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Disney Castle.
A world that is the base of operations for Mickey’s Army. Disney Castle is a large white and blue castle surround by Disney Town, the home of the army and normal inhabitants. King Mickey has opened his world to any he saves from the heartless and allows them to join his army if they so choose. This world was once protected by the Cornerstone of Light until King Mickey found and keyhole and locked out the heartless.

Audience Chamber.
Deep within King Mickey’s castle, the audience chamber is where the King meets with those you wish to speak with him. King Mickey allows his castle to be open for those you wish to come and is friendly to all. If he has time to meet, the King will speak and help all those who ask for it. He is a King of the people and wishes for all to be well. Even those who have fallen to darkness.
Disney Town.
Here the general population of the world reside. Those that King Mickey save and wish to join his army are given room and the king will make sure all needs are met until the refugee becomes adjusted to life here. People live here and peace knowing they are protected by their wise King.

H o m e p a g e.
R u l e s.
C r e a t i o n.
R a c e s.
C h o s e n.
F o r u m.
C l a s s e s.
O r g a n i z a t i o n.
M a g i c.
A b i l i t i e s.
A r m o r y.
S y n t h e s i s.
U n i v e r s e.