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Mysterious Tower.
A world and home of the powerful sage Yen Sid. Yen Sid, the creator of the ability able to hurt the heartless, stays here in solitude, taking guests if they find their way here. It is said that Yen Sid was once a powerful Keyblade Master and sealed the keyhole of this world even before the heartless came around. It is also said he was the master to King Mickey and is an adviser to the wise King. It is made up of a single tower surrounded by a few trees.

Mysterious Tower.
The home of the powerful sage, ex-keyblade master, Yen Sid. Here is where Yen Sid discovered an ability to attack with one’s heart to fight the heartless. His wisdom is legendary and even the wise King Mickey comes to him for advise. The sage will still guide keybladers on they way to master their heart and weapon.

H o m e p a g e.
R u l e s.
C r e a t i o n.
R a c e s.
C h o s e n.
F o r u m.
C l a s s e s.
O r g a n i z a t i o n.
M a g i c.
A b i l i t i e s.
A r m o r y.
S y n t h e s i s.
U n i v e r s e.