt the Porters’ research.

H o m e p a g e.
R u l e s.
C r e a t i o n.
R a c e s.
C h o s e n.
F o r u m.
C l a s s e s.
O r g a n i z a t i o n.
M a g i c.
A b i l i t i e s.
A r m o r y.
S y n t h e s i s.
U n i v e r s e.